Zelda Tears of Kingdom thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, May 5, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just thought I'd have a separate thread for zelda totk. Currently emulating it with ryujinx and it's fairly fun I could see it being pretty amazign in the the context of on the go gaming, it does get a bit tedious when you are at home though imo. Link doesn't move too fast and the world is way too big so you either find horses or use various tech to get around faster. Teleport is there but only to shrines which are scattered around the world but very rare in certain parts of the map like the south coast part. I always run because of the stamina cheat and also the infinite jumps cheat makes it go faster too.

    I use the cheats for stamina, life, weapon deg, infinite jump and such to cut out the busy work and just plain not fun sim aspects. They work fine in ryujinx. I get about 30fps in the outside world and usually 40-60 in underground and shrines, vsync off and I use vulcan. There are opengl shaders out there but never bothered because it's not unplayable stuttery like Mario Odyssey was. It's like an NES game world compared to RDR2 which I'm also playing.

    This and BOTW are WAY overrated though. It's the same handful of enemies mostly or a variation of what you've already seen, hinoks,etc It is better than BOTW though, I could never get into that game. This one I'm ok with but am a bit tired of it after 10hrs or so since I've ran around huge parts of the map, same shrines using the special abilities, collectithon, enemies chasing you all over guarding loot chests etc Discoverable minor side quests, major quest of finding zelda and the steps you need to take to do that etc Some various side characters usually with their own missions but you have to track them down and do some talking to them for a bit, no radio in this world lol

    I'm fairly used to the controls using my xbone pad for the pro controller so it works fine. Fairly intuitive controls. No real graphics settings available in game, should have had fps max lock, vsync etc but had to do that with ryujinx and ncp. Switch size of the whole game is about 16gb which is odd since I think BOTW was around 25gb total size weird. It's too bright in a lot of places and needed either a dynamic exposure adjustment or brightness gamma setting in the game but none of that.
    Hertzian56, May 5, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Still playing some impressions. The build mechanic is WAY over used in this game, they want you to constantly be using it to get around and do other things and it's tedious I skip it as much as possible by using the inf stamina to just run my a off, the in game map is of course not accurate as to the real size of the map, common trick the designers use to give a false impression of size when it's really a LOT smaller. But there is a lot of empty space in the world no doubt. Every time you get to talking to someone at some remote place they seem to refer you all the way across the world to talk to someone else about it, totally cringe way of filler gameplay. Nintendo is just as deceptive as the other game makers, dumbo simpletons eat it up though.

    The map and traversal game logic is similar to AC Odyssey, it's just way too spread out so you're constantly fast traveling, lots of filler and it just becomes so boring and really not fun at some point. After you've explored a quarter of the map you've essentially seen it all, rest is just variations same goes for the enemies, lazyaf stuff. This game makes me want to go play Elden Ring which has a large world but it's not as overwhelming and is more hand crafted seeming. The fast travel points are few and far between other than shrines which I don't even bother with doing just initiate it for the fast travel point then back out of it. And the beauty and such of maps like rdr2 and elden ring is stunning compared to this game eh. The big plus here is to see it early, play it a bit and it can run in a windowed config easily so I can tab in and out easily and also watch something on the same laptop screen, similar to say Dead Cells and of course other emulators etc

    Combat is ok, it gets tedious as well fighting the same variation of enemies for some trinket in a chest somewhere there's nothing to it other than OCD completeness etc And also if you bother with the boringaf sim aspects which I don't using the cheats totally bypass all that bunk. Eh couldn't imagine paying 60-70 for this, people have a lot of money to waste on toys but this is a bit ridiculous.

    And I don't like the "stores" everywhere everything is for sale about hoarding things so you can buy other things, it's better to fight certain HVT's and grab their better drops. And no other way to get decent clothes but buy them but that comes later, early game you're running around in your underwear, very family friendly nintendont. Don't think there have not been crypto-jew japs for centuries and that they are not in charge of modern japan since they were destroyed and rebuilt by the jewmasons in the US army. The major reason for japan's destruction really, THEIR order out of THEIR chaos, rebuilt in shyster fashion, easy to see in modern japan with it's vending machines everywhere, it's artificially expensive megacities and such. A delightfully idiosyncratic culture due to isolation was completely obliterated and they just cling to it in spirit but not in reality now. Sad.

    This game also displays the politics of making games primarily for japanese, who are so infantilized and nannied that they think it's normal, it's not. So for instance you have to confirm multiple times you want to do this or that, not just in game but in the settings and loading your file and such. It's just exhausting with nintendont games overall. And the hoarding of coins/gold is classic nintendont, conditioning to it and also the gambling training it gives to children to grow up and be into gambling of various forms. Pachinko is a big one in japan among other forms. Ugh.
    Hertzian56, May 5, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Well I went around the above ground part of the map too soon looks like. The skytowers needed to be unlocked first but I just went off exploring first and actually have fast travel points all over the map at the shrines, now it will be faster to do the skytowers for even more map reveal and fast travel points. I never did the depths part when looking for zelda either so never got the ground not loading in v1, just inf double jumped into the castle and saw the cutscene totally fine w that tbh. I'm about 10hrs in and the glider like in botw does help a lot w traversal especially with the inf double jump cheat works really well to get around. Even all the way up into the sky part of the map just use it to get up there.

    Now doing the 4 regions of unrest part as pura or paya the main chief of the center town says fixing those will help find zelda, mmkay. A few minor side quests and the glyph quest which is not explained too well. You do get the quest but exactly how you're supposed to explore the glyphs isn't well explained, they're like crop circles on the above ground part of the map. I think it will go much faster now with the fast travel points and largely ignoring most of the side quests and trying to do main quest all I"m really interested in tbh kinda bored already though. Shrines don't interest me as they're just a variation of the ones in botw where you manipulated balls etc This just features using your special abilities as needed to get to the finish.

    Eh it's better than botw since I never really got into that one. I use FSR which in some situations gives a boost but in most really doesn't do much, probably because switch doesn't go below 720p my guess so for FSR to work it needs to be rendering at below that and then upscaling it, essentially fancy AA, to look like a higher resolution. Maybe I could try 1440p with fsr and see the same fps have to try it, but like I said this emulating uses pretty much the same gpu/cpu and sysram as RDR2 does at 1080p-no dlss but native, which looks stunning to me. So it's hard to think dsr to 1440p then using FSR is going to result in the same or lower hardware usage.
    Hertzian56, May 6, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So I've gotten to the water temple and also death mountain and both bosses have a bug related to the cheats unfortunately. It seems that after the initial early fight when they change "phases" as they say the stamina cheat makes these bosses invincible. So thankfully I had a backup save folder before any of these bosses and before the skytowers so I'll have to do some backtracking it won't be so bad with the water temple puzzles because I know how they work it should go fast. You CAN leave THIS boss battle after you've started but you lose progress to defeating the boss. So I did that and went to the death mountain and got to that boss, couldn't figure it out so tried to leave that boss as well, but you CANT do that with this boss apparently. So be careful.

    Game is pretty good. Unfortunately I'm still on the initial version which the improved cheats don't work on. v110 sounds not worth it at this point. It looks like yuzu version and you have to go around finding firmware etc not worth it. Wait until it gets to a point where someone just bundles it all together in a standalone package like the version I have that includes both ryu and yuzu emus that confirmed run the xci file. Plug, setup, play easy. I'm still around 30-35fps and 45-55fps in the shrines or low npc areas. It's set to 720/1080 native and FSR 80, vulcan. Runs well enough and you build the shaders as you play so it gets smoother coming back to it daily. I currently have around 7200 shaders since I've been around the whole surface world, have not been to the underworld nor the whole sky world but parts of the sky world as the whole training and early game is in the nucleus sky world.


    https://github.com/bad1dea/NXCheats/tree/main/The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
    Hertzian56, May 7, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    This leak most likely happened due to nintendos hostile attitude towards emulation and copyright like youtube videos and such as well as suing the hell out of individuals. They are pretty unpopular in the gaming community despite the outsize hollerings of the fanboys and acolytes who will excuse anything, lots of people like that all over in all sorts of issues. They seem to think everyone is a console slave and that everyone is a good little japanese salaryman whom is grateful for table scraps as a dog is. Nah. As I mentioned the japs are one of the most infantilized learned helplessness people post ww2 of all time. I also think the heavy handed japanese leadership are bullheaded and full of pride, they obviously need to release their games for pc and other platforms, that's what they make the most profit off of anyways. Hardware is very costly to make, distribute and service and such and takes millions of sales to break even most likely. I get it N has a huge acolyte zealot base like apple and such so sales are no problem IF your games can ONLY be played on your hardware, FAIL.

    Nintendo also is pretty obvious a greedster company that only cares for maximum profits at all times, regardless of the customers. To lock old games behind a single clunky online store at outrageous prices does not help them, even discontinuing stores locked to consoles and other autocratic things, the 3ds is a good example of such, broken promises all over that. 60+$ for a 900p game is a little egregious as well. Most people play at 1080p and more and more at 2k/4k so hard to think they would not emulate these games and run better look better than the console. Nintendonts pricing is egregious in pretty much everything it sells. They are approaching EA levels of unpopularity and that takes some real talent. I am not sure how switch discs work but if you have the whole base game on them that does not require online functionality to play that is in their favor.
    Hertzian56, May 8, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    PS I got the last v1 set of cheats which fixes the stamina boss invincibility bug and was able to beat the water temple boss, wasn't easy but got it done by flying up and slowly parachuting down while spamming with my bow with the water splash attachment and also using one of the electric eyes I had picked up attached to arrows for massive damage to the boss. The game does seem to crash more with these new cheats though so I may switch back to the old ones until I get to a boss fight again, probably has to do with the new ones as that's the only change I've made before consistent crashes.
    Hertzian56, May 8, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I now have 3/4 of the regional problems done, this is required to track down zelda. Only death mountain now. By and large it's a fun game but I'm a bit bored of it. The four regional conflicts are just variations of the same thing with different tribes. I do like the puzzle stuff but largely skip the enemies scattered around the world, it's fun for a bit but gets old. This is similar to AC odyssey with it's hundreds of these type of enemy encampments and such. BoringAF at some point. Filler. TOTK has non story npc missions too all over also similar to AC odyssey and at some point it's just boringaf filler too. So death mountain then the glyphs which I'm not sure are required for the story or not, seems like not.

    I did make it into the underground finally and yeah I got the ground not loading bug which is fixed in newer builds v11 etc but it's not game breaking so far and not a big deal either. The plants still load in so you can kinda see the ground it's just that you have black space between the foliage. Apart from the first thing where it says to go underground to find zelda I've not noticed any other story required stuff down there. For that I just inf jumped into the castle and it triggered the zelda showing up and disappaering which leads into the regional conflict stuff. The underground is not too interesting so far either and is huge. I did get the hyrule tunic down there from picking up a map above ground with the "x" marks the spot for it. I see about 20hrs or so for my tastes until I get too bored of it. I think I'm at around 12hrs now. Without the cheats I wouldn't bother, it's too much of a grind fest for me. And the annoying sim aspects of getting too hot or too cold and such is also tedious and not fun to me, that's negated with the cheats which work well now after I fixed them manually. No more consistent crashes, I do get one here and there occasionally but it takes a long time in between.
    Hertzian56, May 9, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I removed the 30 fps mod and the fsr artifacting mod from my ryujinx mods folder and the game is a lot more stable and smoother, of course I have a large shader cache file after 22 hours or so of play so that helps. I have to say it is pretty fun game and looks to be 30-40hrs for me and certainly I'm cutting out a lot of hours with the cheats and only doing the occasional side missions so this could easily be 50hrs or more for semi-completionist playthrough. There are a lot of UI/QOL annoyances that nintendo seems to repeat over and over but otherwise it's a solid game, definitely better than BOTW because they have improved upon what they started in that game and the experience shows. They need to be a little more explicit with what needs to happen next in the game to advance as far as markers and details and do some more hand holding.

    I thought I was pretty much done with the main story after doing the regional bosses and the boss at hyrule castle, but not so. Now I am working on the 5th sages body in the underworld and the physics puzzles can be maddening but they are fun to try to figure out and of course you can cut out and go traveling and do the many side quests from various npcs spread all over the map. Really solid game.

    I have to say though that nintendo lost no sale here, I wasn't going to buy a switch for one game and switch owners who are playing it now with the leaked version will likely buy the official version for ease of patches and content. I last owned a nintendo console a few years ago and it was a used 3ds, nintendo only has a handful of games for that I was interested in like less than 5 and they were dirt cheap by the time I wanted a portable travel console. Played the hell out of those 5 and sold everything made more than I paid for all of it. Nintendo didn't see a dime there so ehh. I think they would make a lot more money by hiring less lawyers and such more than they lose by people who were never going to buy a switch for this game. N games have been emulated for a long long time and from what I understand BOTW is 60+fps/4k+ now on emulators, silky smooth with included full shader files. Your average N game is too simple compared to adult oriented games to be big sellers among adults who game, it's the kids they get them for mostly.

    I have to say that totk is pretty involved non-voiced dialogue mostly with text and also complex controls that would make it hard for your average under 10 yrs old to play, could be wrong though with them growing up with cell phones, tablets and such but I don't see it for that demographic. The puzzles alone are moderately hard for adults, kids would walk away. This includes difficulty in environmental puzzles too which can begin to be a chore with the intricacy, I was able to skip a lot with the inf jump cheat but someone on a switch couldn't do that.
    Hertzian56, May 10, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I'm around 23hrs in and just found the 5th sage underground and fought and defeated the robot boss so now I have to find the master sword, to find the deku tree somehow for clues on that. Then 5 more glyphs to find and also something about hyrule castle and finding zelda. So it's a pretty decent length main story with a few side stuff, the cheats definitely cut out at least 5 hours so I'm thinking 50+hrs for the main quest group. The very main quest maybe that alone though not sure. I wish there was a bit more direction given though, a lot of the time involved is just looking up what to do and where to go online, which indicates bad writing and such. Not because the player can feel lost but that the game has no options to get hints of various levels, maybe just basic ones like the npcs give you but 2 more levels in the UI would be nice to have.

    For a casual gamer this probably would take months to finish between sessions and the problem is that you'd have to relearn all the controls and other things too. More likely to just move on to a simpler game like a mario or similar if you're using it on the go. Zelda is a prime series for a PC and regular console release. Modern games usually give you a lot of direction or at least have a whole menu dedicated to it if it's not contextual in game. I doubt I'll finish this if it goes much longer it gets old having to go online and ask questions as to how to do things, this is beyond the physics based puzzles which can be fun but also can get pretty tedious.

    And if this was native PC option and the current regular consoles it would be a piece of cake to max out as far as taxing the hardware. Emulating adds a lot of requirements to just get 30fps on this title which is a bit ridiculous. I know that there are those playing higher than 1080p 60fps though, however those are the exceptions that spend 800+ on a gpu, screens, cpu etc it's not a casual gamer setup. I can only do 25-35 ground world, 20-25 when in populated villages on my mid range laptop with an 10300h, 2060m 90w, 16gb ram. I can approach 50-60 but only in enclosed temples with minimal physics going on. There was no sale lost here by nintendo, switch just does not appeal too much since I'm not an on the go type anyways. I don't ride the bus or take the train or hang out in coffee shops and when I take trips I don't want to play games much rather focus on the trip.

    For the money I'd rather stick it into the bank and save up for a mid range gpu, xx60, laptop that can do everything a computer can do and play games at better settings and such. It is also on the go you just need to have a desk and sitting which you would likely need for a switch as well for real gaming. I also like the 15.6 or larger screen for my eyes, smaller screen makes your eyes work too hard imo and is not good for children either for that and other reasons. 100 million sales plus for the switch is amazing but I don't know that it's out of the range for the other consoles at the 6 year mark. The Japanese market is a huge boost for them as they are console crazy over there. It also gets the childrens market more too. Switch games can be cartridges as well so no internet necessary probably easier for children and on the go of course, you own the game afaik for real instead of just renting it with the digitally bought ones for the most part. Only options for pc are those that don't require online to start it up and I'm not sure how many of those there are, I've never used steam or epic. I think epic is better about it when they give away games and such but a lot of the publishers require their own logins and have drm layers and such making it a huge problem. Getting the free versions on the high seas means you own the game, can install it on as many systems as you want and the various logins are removed or activated via emulation so no need to bother with them. The drm may still be running and thus hampering game perf a bit but at least it's automatic and you don't have to deal with accounts and such.

    For this the v1 totk xci is about 16gb and the shaders at where I am are about 1.4gb on top of that so I'd think this would be around 20gb total, inline with what I remember botw being that may have been closer to 25gb total.
    Hertzian56, May 12, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Hertzian56, May 12, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Finally updated to v1.10 because I am at a point in the game where you have to be in the depths a lot and the ground not loading in properly in v1 made it really frustrating. V110 fixed that and who knows what else I'm probably well past mid game by now afa the main story quest, and I'll need to look it up where I am because I've heard there is no gameplay beyond the finale and I want to do some of the side quests of which there are a ton of from npcs for anyone who's walked through a village and also in the wild a fair bit too. The one guy that holds up the signs for the presidents campaign or whatnot is one I'd like to see to.

    Right so upon getting a shader file, the v11 nsp file which is 317mb and updating then dialing in settings and playing some burn in time it does seem to work fine now, about high 20s to high 30s FPS most of the time in places that are explored but it can get down to the teens in places underground with high npc monsters population etc. The main loading screen is usually 60fps but could probably go higher since I limit all my games to 60fps in ncp. I only have a mid range 2060m 6gbvram 90w laptop with an i510300h, 16gb ram and am at the native setting on ryujinx which says 720/1080 so probably includes 900p which I think is what this runs at docked on a real switch at 20-30fps.

    I tried the uploaders presets for QOL mod files but it made the game worse for me, that includes the 30fps mod, just never made it better but worse. No mods just one cheats file works fine. I'm vulcan, shader file was around 11000-13k so took a while, no vsync, xbone controller, I think fsr 65, etc

    I am also using cheats sourced from the github and gbatemp which speed up links movement 1.5x seems to be ideal but it also speeds up enemies. Everything feels a lot more zippy though even at the same fps.

    So yeah exploring the depths to find a certain place where a certain boss may be hiding or waiting. I've noticed the best way to explore the depths is to go above ground, fall into the chasms and usually there's a light room nearby. Just wandering through the dark chasms looking for light rooms is a pain and you'll need lots of brightbloom seeds to just see where you're going. Don't bother. Some places don't have light rooms which light up a large part of the area around them have them few and far between and the connecting areas between chasms are hard to find without brightbloom seeds or some huge flashlight you take with you.
    Hertzian56, May 13, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I'm almost done w the main story as I'm to where you know where the last boss is and it's no surprise where he is, duh same place just lower down. Nintendonts cringeworthy filler strategies written all over this game are more insults that I feel sorry for the fanboys who will excuse it happily forking over 70$ for this 20-30fps 720-900p game on a 300$ console, wow just wow. At least nintendont could have come up with an upscaling tech to boost the fps to approaching standard 60, nah why spend the money or use the existing tech, dumbos going to fork out the money anyways. This stuff is like drugs and other addictions but at least it costs me only the hardware which is midrange and I use it for multiple other reasons everyday. And the Switch? not so much.

    The 10/10s are just a small addition to the dung pile of fake journalism we've had from the beginning really. How dumb can people be to take seriously the ratings, reviews and otherwise, of any of those whose slacker lifestyle is dependent on selling games and advertising? It's been the same way with books for a couple of centuries, publishers are all jewmasons and pick who gets published wide release duh. Newspapers are garbage unless it's cut and dried, this car collided with this one because of drunk, there is a flood here due to heavy rain and neglected drainage system(no faf political "climate change", cc, 33), this person was murdered by a robber, this bank was robbed, you know stuff that has a logical story that is verifiable independently ie call the police dept, go outside and see the car wreck etc And if you believe the internet is not stacked with ai bots you're even more in fantasy zombieland. Metacritic "user" reviews get targeted by bots for 10s all the time, in jubisofts case the ceo, employees bonuses are linked to reviews so you don't think the thousands of people and in the case of the CEO the MILLIONS of dollars at stake isn't enough for shenanigans? Sheesh dumbos.

    I still need to find the rest of the glyphs but got a map of them for that, it's not that interesting flying around looking for them only to be stopped by the game LOD from seeing them etc I have the v11 cheats which can speed the game up nicely, running, flying etc it's all speeded up. I get on average 30-50fps on v11 ryujinx with a largely all explored world, sky to depths, shader cache of 60mb and vulkan nvidia cache files of 457mb so whole cache folder is about 500mb. The cheats are essential for stamina, no weapon degradation and similar. I have yet to find one that negates the annoying dropping weapons when shocked, you go to all the trouble of getting some decent weapons and then they're usually lost when fighting enemies with shock power like the dragon which I lost one of my lynel savage bows fighting, thankfully I had picked up 2 of them underground when I was at the stadium where you fight 5 of those bastards in succession. Even with cheats those were pretty difficult to get done.

    I'll be around 35-40hrs to complete the main stories and the odd side quest here and there, mapping most of the underground w light roots, a dozen or so clothing armor stuff, couple horses in the stable, lots of shrines discovered but only about 5 done though. The underground follows the above ground map in boundaries and such making it pretty cheaply done by nintendo and the friendly npcs are VERY few and far between down there making it largely just a more empty filler space but not as empty and filler as the sky part. The sky is mainly just the beginning part, one of the regional boss areas, and here and there stuff but there's nothing huge outside of the first part it's all minimal and scattered. And I rarely use the special abilities outside of mission mandated parts.
    Hertzian56, May 15, 2023
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    This game is super easy to pick up and play in windowed mode while watching something on the same screen and also easy to have a browser open and do stuff there, whereas RDR2 and other games are really geared towards fullscreen exclusive, major reason I play this really. I have a ton of other emulator games including botw but have not done them for a while. But correction on the average fps, mostly in the 20-30 range but sometimes in some areas it does go to 38-40 range like the sky where there's not much there and on the main menu it's 60. if it's a new area it can get down into the 16fps range and of course lots of npcs but lately if it's on hyrule field it stays in the 20s for big battles so eh.

    This game is kabbalistic, the hidden occult symbolism makes it pretty clear but even in the story it's jewmasonic light/dark, one of satans great lies. According to this story you need the dark to have the light and so on, that's sort of true as far as your material visual eyes and such but spiritually this is totally false and that's what they are misusing this analogy to push. In God there is no darkness and it is not necessary to have it. In this game it pushes that lie by satan. There have been jews in japan who have interbred and taken on the ethnic type for centuries just like other countries. They say that in Isaiah it's referred to as Sinim, as in sino or asian today. When the 10 tribes of Israel separated from the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin they largely went east but also went other places. By that time the ideology of the elders was in place, the satanism of solomon was also in place so they took the essence of talmudism and kabbalism with them. Kabbalism is much older and likely is just the darkest version of the fallen angels creed, the 33%. Has been fully revealed to the deicide god killers and they've used it for centuries but only in the last 200yrs or so completely taking over high places.

    The dark is not it's own thing, it's just an absence of light, but these kabbalists deceptively setup the dark as it's own thing that is necessary, nah that's just more satans lies. You can see this in the checkerboard of the masons all over and other occult symbolism, janus the two faced god, the androgyne of the two sexes mixed in the same body of baphomet trannyism hermeticism etc. So in the context you would get the satanic balance of the kabbalah, so you need to do bad to balance the good and vice versa. These misanthropes that call themselves philanthropists really just spread their darkness around. Even where they seemingly donate to good causes it's always with strings attached in various ways so as to be self serving to their satanic beliefs. And they always make sure it's well known they donated such and such, so as to getting the crediblity as an additional reward. This is not the selfless charity of objective truth, this is falsehood with a coat of paint on it, makeup on a pig, polishing a turd etc And yeah I've seen this on the front page of their tv scripts, lux in tenebrae, a paraphrase of St John the Apostles writings "the light works in the darkness but the darkness knows it not" to paraphrase myself. They as satanists invert this and to them they are the light, lux lucifer, and the people are dark etc The hidden workings of judaeo-masonry egyptian-babylonian transcultists of the old world which warranted destruction in many places in the Bible. Sodom and Gomorrah was one place, the Flood was another and Apocalypse will be the final destruction of these satanists for all time.
    Hertzian56, May 15, 2023
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The kabbalism is also reflected in the inversion of the depths, it's exactly the map of the above ground which is kind of weird. Caves don't usually mirror the surface in real life, it's a separate system formed by different processes. Then you have the skylands which are just a handful and not used too much other than the first part. So As above so below is physically implemented, subtle. Still I'm to the final boss Ganondorf and just need to go down into the depths and find him to trigger the final battle. Plan on just doing some of the many npc small little stories some are kind of funny interesting.

    I don't think this is worth $70 either, it's the same recycled BOTW world with add ons and some new mechanics and powers but otherwise it's not anything new really. I guess if you're into N enough to buy their lackluster consoles then it is probably a given you'll get it. At least you actually own it with the cartridge but you'll need to connect to nintendo to get the updates and if they offer dlcs for purchase. 6 years of development seem pretty lazy or minimal for this one, similar to the 8 years of development for CP77 which is a decent game but is really lazy coding, lots of bugs, main story isn't that long either. At least it looks really good graphics wise and is slated to get one major story DLC later this year. It seems like they star-puck too much and the DLC is supposed to have idris elba and keanu returning. The celeb stuff is totally unnecessary and the money they pay these people could have been spent on coding and other stuff. Not to mention the cost of the marketing which is probably MORE than they spent on the whole rest of the game. So celebs and marketing is the priority for CPDR, ugh.

    Back to TOTK, just emulate it don't bother otherwise. In fact if you played BOTW it's just more of that with minimal new stuff. Same old story to keep you busy. Even those who have the console and buy the game are emulating it for maximum graphics as the switch is as woefullly underpowered as the Wii was. If I traveled a lot on buses, planes and such I might think about it as a used item with the 2-5 games that would be fun and used as well so not anywhere near what N wants for this stuff. But I'm pretty sure the steam deck can also run N games in emulation so there you go.
    Hertzian56, May 18, 2023
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Finished the game.It was over 24hrs and probably 30+,( ryujinx gives time played in 1d,xh,ysecs format and I can't remember what the hours over 24 is atm) to finish main quest and final boss fight, not too shabby and using the speed up and inf life etc cheats hurried it up for sure by a dozen hours at least. I also did a lot of small side missions and little stuff, exploring etc.

    I did enjoy it it's a fun game, but like I said there's a lot of recycling from botw that doesn't really justify 6 years of dev time and the 70 price tag. May as well go w botw at a cheaper price and call it good, watch the cutscenes from this one on yt. But I guess if you're sunk into it as deep as buying a switch you may as well get it if you're bent on playing it mobile. I don't know what resale value is on botw maybe claw some back on that to reduce the cost of this one, it's likely superior and more complete although the main story is the same media length as botw per the website linked below about 50hrs.

    I was on V11, ryujinx 11792, game was on my nvme, shaders were like 15500. Median on howlong is 50hr main story so yeah using the speed up running and walking and etc cheats really cut a lot of time out of it and also the 30x damage to enemies multiplier cut a lot of time out as well, which is totally fine for me I'm not one who enjoys attrition style gaming a la dark souls.

    The graphics, world exploration, side missions and such are more fun to me than hit and miss combat dying a hundred times before getting it, frustration factor and the time factor there. I don't have tons of time to play but want the high points and freedom to do this or that side thing that interests me and then do the combat and such at my own pace for the main story.

    Hertzian56, May 19, 2023
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Correction it took about 34hrs to finish main quest, all glyphs, most shrines discovered but only 5 or so done, vast majority of underground light roots activated, lots of exploring, a few of the side quests, most skytowers done. After finishing main quest you can only load up the last save before you go into the final battle. After a certain point it will not let you save down in the castle chasm on the way to the final showdown. But the clear autosave has a star on it to signify it's a completed game. So there is no post boss fight gameplay.
    Hertzian56, May 19, 2023
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    After wandering and doing a few of the side quests, finishing up most of the underground colliseums and etc I'm at about 50hrs in. And I have to say I'm bored of this game now, it's only good for windowed mode while watching something else on the same screen of my laptop. It's easier to jump in and out of for internet and etc I got one part of the frog armor for doing 4 of the stable quests with Pitt. Eh not much else I'm interested in doing but I'll probably keep playing while watching something, kind of like my gma who used to play solitaire and watch a small tv next to the computer in the same room.

    As per my comment on gbatemp on the official review of this game it's a 7.5-8. But there are people who can play for hundreds of hours wow I just couldn't imagine it w this game but there is enough there if you want to do all the chores, fetchs, collectibles etc just sounds so inane though. At least RDR2 theres a lot more realism and variability IMO, not to mention real beauty to the world.

    There are a handful of mods for this on nexus now but nothing that a simple set of txt cheats like I use couldn't do by and large. Oddball stuff like making characters giants seems strange to want to do. I only have the glowing master sword mod and did dl the FPV mod for camera mode but seems too hacky imo. Needs to be like the fpp for RDR2 which is true FPP not a hack.
    Hertzian56, May 24, 2023
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