What game are you playing now

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just thought I'd put general game thread here like notebookreview had, good for general gaming commentary.

    Lately playing RDR2 and it's great but buggy. I do mod it but it's not a heavy modding friendly game so not more than about 20-30 mods and also I use Rampage trainer which has about 100 mods built into it, really great. I use the updated empress version to 1311.23, she does have a 1461/68 version from early 22 but I've found that for sp offline play it's not necessary really. Only thing about that is that it has dlss/fsr, but I play native 1080p and get 60 locked most of the time no need for tricks. 1311 is over a year after the game came out on pc so it's not much different from the latest version in the context of SP only offline. I use the offline content unlocker for sp gaming and it works fine, none of the heists but eh plenty of game there.
    Hertzian56, Mar 20, 2023
    MrDale93 likes this.
  2. Hertzian56


    Dec 12, 2017
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    West Yorkshire
    I'm playing through GTA IV again, its been maybe 9 years since I played it last, and back then it was on Xbox 360. As far as I know this was 720p, locked at 30fps and after finishing the story & DLC I would just mess around online in free roam, trying to get to the Annihilator at the airport. Now, I'm playing it on my PC. This is locked at 59fps as its not exactly a good port and going above 60 causes issues with cut scenes and the camera. I play this at 1440p as 4K is overkill for a monitor in my opinion, and this time Im going for 100% instead of messing around.
    MrDale93, Apr 6, 2023
    Hertzian56 likes this.
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Yeah it's one of the top three in that franchise imo There is way more detail and handcrafting to it than 5 has, there's a video called why gtaiv is better than v on youtube that goes through all the little details in there vs 5. The story is also more gritty and realistic than the hollywood blockbuster story of 5. The previous 3d cycle was also amazing with VC and SA. In 4 you can also use dxvk to fix a lot of performance problems, this also helps a ton with asscreed odyssey and other older games that had perf problems.

    Hertzian56, Apr 17, 2023
    MrDale93 likes this.
  4. Hertzian56


    Dec 12, 2017
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    West Yorkshire
    You're not wrong, there's a load of ways in which it is better than 5. Ive seen these videos pop up every now and again but never watched one. After playing 4 again recently and paying much more attention to things in game than 16 year old me ever did, the world detail and the way everything just works is hugely better. I like how you can go to a Burger Shot in game and be served by one person, drive by again later and that person is outside smoking whilst some body else is serving.

    4's story is great, definitely far darker than 5 is but I don't dislike that one at all. It could have done with a better soundtrack I reckon, the lack of any sort of metal station is annoying and I definitely don't class Channel X as anywhere near this. 3, Vice City, San Andreas are all some of my favourite games, maybe we will get to see Vice City again in 6 if its released in the next 100 years or so.
    MrDale93, Apr 19, 2023
    Hertzian56 likes this.
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    4's definitely on the coming up list for me after rdr2 or as a second game like CP77 is for me now. I still have the EFLC dlc disc somewhere but of course moved onto just grabbing the free versions long ago no need for discs or online launchers or any of that garbage.

    And again you probably don't need it but putting the dxvk files in where the EXE file is, is supposed to really fix a lot of the perf problems in this game. I don't bother with anything but sticking the files in with the EXE, maybe some of the other tricks mentioned might help but if just putting the files in there doesn't can't image the other tricks would.


    I've used dxvk on ACodyssey and it brought up the fps lows by about 10fps, I lock mine at 60fps max on this 2060m i5 laptop, so lows went from 30s to 40s-50s using dxvk layer. I'll definitely have it in there next time I play 4.
    Hertzian56, Apr 19, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Tears of the Kingdom on ryujinx works pretty good around 30fps in open world sometimes more and in the shrines it's 45-60 I have all games max fps of 60 in ncp. It's just ok fairly entertaining reminds me of that jubisoft icarus game a few years ago but just less good looking and emptier world, similar to BOTW which I could never really get into. I hear botw is rock solid now though on emulator, may stick it on my older laptop for something small to pull out.

    These nintendo portable games are glorified phone games imo both in graphics and in the game design it's not too detailed and is simple, too simple if you're used to major pc games like rdr2 and cp77, DL2 etc These only really are interesting in a mobile setting on the go like on a bus or in the waiting room, at home they get kinda dull after the initial newness wears off. IMO nintendo made the wrong choice going with mobile focused stuff, phones are now just as powerful if not more and the stores have gazillion free games so fanboys wearing nostalgia glasses is really what keeps them going. I mean I had an NES back in the day too but never thought the legalism of nintendo really jived with what they pretend to be so would never buy a console from them again and the WAY overpriced games. 60-70$ for a glorified phone game with no replayability and low level graphics and such? NAH.

    I still play tw3 a game released in 2015 and also DL1, FO4, MGS5 all released 2015 so tell me value there, dollar per hour of entertainment in those games is insane. Still games should not cost more than like 40$, movies that cost 500million+ are still only 20$ to see first run and fall drastically after that and 10-15$ or less to own on disc later on. So yeah ok the pre-orders and first 6 months yeah 50$ a pop but 60-70+ in perpetuity? NAH. It's an unlimited supply product with limited demand so prices should be pennies really if you believe that FAF economics fairytales. AND unless you have a GOG or other version(yo-ho) you do NOT own it, you bought a license to use it as long as the internet launcher says so. With denuvo you have even less options.

    Sure everything in the past is fun but I don't know what the flagship nintendo franchises are going to keep going on, they don't fit into aaa gaming and graphics and they really need to be just a software company like sega of old or atari in some limited way. So thus releasing on major third party consoles and pc. I had a 3ds but that was just for road trips and only like 3-4 games and got it years after release, like when the switch came out, for a lot cheaper used including the games. Got bored of it and sold it all off a while back. I mean now I can just emulate all that stuff, even on my phone the simpler games. A handheld nintendo console, say 7" tablet size, shouldn't be more than 150$ or mid range phone cost, for those of us who are sensible not the dumbos spending more than that on a phone.
    Hertzian56, May 3, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Totk working fine for over 3hrs so far 25-30fps open world and 45-60 in the shrines. I use vulkan and turn off vsync for zippy camera and inputs. I use an xboxone controller and in ryujinx just use the default pro controller layout works fine. I did have to add the sticks deadzone from 0.1 to 0.14 because I'd occasionally get drift in game. Funnily enough I played RDR2 afterwards and the usage both CPU/GPU is pretty similar for both games, emulation is like that though. One's a simple 16gb game anothers 125gb huge detailed saga. And it's hilarious seeing these xx80/90 retards who spend 2000 on a gpu still having trouble with this and many other games LOL hilarious justice for fools.

    I saw that today someone came out with cheats which is nice for those of us who hate the annoying sim aspects like weapons breaking with 1-2 hits, the clunky eating/crafting stuff, heat/cold Link garbage, that's NOT fun it's just filler to make the game last longer so people won't feel so ripped off for 60-70+$ for a 900p 15 hour game that isn't too much better than 100 indie games on steam or android.

    The physics puzzles are fairly satisfying and I do like the art style, it looks a bit blown out on my monitor but that's probably just a brightness setting. Unfortunately nintendo gives no software based control of graphics and such to the player, there is no gamma or brightness adjustment in the settings. If you've come from RDR2, cp77 etc with dozens of options in the settings nintendo games are kind of shocking, almost no options at all of any substance are given to you. The emu is better of course but is not specific to any game for the most part.
    Hertzian56, May 3, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Now that it's cracked playing RE4r and it's pretty good, it's a lot easier in places where the original is pretty tough to figure out at first. Example is the barn fire scene after the boss fight, it's actually not obvious in the original what you do to get out of the barn, well here ashley thows a chair through the window and you can see her easily to jump out, way easier. It looks good not mind blowing but good enough and I get 60 at 1080p using FSR2 quality but I think I got pretty close not using it have to see.

    Of course there is always judaeo-masonry-venus/innana satanic cult themes and messages in their media and re4r is no different. So first of all leon is a trannywood hunk, totally weird constructed face, implants, surgery, way overdone pebble fake adams apple implant and such just look at your typical FTM trannywood hunk for more. Lots of tac clothes to hide the curviness a la Riyana Gosling etc Ashley is your typical tblocker-premarin taking cult boy with the creepy face, take a look at Elizabeth Holmes for a similar ladyboy weird look. And Ada Wong has the voice of a drag man, very shocking and bizarre when you first hear it, usually slim asian biofemales have similar voices to their physique but this is another ladyboy tranny so it has an outsized drag queen voice of the male it was born as.

    So the story is that trannies are fighting what is obviously a not so cleverly disguised representation of the Catholic Church(jewmasons project their filth onto others all the time, scapegoat ritual). One tranny is the presidents daughter. If at this point you can't see at a minimum the masonry paganism of the president and the whole outdoor satanic temple that washington dc is, and many more around the world, then stop reading. Anyone near the president and much lower in the pagan gov is in judaeo-masonry no exceptions and the presidents who practice trannyism of the cult will be inverts and so this daughter is no such thing. Another, the trannyman is a some special forces commando zombie, kendoll weirdo no doubt. And the other tranny is an asian man but a merc. The spanish is debatable but certainly on the weird side as almost all of capcom, cc, characters are.

    Well they're fighting the Church which ironically has a 6 pointed star in the logo, maybe the jewmasons in japanoland couldn't help themselves from putting a bit of truth in there. The 6 pointed hexagram of hermeticism, as above so below, baphomet, trannyism, divine androgyne. This is what the Church was fighting for centuries until the last 100 years or so it was infiltrated and subverted by jewmasontrannys culminating in vatican 2.0, a new religion with satanists in the top spots, blending jew-protestantism and diluting real Tridentine Catholicism in the process. The mob of people are easily led into such things by bread and circuses and programming them through those two, economics/finance and entertainment/press. These valiant liar trannies of the venus innana satanic cult are heroes of hell and the other side is setup so as to be worse, but really the undertone is that Monarchical structures are bad and abusive always, this is totally false. You don't think the liar schemer jewmasontrannys who run things now are capable of any truth do you? Nah lying, scheming, criminality is their major trait and anything they claim is going to be twisted like they are or outright flat lies presented as truth, inversion again.

    I don't need to mention that the jewmasontrannys in japan who look japanese are all in on this as well, capcom, cc, 33. Trannytheater is what this is. Kabbalistic dialectics. Trannys fake fighting on both sides with some distraction of the T-virus lol T-virus! It's like they are aware they are a virus or parasite really that is destroying but first lesson of a parasite: kill the host kill yourself. Except humans are more dynamic and trannyism is on the way to trans-humanism. Extinction of the species that God made in His Image, satans prized goal. Robots or cyborgs with implants, drugs, surgery, just like the trannys have done for at least 100 years now but add in all the advances of tech that we know about and then add in what we don't know about.

    So anyways it's largely similar to the original and the trainer that empress included helps a lot. NOte that it's flings but he or they cracked it so it doesn't need dinput8 to be put into the exe folder. It's just that you need to start the trainer AFTER the game so altab out. Leona moves way too slow and the controls are not too great, the run button is pushing down one of the sticks which isn't my fav should have been the x button etc So the trainer has a speed hack for the player only which is nice, but it DOES break the game at some points like in the castle vaulting over chandeliers it breaks it so have to turn it off there before but otherwise it really helps to speed up the movement. The game is not really scary anyways. Also the FOV is way too close, that's a decision to restrict back and side views so zombies can sneak up on you I get it but it's just too close and a real human has a lot more peripheral vision. So the trainer has an FOV hack and 85 is about right for a compromise.

    It's a decent game despite all the nonsense but I'm still into Zelda TOTK and RDR2 a slower playthrough this time w chapter 2 base camp, shady belle chapter 4 on is pretty depressing with chapter 3 clemens point in between. So chapter 2 overlook camp is still largely positive and hopeful rather do as much there as possible afa the open world, side missions and such for a while. Zelda working pretty great on ryujinx most of the time, v11 w 13k+ shaders to the final major mission.
    Hertzian56, May 15, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Finished Resident Evil 4 Remake a total of 16 chapters and around 20-25hrs of play with the fling trainer and doing a few of the little side things like killing rats, finished a couple of the blue medallion stuff, a few of the doughboys around half if I remember right.

    Eh it's ok, run and gun like the original, fairly cringey dialogue and story. Blatantly anti-Christian and very anti-Catholic obviously made by jewish japanese and there are plenty of those, likely ones in the leadership, banksters and other places. Lots of asian trannys as well, much easier to hide it w the typical smaller asian size, not as pronounced differences between the sexes physically and in many cases voice wise and such. Anywhere you see a weird looking person like Leon you have a constructed via hormones, implants and such trannyman, typical trannywood hunk type. Ashley looks like your typical jewish boy who has been raised in the kabbalistic adam kadmon divine androgyne cult, baphomet of the masonic templars is also an androgyne and also the innana-venus androgyne cult it's all pretty much the same stuff just different traditions. The ancient egyptian elite were trannys and certainly the babylonian empire elite, the hindu-buddhist elite highest rituals are about androgyny. Ada wong is also a blatant tranny, ladyboy and the voice is indicative of a bad dragman's, terrible voice modulation which is what they do, train their voices but in this case it's really deep and bizarre. As an example of just one real world tranny you have Barbara Streisand who is a jewish man who was likely a castrato for the voice. Being born male means larger overall size but the lungs are also larger so if you freeze the voice as a young pre-pubescent boy and have those lungs you can sing like streisand does keeping the notes for a long long time, you'll see that with Celine Dion and others. Modern castratos.

    There are no ada wong side story missions in this version which is pretty much inexcusable for the ripoff $70 price for a 20-30hr game. I feel kind of sorry for those who paid for this, torrenting is almost the only way I'd ever play any of these games. The only games that are worth that amount of money are large open world ones with multiple characters, 50+hr main campaigns, lots of side missions and such. So like RDR2 is worth it, GTAV type of games are worth that and those were 50$, they even gave away GTAV a couple years ago free. Those also have pretty large online options and RDR2 even has an optional online only version for a lot less.

    I have not played the original pc release of this for a long time but if you had a proper 6 axis camera and some other QOL things it would be the superior version sans the graphics. Similar to GTASA which does have a 6 axis mod making it the superior version to the remastered version. I also played through the three levels of the mercenaries and was not too impressed either. I've never been a huge fan of these kill a thons though, kind of psychotic you ask me. In a woke industry it's kind of totally hypocritical to have this stuff since they are anti-gun for the goy-pleibs but fine for the stormtroopers to have them. In an industry where the default controller includes triggers and most games involve shooting in some way it's really hypocritical.

    Save your money go sail the high seas instead or skip it.
    Hertzian56, May 18, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Since I'm just doing some exploration and random quests in TOTK and don't really feel like replaying the disappointing RE4R I was thinking of starting Wo Long which I acquired a while back but only yesterday installed. Along with the updates curious to see how it runs. Still doing a bit of RDR2 as mentioned, the game is good just for wandering really and since it's ch.2 there's still plenty of the random events and such around the map.
    Hertzian56, May 19, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Wo Long is the mess everyone says it is. I'm on 105 according to the game but have the 107 exe and update files installed. It loads up and I'm able to do the settings and such but when I click on new game it goes into loading but is an infinite black screen. So I looked around and saw the codec might be the problem, grabbed klite mega pack AND vp9 installed both, still the same thing.

    Whew how terrible is it that they charge 60$ for this trash. I'm on an older Win10 but it has no notes about which versions and honestly games should run on at least all Win10 versions if not 8 as well. After the disasters of so many ports like TLOU I'm seriously thinking jap devs are idiots. I mean sure they do the games but use esoteric codecs, require specific versions of Win10, encode videos in nonsensical rates and resolutions which add GBs to the game size which only a handful would care about etc. They have such consolitis that they're unable to function well outside that very controlled area I guess.

    How hard is it to test the game on the median pc system? Take win10 1909 and a GTX 1060 4gbvram and 8gb ram at 1080p 4core/8thread cpu back to like 6000 intel and play it you idiots. That should be capable of at least 30fps. How terrible for those who paid for it and got this garbage, then either refund which has to be approved before 2hrs of gameplay or wait for patches that hopefully fix it for your system.

    And these idiots don't see how this fuels piracy? So their answer is logins for multiple launchers, denuvo, always online and such. And now raising prices on a non physical product, so unlimited supply, which is really just a glorified rental TOU scam. Unlimited supply, limited demand PRICE GOES DOWN to almost nothing but the scam of these OS, game stores and publishers says otherwise. Effem. Only game I would ever pay for ever again is a cartridge where I own it and nintendont has a monopoly on that now. Nah emu only on nintendont 3 games per generation or less I'd ever be interested in. GOG is an option too for digital ownership but has old games that you can easily go get free, even abandonware.
    Hertzian56, May 20, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Kinda doing a speedrun of RE 2 remake great game. I have the claire bikini mod makes it much more fun, also the ada wong leon replacer kinda weird since she has large shoulders, trannyman leon leftover there. Runs just fine. My favorite of the remakes, real horror stuff in there, zombies and such but also the puzzles, short story but well done. From what I've read Code Veronica is similar and deserved a remake but since it's before 4 it's unlikely. 5/6 sucked so not sure where the remake series goes if not those two. I didn't think 8 was all that good either tbh, 7 was pretty good. I like the original remastered too other than the old fixed camera angles, not my fav. 0 remaster the same thing. RE4R 50gb RE2R 25gb huh? RE3R can't remember but likely 40gb or so and fun but disappointingly short and recycled sewers eh Love the weapon sounds in RE2R as well.
    Hertzian56, May 22, 2023
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Call Of Juarez Gunslinger replay. One of the best games I've ever played, action packed, funny script, twist at the end, some real old west history and still looks great 10 years later. The art style is similar to borderlands so ages just fine and the background pics used are pretty as well, takes little resources. Good old west type music. Can't recommend it more. Only caveat is that it's pretty short 14 chapters that takes about 7-10hrs but you can replay chapters with the funny dialogue and also do duels only mode, and arcade mode for each level so there's more there just not story stuff.

    The duels are more complex than RDR2 so take some practice, much easier imo on controller. This game needed either dlc or to be much longer or have sequels in the same vein. Techland made this and unfortunately the really great Dying Light series has taken their time since the first one was such a hit. I like both DL games but wish COJG had sequels to it, even just same gameplay just other new characters using it. A level creator would have been nice too. There are mostly just reshade mods for it, only like about 10 total mods on nexus for this game.

    It's a nice break from the slow and serious RDR2 and I'm almost to the end of ch 3 to where it slides into depressing territory. COJG has a snappy clever script that is genuinely funny in many places. Doesn't overstay it's welcome like RDR2 does. RDR2 needed separate modes like this game, dueling, cards only, etc although you can replay missions in rdr2 as well.
    Hertzian56, Jun 15, 2023
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Got into the poker in RDR2, actually learned it there lol So got Poker Night games 1/2 as well as gov of poker 2 so playing those a bit. Fun game and nice to not have to worry about real money.
    Hertzian56, Jun 20, 2023
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    theHunter Call of the Wild lately, the emerald coast map latest one. They change this game UI so much it seems to get worse every time and every time you get a new map it resets your exploration for the other maps. There are 14 maps and I've got them all the ultimate edition w everything, about 80gb. Every map is the size of gtaV map so it's 14x the size of gtaV map, incredible really. I don't recommend most of them, it's too much and have a lot of the same animals just copied over.

    For the aussie one it's good if you want the kangaroos, it also has crocs but mississippi has aligators, probably get australia for both of them. Miss isn't that good of a map. The best maps are Layton Lakes, Alaska yukon, Hirschfelden, the african one for a wild story, the Russian one is all white winter pretty interesting the rest are iffy and not recommended unless they have some specific animal or location you're interested in. The maps are huge and unless you use a trainer it's a major time sink. Nice walking sim unless you get the ATV which is a must really and should be included. They also need an electric version or a horse to not have to hear the noise but still haven't added anything like that. For the first 6 or so there's a decent story mode and a lot of side missions, all optional though you can just hunt. They have a couple trophy lodges to display your taxidermied kills. This all costs in game money though and it's a slog usually, once again just use a trainer from gamecopyworld save yourself a ton of time and aggro just enjoy the game.

    The latest version seems to only have a bit of controller compatibility, the last version was the same one which was better imo. For this you now have a weapon wheel and it's not setup for controller at least in the case of ammo it's a pain to do it and I had to switch over briefly to kbm to load my guns.

    Eh this game just doesn't have the magic it had for the first 6 maps anymore, after playing a lot of RDR2 it doesn't look as good as it used to. Looks a lot worse than I remember graphically. And they still have FSR 1.0. Eh. The saves also are not backwards compatible so I have to be careful to backup my old saves if I want to revert.

    Avalanche also is a dlc abuser company, they nickel and dime you to death and the game is setup to almost require DLC to play. Case in point is the ATV, same one they've had since 2017 when the game was released with layton and hirschfelden included iirc. Probably haven't done a better conveyance because decided it wouldn't be profitable enough at 2$. Like I said a lower noise or no noise conveyance is needed. In game you need to pay to sleep, not kidding either. It's in game money you get for kills but still very odd to put that in. So like I said if you like nature and a bit of hunting the story mode for the first 5 maps or so is good enough, in the next 6 or so maps there was very minimal story and no side objectives so hunting only or hiking sim, the last 2-3 seems like they've added in more main mission stuff and brought back side missions. But the main mission on at least one of them is just driving around the preserve, ridiculous like 10 mins if you have an ATV. Take you hours if you had to walk.
    Hertzian56, Jun 23, 2023
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Getting back to thehunter Call of the Wild offline sp version it is good for the earlier 5 maps or so don't bother with the rest. Whole game would cost like 80$ or so right now with discounts all around to get everything which isn't that bad for the amount of maps and such you get but with no discounts nah I'd only bother w the basic version and a couple of the older maps, the atv of course and that's it. That's like 30-40$ total.

    I feel kinda sorry for those who actually bought all of it, waste really. I got the free version of course I ain't paying for this time sinkhole stuff nah All this media stuff should be free at this point, it's a tool for subversion at a ridiculous profit for decades now. Even old movies they think should be paid for to watch, not own and steam just another scam version of rent seeking w an internet connection minder, nah Let me play free for 2 hours and then buy it and really own it then we'll talk. But they really just rent you a license for however long they decide and you can only put it on however many rigs you want, nah Digital stuff is not the same as real life stuff and shouldn't be treated as such, it's an unlimited supply with limited demand therefore the price should be minimal.

    They can sell it forever and many do at the same price or w inflation MORE than when it came out. RDR2 a 2019 pc game is still 60$, it was released in 2018 on consoles and has had almost no major changes or additions for SP since then, a used car drops in price as it ages, a house can but because of the land usually doesn't drop. Digital stuff is always new of course but has no physical real world existence. Nah in reality infinite supply means the price should be ZERO. But they have the right to make their investment back and also a decent profit of course. So after 6 months or so the buyers drop off drastically, price should also do so but doesn't nah fukem. I can also install it on 1000 rigs all over if I want, not possible w online license minder.
    Hertzian56, Jun 23, 2023
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart. It's been since PS2 days where I think I played 2-3 of them, I might have some emulation stuff too but never got into that w this series too much, the high particles and such with this series needs a very strong cpu which I've never had for emulation.

    This is a pretty fun pc port and done well for the most part I'm to the last battle and have had no major problems, no crashes and a pretty smooth experience. It does chug a bit during some high npc count areas but it doesn't happen much usually smooth even when it dips down to 49fps, it's usually around 60fps, 1080p dlss2, mostly medium and high settings. I turn off DOF, chromatic aberration and stuff like that. I limit all games to 60fps via ncp as my system can really only handle that with 3d newer games not worth it for a bit more. My screen is 120hz, but easier to just limit all games to 60 w MSIAB.

    Good port, smooth play, no problems w my xbone controller at all. I still have the initial pc release, the 1 hotfix so far is for AMD and RT neither of which I have or use. It usually is a GPU game which is good, cutscenes seem to be badly encoded typical jap port, so CPU is 100% for them really dumb and I turn off tubo boost to keep temps 60-70s instead fo 85c+ for the intel toaster.

    win10, 2060m, 10300h, 16gb
    Hertzian56, Jul 29, 2023
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Thought I'd add I played a bit of Dave the Diver and I just don't get it, as a phone game or while doing something else I guess but the chill music you'd have to turn off. Otherwise it's just ok nothing too interesting and I think the makers must have purchased some AI and human reviews in bulk because it's nothing special. There are a ton of pixel art games I've played a lot of them, rogue-like, metroidvania's, straight up adventure-combat games etc and this one doesn't really stand out other than a turn off your brain thing or light repetitive entertainment I guess. I get that there are the two bedrock aspects of diving-catching-collecting and sushi restaurant and then add in bosses and the other minigames but it just doesn't grab me to want more after an hour or two. I torrented the latest version 990 because the 933 version would crash at startup for some reason but once I set it to win8 and run as admin it works. oof glad I didn't spend money on this thing, still just don't get it and how does a 2d pixel art game get 43k reviews in a month? Nah some fishiness going on w this game, not warranted ratings either. Uninstall or move to one of the external hdd's til I need more space and delete it out.
    Hertzian56, Jul 30, 2023
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Replaying Ratchet Clank Rift Apart since it's so good looking, runs well and is fun to play. The main campaign is very short around 15-20hrs for $60 is pretty egregious of sony. It's also a port from around 21, greedsters over at sony can suck it, easy torrent. I strongly doubt any other rc games will be ported they usually just do last 4-5 years or things on the last couple gens of consoles that they've already modernized. If you've got a powerful enough pc emulating would be the way to go with older games. There are so many games now that it's hardly worth the trouble though, so much quality indy games, b level big games and maybe 4-5 aaa games per year that keep you busy.

    A bit of Control which is actually pretty fun nice change of pace from my typical RDR2 play, which I'm getting fairly bored of after hundreds of hours, mods and such. Similar to CP77 I really get into modding, replaying and all the game has to offer but it eventually gets old and stale. I kept Control Ultimate installed for years now and decided to come back to it, it's fairly drab but typical alan wake studio occultic and off the wall like twin peaks and similar. The main protag is a tranny for sure though coming back to it. I finished the main story back when and then started the dlc but never finished it, may give that another go still have saves there. I just explored and did a couple of the simpler side missions. I really don't like the run you all over the map of a lot of it though, and the repetitive respawning enemies. The menus are not that great either particularly the level up and player mods stuff, there's no reason to make them so obtuse. I use a trainer to cut down on the annoyance, one hit kill and such.

    I'm doing the train AME stuff but the game is just too obtuse a lot of the time. So I'm supposed to get to know the freaking train and it's story which sure I listened to the sequence, basically crashes. Soo what then? Not obvious nor no guidance so pretty off putting.

    Some Plague Tale Requiem but I remember why I have not played it for months now, the gameplay is very boring and slow, annoying brit weird looking companion, fake history garbage and runs like ass. I have a mid range laptop not the best but even w dlss it's choppy at times, turned it down to 900p and not much difference. There's not justification graphics wise for the performance of this game, it just doesn't look any better than RDR2 and certainly not CP77 good but runs way worse. DX12 is a hog and they really needed either a vulkan option or a DX11 option, but M$ money comes into play as does Ngreedia RT dlss money. With control it runs WAY better with DX11 than DX12 for me, RT is way overrated and DLSS is just tricks that doesn't result in better than DX11 perf, but RT only runs on DX12. One major reason I have no qualms whatsoever torrenting, eff those rats.
    Hertzian56, Aug 11, 2023
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Reinstalled Sekiro which is only about 13gb in size, a lot of game for so little a size. Pretty fun if you like a spiderman-stealth type of game because it's by fromsoftware so really hard with lots of enemies just hanging around waiting to pounce. I use a trainer like always and have stealth enabled most of the time for a casual playthru which FS doesn't really give an option for, similar to the dark souls series and lately elden ring.

    I also reinstalled Prey 2017 which is a great looking game and pretty fun. The opening is classic. Getting to the end of the second run of ratchet clank rift apart so looking for different things to play. I also still have Mad Max installed and it's ok, I don't think it's the excellent game that so many seem to think it is. It has an awkward default controller scheme that works well enough. I'm only in the early part of the game still. I am trying to find the 80gb of room to install Spiderman Remastered which has stellar reviews, I did like the Arkham series and this is supposed to be like Arkham Knight which I did enjoy so give it a go.

    Control is a pretty frustrating game at time, so obtuse as to what the puzzles are. I had to look up the train awe sequence, that's bad game design if I have to look up anything. I tried a few times to do the ritual of the ball or whatever in the cave depths last night, even looked up how/what to do and can't get it to work. Shoot offshoot rocks then pull the holes full, but they just bust out and don't stay mended so not sure how to proceed and of course I'm now stuck in the obnoxious eye blinding white space area of the ritual.

    Once again kinda bored of RDR2, it's still fun but I've been everywhere on the map, played all the chapters, tons of mods, collectibles etc and I'm tired of it. Great game though, RS really needed to go with map extensions and dlc for SP but their greedster mentality just lazed it up with useless online which is now pretty much as abandoned as the SP game. I couldn't imagine installing 125gb+ in order to play w a bunch of assholes though and at least they could have moved some or all of the online npc stuff into SP mode. They never did that with GTA5 either because greed. I did mod 5 to get versions of the online stuff in SP mode though. Long done w that game, all we've got since the first 3d trilogy is variations of it and it's not worth the money or time to do it more. A new location or one from GTASA like San Francisco or Vegas would be more interesting and compelling than once again Florida, the miami vic-mafia stuff was enough in VC. Likely way more woke and marxist content in 6 than ever before. No plans to even torrent it, games just aren't getting better much at the AAA studio level, indys are much more creative and fun now. They don't cost 60-70$+ and take 100gb either, more art style focused rather than rt-dlss ultra stuff which require 600+ gpu and etc either.
    Hertzian56, Aug 12, 2023
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