Warning for Potential Linux Users of WikidPad

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Albertde, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. Albertde


    Aug 29, 2008
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    I have been battling for the last few days to get WikidPad working from the source zip and kept on getting error messages about WikidPadStarter.py not existing.

    The solution is: do not use Xarchiver to unzip the file. For some reason, it omits unzipping all the files in the source zip. The solution is to start a Terminal in the Downloads directory and enter: unzip WikidPadsourcefile. Unzip will find all the files in the zip archive and create the directories properly. (Xarchiver omitted, in particular, WikidPadStarter.py and WikidPadHelp.py).

    Albertde, Sep 2, 2008
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