Vaio VPCF13ZOE bad hard drive

Discussion in 'Sony' started by CodeBass, Nov 5, 2020.

  1. CodeBass


    Mar 8, 2013
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    I have a old Sony Vaio and hard drive has gone bad, a few days ago in made some very loud clicking noises and vaio stop I tried a restart but on luck so of to tech friend which told me the hard driver had died and he could replace it with a ssd drive but the problem we have is the Recovery Centre is missing and he told me I will need the recovery discs which I do have as I have moved 3 times in the past six years and if I did have them they are now lost.

    I have look on the Sony website but cannot find them, so can anyone help with a copy of the disks if that ok.

    Model VPCF13ZOE
    CodeBass, Nov 5, 2020
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