Use caution when installing firefox leechblock add-on

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Aspiration, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. Aspiration


    Mar 31, 2009
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    leech block is suppose to block sites. after setting it up to block aol because the stupid messenger program keeps telling firefox to go there whenever I add a .mac or .me account. I thought that adding this to firefox would stop it from jumping to aol. Instead it jumps to an annoying page that says the website is blocked. There is an option to redirect it to another webpage instead but I missed setting that up on the first try. Not only couldn't I reset the add-on to the original defaults by uninstalling and reinstalling without contacting the author, I also could not change any of the options, time etc to change or alter the blocked sites. Then it started blocking all kinds of other sites like which as nothing in common with aol plus some linux site I tried to go on.

    At present there doesn't seem to be any way to completely uninstall it because it retains the original settings even after uninstalling and reinstalling.

    If anyone knows where firefox hides files for add ons, please let me know. The only other option I have is to try restoring my 8gb SSD with aa1blinux and see if it removes whatever crap the addon left in the computer when I told it to uninstall. Fortunately this was not required. The next message describes how to fix the problem.
    Aspiration, Aug 3, 2009
  2. Aspiration


    Mar 31, 2009
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    Re: Use caution when installing firefox leechblock addon

    I contacted the author of leech block and this is how you fix the problem...The options for one of the block sets were all disabled (greyed out) and now I can't change the settings! What happened and what can I do about it?

    The options are disabled because you selected the option Prevent access to options for this block set at times when these sites are blocked and now those sites are blocked (hence the options are currently inaccessible). The purpose of this option is to allow users to prevent themselves from easily changing the settings once the sites have been blocked, but in a way that doesn't prevent access to all LeechBlock options.

    If you really need to change the settings for the block set before the blocking period has ended, you can do so as follows:

    * Enter "about:config" (without quotes) into the location bar of your Firefox browser.

    This did not work for me since leechblock was also blocking about:config. Go into the addons and disable leechblock. Reboot Fire Fox and then follow the instructions below regarding about:config. They should now work and the settings for that block can be changed as explained below. Go back into the addons menu and enable leechblock. Reboot Firefox and things should be back to working normally

    * Enter "extensions.leechblock.prevOpts" (without quotes) into the Filter field.
    * You should see a list of six browser preferences displayed, corresponding to the six block sets (only if you set all 6 blocks otherwise only the block you set will show up). Double-click on the preference for the relevant block set, to change its value from true to false. ie. double click on true or false and it wil switch to its opposite (ie false or true).
    * You should now be able to change the settings for that block set. Then you can reenable leechblock and you should now be able to change the values in the relevant block as needed.
    Aspiration, Aug 3, 2009
  3. Aspiration


    Aug 14, 2016
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    I have a similar problem after adding leechblock in firefox on windows 8. It worked very well,probably too well, and I'm happy with permanent block but...

    I put a password that i deliberately wouldn't remember on blocked site options, so I couldn't go back in and remove the blocks, and to hide leechblock on the addons menu in the firefox options. I also checked options to stop access to about: config etc. for permanantly blocked site access.
    The problem is when I had to do a system restore for other issues - I now can't find leechblock. The sites I blocked are no longer blocked, and leechblock will not reinstall on my laptop.
    I have no other complaint about leechblock - it works really well for me.

    I tried deleting extensions in the my profile file section - but hasn't worked. And it doesn't show in the addons menu - probably because I made it invisible?

    Any advice on how I can reinstall?
    cluelessnewby, Aug 14, 2016
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