The pagan olympics festival

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Aug 2, 2024.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Thought I'd put up a bit about the olympics. It's an ancient pagan festival honoring the "gods" of Olympus, which are really just demons disguised as St Augustine wrote in his City of God about 1600 years ago. You can just lookup the various fables about these "gods" to see how depraved and wicked they were. It was then revived by the jewmasontranny satanic cult in the late 19th century, the pagans came out more in the context.

    First off all assletes in major sports including the olympics are trannys, no exceptions I don't care what your conditioning tells you. It's just meat and work and drugs and framing, all it is. The logic is core to this cult, to them Adam was both man and woman before Eve so believing satans deception they are as gods. This is a deliberate deception and is laced through talmudickism and kabbalism. To them they are "gods" of flesh and bone using deceptions and lies at their core. The Mormon devils at higher levels are part of this as are many cults like scientology and such. Looking at people like brighamina young you can see wide hips and an elderly grandmother look so the whole polyg thing was a huge freak fest of many men sharing one bio woman. Momos specialize in kidnapping as well, I've heard a few stories of just taking children from Mexico and other places. So the "patriachs" did carry children but probably not all of them.

    Drag Queen Vic was the same thing and likely a few of their brood was using breeders for randy old Vic and his secret. Albert likely carried the first few up to the first male but likely died early due to so much childbirth. We can see this all over where there is a leader in modern times as well. Poor dumb ukers had no idea their qe2 was a biological man and likely a jew to boot.
    Hertzian56, Aug 2, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So the major olympiad of the 20th century was the 11th one in berlin. It featured the first TV broadcasting of the olympics, satans megaphone. The number eleven is code for satanism, one more then Gods Ten, do as thou wilt. This also featured the classic race war divide and conquer w the liar jesse owens about being snubbed by hitler. Hitler actually was informed not to congratulate the winners as disruptive so left by the time owens came up.

    Anyways it's just a freak fest really. The one in the 60s featured the total theater of ELEVEN killed jews supposedly by the PLO, thus stoking another fake controlled opp conflict. The one in 96 as above so below had the bombing theater as well in the new atlantis of Atlanta, a hotbed of freaks. We got the 2000 China olympics which featured weather control by the chi to mask the pollution haze. And the rest of the weirdos who take part in this sick festival.

    These assletes are all cult members and this festival is a huge construction and infrastructure graft and bribery fest, all of them. Then we get the awful commercialization of it all making it even worse. The presswhores of course slather it on even more so you can't escape it really.

    It's all gross and you only need look at semen biles to see one man called a woman, who is competing against others of the same kind. No normal people could compete with these liars who take the drugs to fool people and are allowed to take all sorts of other drugs. Even in the rules of major sports it allows trannys, tennis has been so for a long long time. But the deception is that they are all trannies they just single out some to normalize it, using dialectical fake opposition and such. It's to control the narrative.
    Hertzian56, Aug 2, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    MTFs are easier for people to see who have not studied this issue. The Williams bros in tennis are classic, mike obama etc FTMs are the harder of the two because they're total freaks that take mega hgh and testosterone and other drugs then get a lot of training and such. The cult surrounds them and frames it as needed.

    The olympics are usually a disaster for regular people at the site. Prices rise, taxes rise, more and more commotion, crime, big money schools come in and build palaces which bring people not from the area in to play school and such. It's not anything good if you're not going to get something like a good resume, money and publicity for it.
    Hertzian56, Aug 2, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    You'll notice men like riley gaines and others are on the fake opposition side, total scumsters. Tennis has had really ugly "women" for a long long time and the "men" have this really weird soft look of the ftm monsters. Then there's swimming which is just gross to watch mostly. Ledecky is easily detected but of course comes out against trannys in this farce that sells well. The jewmasontranny cult at a certain more aware level considers themselves higher then humans through their cults ingenuity and will power but they're just putrid abominations in reality. Useless for anything but deception, crime and frauds of all kinds. The elite of the cult are of the opinion that their "china" lake robots are a higher level being dog trained in a sense to respond and obey, lower thoroughbreds in this perverse world view.

    Then the randos who are not at least jew, masons or trannys are seen as lower like goyim, pigs to be turned about and directed like cattle in a chute. The imagery of the cattle cars and cattle pens is apt. I'm not endorsing it but I can see why they think this way. Even most masons and just idiots who follow trends like trannyism are regarded as fodder. Talmudick scum are so nasty, but very buried deep and hidden, they aren't seen this way but are seen as sometimes scape goats and are juiced that way by their leadership. This does not excuse the nasty beliefs they have and live similar to masons.
    Hertzian56, Aug 2, 2024
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    You want to see some of the nastiest just watch pro wrestling, the known fake drama of these really messed up freaks. Pro sports is up there too with very nasty extreme versions. Trannyhookerwood would be up next, the politiwhores don't need to do so much of the body work hence they're usually soft or hard looking but not in as extreme a way as the elite entertainer ones are. However they're all just sales people entertainers really, magicians distracting the masses w drama etc All dialectical in nature. Like snakes in a barrel.
    Hertzian56, Aug 2, 2024
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And the annoying promotion by the nasty press of this whole grossaf festival, the really cringey stories and such about a bunch of sicko trannys from so and so right in your face it's disgusting. This is WWE level of bad cringey stuff just framed as "serious" and meaningful but it's just a big pagan festival a cult that controls the airwaves pushes on people. Disgusting liar assletes and such. Gross abnormal bodies and etc it's a big gonzo fest, oof.
    Hertzian56, Aug 3, 2024
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    All you have to do is look at the "women" wrestlers bodies among all the rest, they're disgusting and wrong from a normal womans body. The FTMs are much harder for people to detect because testosterone, HGH and surgical procedures can do A LOT to transform someone, A LOT. Testosterone is so powerful the FTMs are easy to see for even normal people like the williams brothers in trannis and etc. If someones born male they have a skeletal structure of a male, finger ratio of a male etc There's no getting around that, the flesh is much more easily shaped for the desired visual effect there. The MTFs use clothing tricks and posing tricks as well as prosthetics like baby bumps aka moon bumps.

    We can see the paganism on display in these latest olympics with semen biles and his constant GOAT reference which is clever as most people think it's only greatest of all time but really in the cult it's the goats on the left, goat of mendes, inverted pentagram goat baphomet the tranny. In the Bible the goats are on the left, bound for destruction and hel and the sheep are on the right. The cult knows this btw When you have communion with devils they give a lot of info on the spiritual world that is generally not known to normal humans BUT they also deceive with this.

    The top levels know they are hellbound no doubt but figure they'll be the top levels of it so they'll be ok, this is false. The average level is just mostly "china" lake programmed people who are born into the cult and likely don't know much about it at least on their surface level personalities. Typical cell ring structure of a cult, there's levels of esoteric like the masons and theres outer levels of members who are clueless in their front alters. However like true gangsters they gangster their own kind into top positions all over and going down also. So society and culture is saturated with these satanists and the goal of satan is to corrupt and ruin as much of humanity as possible, same with this jewmasontranny satanic cult as they get their orders and plans from satan and his lieutenants.
    Hertzian56, Aug 8, 2024
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