]SOLVED]How Do I Enable My USB stick with Ubuntu OS?

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by corowakid, Oct 8, 2008.

  1. corowakid


    Aug 9, 2008
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    Hi all,

    I've made the ISO from Ubuntu 8.04.1, formatted and installed it on a 4Gb USB stick, and cannot find how I make the USB stick a 1st boot device. I've used the F2 F2 menus. In the F2 menu the only USB devices shown are Cd Roms and the like. I see PCI devices listed. In the F12 menu there's only the SSB and a PCI device.

    I'm obviously not paying attention to something (?). Can anyone enlighten me as to how I can boot into Ubuntu on my AAO110 please? TIA for any help.
    corowakid, Oct 8, 2008
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