[REVIEW] [eBay] AAO D250 LCD Cable

Discussion in 'Accessories' started by Swarvey, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. Swarvey

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    Hi guys, another review here.

    A few months ago the LCD cable in my D250 started going spazz. Tilting the screen would cause the image to drop out or flicker like crazy. I tried a temporary fix that lasted a few months, but I ended up requiring a replacement.

    I jumped on eBay and found a seller with a few to spare, made an offer and won my replacement cable for about $20 AUD, plus $5 AUD shipping.

    Here's a link to the cable I purchased.

    The price was right and the shipping time wasn't too bad. I would recommend this seller and have left positive feedback.

    I could not find out the individual part number for the cable for my machine, apparently there are at least two different types of cable. I took a gamble and am happy to report this cable has restored my D250 to perfect working order.

    Installing the cable was pretty straight forwad, but be warned there is some soldering to be done. You'll have to remove the front bezel from the screen as well as removing the screen itself. You'll also have to remove the keyboard, unplug the ribbon cables and remove the palm rest.

    Now you have to unplug the cable from the motherboard, it's pretty straight forward, just look for the CPU fan and directly upwards is the LCD cable. Unplug it from here, and from the webcam module at the top of your screen. You will need a flat bladed screwdriver (or similar tool) to remove the microphone module. Take note of the location of the coloured wires on the microphone module and de-solder them. Now solder the new cable onto the microphone module.

    You should be able to remove the cable from the screen housing relatively easily, it's just snaked around a few plastic posts here and there.

    When removing the original cable from behind the LCD panel you have to be VERY careful. You could easily shatter the panel, or ruin the connector. Mine had a strip of yellow tape to peel back, then very, VERY carefully lift the clear sticker that's currently over the connection, followed by gently sliding the connection out of its socket. The old cable should now be completely disconnected from the AAO and can be discarded (or repaired if you're feeling ambitious).

    Now remove the paper backing from the clear sticker on the new cable. While holding the sticker itself away from the LCD panel, gently slide in the new connection, press the clear sticker down and replace the yellow tape. The LCD panel should now be connected and you can re-attach the panel to the housing. Be careful where you run the cable as you don't want to put any un-necessary pressure on the back of the panel when it's firmly reattached.

    A dab of hot glue should hold the microphone module back in place and if you're like me, after snaking the new cable back around the plastic posts (and reconnecting the webcam module) a few more drops of hot glue should hold the new cable securely in place.

    Use your best judgement to run the remainder of the cable through the hinge for the screen before closing and reattaching the bezel. Be careful to avoid running the new cable through any areas that may cause undue wear and tear, this is the reason they fail in the first place.

    After closing the bezel, re-connect the cable to the motherboard and reassemble the AAO. If all went well, your monitor should now power on and stay on, the microphone should work fine and your webcam should be fully functional.

    * After replacing the cable my AAO won't turn back on?
    Have you cleaned the contacts on the RAM module and re-installed it?
    Plug in an external monitor to the VGA port on the side of your D250 and see if it outputs to the external screen, if it does, you may have to reseat the new cable
    Check that you haven't accidentally damaged the new cable, the most likely places for damage will be near the hinge.
    You may have damaged the connection on the LCD panel when you removed the original cable, try reseating it, if this doesn't work your only option would be to try a replacement LCD panel
    * My micrphone / webcam don't work after replacing the cable?
    Check wires you soldered back onto the microphone module, they are USB cables and need to be wired correctly for Core Voltage, Earth, Signal + and Signal -.
    Make sure you plugged the webcam module back in to the new cable
    Swarvey, Jun 24, 2011
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