Red Dead Redemption 2 Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Apr 18, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just thought I'd start a thread for the game I am currently replaying, rdr2. It's actually rare to get real views and reviews on games nowadays as is it anything else. Everything is curated and saturated by the equivalent of lower than what your average child would notice, zombie world sadly.

    I am at the very depressing post guarma chapter as it's all just falling apart. I've got all my mods done for this game, stable, weeded out the non working and buggy ones. So weather, seasons, various small fixes, rampage trainer, camp anywhere, longer days to adjust time in game to be longer and nights to be much longer since the default makes them less than half daytime.

    Game story makes little sense of course, if you're arthur or john or x and you can hunt your food, have a horse, guns etc why would you stick with a bunch of whiny/insane outlaws for so long? I mean that's just not how it works in criminal gangs and in the wild west times you could still disappear and give whatever name you wanted 100 miles away and start over in honest work or become a deputy, bounty hunter etc but these clowns have the unreal idea that it's some family, bad writing.

    They repeat the same thing at every locale just a variation and RS is so focused on depicting criminals or making you play as one that they have no interest in other stories. Say you were a classic western movie story, like a nevada smith or something but you go from farmhand or wronged person to a deputy then sheriff then ranger so you're a good guy for once. Would the game be any less interesting or fun? Did they have to do yet another prequel and fit it into that by concocting a character, arthur, that's never mentioned at all in RDR1. I'll go on about this in more threads.
    Hertzian56, Apr 18, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The honor system is also total bollocks makes no sense. So for slaughtering the "right" people in missions and on the trail there's no penalty to honor, even adds honor in some cases. See notes below for more info. It's always key that WHO is defining what is good and bad because relativism is really about that, just depends on who is deciding no objective truth BS.

    Honor and also NPCs in this are a real world behavior modification tool used on the gamer. Easy to see when you are carrying a gun on horse, and otherwise, and the really hostile nasty comments by NPCs, this is totally unrealistic. When someone is carrying a gun holstered or not, normal people don't make a point of antagonizing them. In this game usually you have it out when in the wilderness where wolves can come at any moment or when highwayman attack and such but that's not acceptable to these npcs who are also carrying guns but holstered. Also when you are attacked by panthers and such and have to quickly use your gun, if there are NPCs riding by they see that as you attacking them so you have to take them out in self defense, however the game then proceeds to take your honor down. So many examples of this nonsense by rockstar though, another one is if you come across a corpse if you loot it for any reason honor is decreased, there is no option to just search the corpse for any ID or such, looting is the only option given by the game. This is classic example of how games are actually just an exercise in getting us to do things we'd never do normally to proceed to the next treat, behavior modification and training are a major factor in gaming.

    One way to fight back is trainers, mods and using the available settings to mute/negate the intended techniques. So here since honor is completely bollocks I use Rampage to top it off occasionally and nullify RS's arbitrary totalitarian decisions. You also have the option to have NPCs ignore you which is a nice break from the quite bizarre total opposite behavior by NPCs of saying hi to you a complete stranger at every available moment. Most noticeable in the towns and cities, but also in camp it's constant hi how are you all the time by/from everyone. It's nice to be able to have your weapon out on the trail as well without the hostile comments and behavior by NPCs. For some real choice there should be the option to turn off this false "honor" system totally as there should have been the option to turn off the "cores" simulation filler stuff. At least you can turn off or keep all cores always full with rampage and other mods so as to not worry about all that and of course the honor bs mentioned above.

    Like the totally false history depiction of pretty much a whole southern region of the current USA, the wrong side won so the federal octopus rules, states rights are gone or easily bribed with "federal" reserve debt paper. The KKK, K=11chosensuperpeople, is depicted comically as well but this was a masonic etc movement, was never anything else. This was never any widespread movement, similar to slavery which was a rich peoples thing and mostly chosensuperpeople thing. Most of this was to profit london financiers who were all tribesters but also those who invested in the industries this was used for like cotton, tobacco and such, expecting dividends on stocks. Again mostly tribesters in england and the Low Countries benefited most.
    Hertzian56, Apr 18, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The shrill marxist tactics of race and gender divide and conquer are used as well. It's embarrassing to see them holding up black people in the game as some heroes and ever the victim in all circumstances, more nonsense. The fact that jewish cryptos controlled slave trade is never brought up. They used british and spanish names to fool idiots there. And the fact that the African tribesman kings sold these people is overlooked and excused somehow. Not to mention that Africa has never had anything but tribes surviving off the land. Egypt is not really Africa it's much more middle east/asia. A war that enthroned a central octopus in Washington was not necessary, this would have died out due to the same reasons it was set up: economics. Most english and certainly Irish workers of the time actually lived a lot worse than the slaves did and the PTB knew that it was cheaper to just pay a wage and be done with workers at will than to have to be responsible for housing, food, clothing, etc that the slaves required. The older the slaves got the less they were worth in resale as well and were harder to sell as they aged and the next master would have had to do all the above mentioned rather than just pay a wage to a worker. So it would have been done by maybe the later part of the 1800s than 1860. It was a social disaster too to just dump these people into the world suddenly as well. Just more war profiteering, and other things the ptb wanted. But overall it was the setting up of a central power that rules over the states and states rights are negated to this internationalist mafia haven.

    Same goes for pushing women as pretty much the same thing all over in the game, Sadie Adler is the most glaring one and in real life would be either a useless lesbo or tranny, no value other than a purveyor of various filth and perversion like so many "women" of today. The marxist population reduction agenda so they can have more is evident here, estrange the natural sexes through various techniques including using the law courts as a huge way to deter procreation and destroy families. Women also have simpler minds and weaker bodies so they are easier to be fooled by riling them up with the press and such, like you would do with a dog or horse or child who is easily swayed and can't reason beyond simple one to one etc It never mentions that suffrage was actually started in London and was forced along by terrorism, it's been a marxist tactic from the beginning. Dissolution of order so a new order can be brought along. And the average intelligence issue makes voting just an LCM game with the monopoly press pandering and such.
    Hertzian56, Apr 19, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The native indian issue is also a ship show in this game. To present it as some one sided good/bad thing is total nonsense and frankly fraudulent. To negate the terror that the indians perpetrated onto women and children and also fathers and husbands is disgusting. The indians were in a huge decline and were just traveling vagabonds, all the permanent organization was long past by the time the major european population arrived. Anyone who has dealt with and been around the modern indian knows they are a lazy drunken people who are suited to manual labor only when you can get them to do it.

    They have a victim-centric culture very similar to the jews, regardless of the facts involved, also similar. The reservations are Federal Gov created and supported slums that should have been temporary only so as to quicken integration instead they are these money laundering and such places for the politicians and technocrats that are owned by no one and cannot be sold. So it's a real example of what socialism/communism is. There is largely no running water or sewer or proper construction or administration and the government dole is the main job there besides drinking and abusing. They raise their kids with the same racist outlook as the jews(talmud) and others do, a self perpetuating tradition of hate and revenge seeking. You can bet Rockstar is a jew owned and operated company. The pentagram is the star of moloch mentioned by St Stephen in Acts 7, it's been their talisman a long time. The other side is the hermetic hexagram which is more kabbalistic to the pentagrams talmudick etc

    So in this game they are in only two instances. 1. Wapiti reservation where cuckstar puts a "no guns or weapons" lock. Why this is, is never explained, since the second instance is the outlaws assisting the indians in criminal activities contrary to the agreement they have with the authorities to NOT be targeted or at war etc So who breaks the peace in this case? Wapiti serves as a war camp when you take this into account, one that gets cover by cuckstar similar to the outlaw camp most of the time. The hypocrisy is just dripping here.
    Hertzian56, Apr 21, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Almost to the end of the main story and I think the helplessness of the player and annoyance is a planned thing by justar. As is the little annoyances like the unrealistically rude NPCs, totally insane honor rating system and such. I mean these are outlaws but they sit around jawing and whining for half the game. Why the hell not just ride off on your own or in small groups just leave instead of continuing to follow the insane dutch into insane scenarios? If you're an outlaw, antisocial, you would most likely just shoot each other at some point long before it gets to that in the last mission of the main story, and it's dumb that nobody really kills each other but TB gets Arthur who for some reason won't take care of his own health? They kill off marginal characters that are forgettable of course but it's a copout really, there's no one major except Micah in the epilogue. And obviously if you know the story of RDR1 you know who survives into that.

    Criminals are inherently narcissistic, see the jewmasontranny cult, and Arthur is most definitely a criminal despite all the shrubbery. Lots of people have awful abusive parents, hard luck in other things and such but they don't go around robbing, killing etc The title RDR should have just been episodic and standalone stories perhaps with a character or two in common but an unconnected story, so this dumb story of rdr2 didn't need to be made at all. It's BY FAR the worst part of the game and it is a great game overall because of the world, the chill cowboy wanderer aspects, the silly side missions, the minigames like fishing/hunting etc The horses and animals that are fairly realistic and based on real animals, the graphical beauty and art style etc

    None of these people are good people period, they are criminal scum and sadly even Jack Marston continues as a criminal when he kills the gov agent who setup his father at the end of RDR1. So JM with the weird rocker body, typical FTM, didn't really get any sort of redemption as none of them did.

    I was doing some of the dinobone hunting and it hit me that it's just nonsense. So these supposed bones are just going to be sitting outside for millions of years, nah doesn't happen. Even in the dirt they would not last close to that long and petrification is a total ruse that is very rare. Pretty much every bankster trope of the really terrible education system and scientism is included in this game. Another is the meteorite stuff which makes no sense either, there is no record of anything hitting any city by meteorites period but these guys have a few of them in here. First of all anything that is big enough to make it through re-entry would make a major bomb at those speeds like taking out half a large city, not some minor crater. I know this is side stuff but I just noticed these two examples of the fantasy thinking of modern times.
    Hertzian56, Apr 28, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Don't get me wrong I love RDR2 and it's probably the best game we'll get for many years, it's better than GTAV overall to me and the typical modern AAA game is a buggy mess that's now 70$+ and requires a 700$ gpu to play at 2k/4k which uses an insane upscale trick called DLSS. Whatever happened to just rendering native? Why add on RT way before it's needed? PROFIT. My modest 2060m laptop plays 1080p/60 native just fine and if it's an especially unoptimized game like cp77 I do use DLSS may as well but it's not going to be doing RT at 60fps that's for sure. I doubt we'll ever see a western game like RDR2 again, maybe smaller shorter ones but RS is so much more overtly marxist that anything from them going forward is going to be garbage.

    I'm on the epilogue now and just have a few thoughts about the main story ending.
    1. This so called "family" of outlaws seems to fall apart pretty easy and Arthur is totally abandoned by Charles, Sadie and Marston in the climax battle. For some reason Charles just disappears, tied to the indians I guess but what a copout. Just when Arthur needs support he's gone, yeah what a family. Sadie didn't need to disappear with abigail either, abigail was perfectly fine running away, ridiculous. John COULD have stayed w Arthur thus forcing Arthur to leave with him, TB is NOT an automatic death sentence but the story required art to go for "x" reason and this was it. And the others that just run away, I mean that made sense for all of those not ok w dutchs insanity to do of course but come on what about "family"? lol

    2. Dutch cares little for micah killing Grimshaw? Hmkay. Grimshaw being a former mistress of dutchs too. Weird.

    3. In the context it made sense to leave abby to prosecution. She was never active in any of their crimes in the game so there was little they could have convicted her of, why go back for her? Plot requirement nothing more.

    4. There's no reason why a vicious criminal like arthur would care about the marstons so much to basically self volunteer to die for them. In fact in the early game and most of it in fact art needles marston. Made no sense.

    5. So art etc agree to rob a train for the money once again on dutchs promise of this is it, how dumb can you be at this point? THEN like I said above you just abandon that money to save someone who would never be convicted of any serious crime, abi. THEN art goes back to fight it out? Why be so crazy, dutch micah etc's decision made the most sense with all that money to get the hell out of there. What didn't make sense is they went back to beaver hollow afterwards, no one would do that. They'd split it up as best they could and part ways or hand it off somewhere for safe keeping and then part ways meet up much later to split it up.

    6. Honor system once again. So how many dozens does arthur etc rob kill etc through this game but somehow he's presented as some saint? Only jewmasons could be so twisted as to tell that tale. It's one of their kabbalistic satanic principles of balance/light and dark etc Totally satanic and false in theory and in practice. I suspect this bizarre infatuation with family is just mischpucka mafia form of "family" which is what mischpucka means, like goodfellow, etc Real family is spiritual and not necessarily accidents of chance. They kind of mean this as well, just in a criminal gang sense.

    I did get the "good" ending because it made absolutely no sense for arthur to suddenly go back into dozens of enemies to find some loot in the cave, duh. Not a hard decision there. And like I said I try to negate the specious honor system and many other things RS forces on you in this game. Rampage has a handy add honor menu.

    I find the epilogue just ok, the concept of starting over but not really and trying to do unrelated work that just doesn't fit the skillset. John needed to just do deputy or full time bounty hunting work etc and let aby go marry a school teacher or shop keeper. In that case they likely would have all fared much better. Anyways I'll be back as I think of more things. Just going through the epilogue now.
    Hertzian56, Apr 29, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    On another track I'll share what I did to get my version 1323.11, working smooth with mods. Usually if you mod a game do either under 5 at a time so you can isolate or one at a time if you don't plan on doing a lot of modding. So if you get crashes or bugs it's easy to isolate the problem if it's mods. The best mods to use are always ASI script based which use AB's scripthook which is compatible with old and new versions with the latest one. Rock solid works. The LML ones are hit or miss since they sometimes need RDO stuff etc and also need to be merged if using the same peds, catalog and other files.

    I would mostly get ffffffffffff unknown errors and this was due in part lately to rampage trainer changes I made to the default games UI like a larger zoom out of the minimap. I also had a posse and was then doing the teleporting to each dinobone to get that done and it crashed the same way. Too many npc posse members and such coming along. There is also version.dll to unlock online content in SP and the wrong version for your game version can result in crashes, for mine it's the 8/21/2020 dated version that works, newer versions crash the game. Blades scripthook is backwards compatible with all versions so I've never had a problem with that. Rampage trainer needs to be the older 1355 and older version he still has available for dl on nexus.

    So the crashes with this game, if not tied to mods, are almost always to do with the API's and the cache' that goes along with them. DX12 cache can be deleted in the nvidia folder in the local appdata file, Vulcan cache is in the documents folder next to your settings file. This game needed DX11 for stability but I think M$ paid them to use DX12, way back in 2018, which is still not too great today 6-7 years later. DX11 with dxvk would totally rock this game and also removing denuvo years after release would also help. The cracked version tricks denuvo it doesn't remove it afaik, but I still can get mostly 60fps in game native no dlss at 1080p ultra/high/low mix. And of course there is NO RSL to deal with and no online always to play either, HUGE benefit. With a mod to go right into SP mode it takes about 1 min to get to in game on an old SSD.

    I play in Vulcan exclusively but if I get a crash and FFFFFF error when trying to load it up again I go into the settings.xml file and manually change the API to DX12, fire it up and play around a bit. Then delete that settings file and put back my Vulcan settings file I made a copy of. I also set my settings file to READ ONLY, the game can't just change things much better. DX12 is stuttery compared to Vulcan on average if maybe gives a few more fps. I turn off vsync as well for snappy input, the game loves to turn this on by itself etc if you don't set your settings to read only. I get 40-50% cpu and 75% gpu on average.

    One thing you can do is put a commandlinetxt in the exe folder with the -ignorepipelinecache -cpuLoadRebalancing commands in there. I think the ignore cache one is most useful since cache can get corrupted it seems. With all the different systems though it's hard to give too much more general advice. I'm on win10, mux switch to only use the 2060m, max perf in ncp and windows, etc
    Hertzian56, May 2, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Got stuck on american labor mission with sadie in the epilogue and I guess it was version.dll online content unlocker in SP so just disabled that and the mission worked fine. I've played rdr2 whole game over the years a few times so nothings a surprise at all. Eh the epilogue is just ok at least the pronghorn work is only a mission or two. They really needed to do some new SP content for New Austin as it's mostly empty. I have the AMJM transport/bounties mod and such and the NA 1907 which revives armadillo and such but it's still fairly empty. Too bad games are really just subject to profitability forecasts and boards and such now.

    Anyone who likes RDR2 would WANT them to just remake RDR1 using the peds and almost complete world there in RDR2, makes sense and the devs that worked on the whole New Austin part would probably want to see it done too but nope 6 is going to keep RS busy for a while and the cycle times are just too long now. GTA5 has been milked for almost a whole decade now and those of us not into online were left behind in that game almost on first release. I realize that RDR2 was done in place of the 6 cycle but I really don't have any need for more GTA especially the marxist focused in your face kind we're going to get with 6 and going forward. RDR2 is likely RS swansong for me and by the time they direct some attention back to RDR if they ever do I'll likely be done w AAA gaming altogether for budget reasons and just for the low quality of so much of it especially big studios w AAA offerings.

    There is so much cheaper and less marxist indy games that don't require 700$ gpu's and that are not broken for a few months afterwards that AAA games are just dying out, at least quality SP offline ones. And games are like music and movies for me, I like the classics so a few hundred torrents spread over a decade and I'm done, don't need or want more. Maybe I missed something here or there just go get it but by and large done with music and movies and at this point almost all tv as well. I have my favorites and enough of them to take long breaks and come back later on when it's fresh again. Same for games now almost. I still like the NES classic SMB, SNES, old pc games and ps2/3 emulated games and all the indies and the classic AAAs to my taste at this point. I could go into FO3/FNV and have a blast. I'm not a graphics whore.
    Hertzian56, May 3, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just continuing the epilogue. Saw Rainsfall in annnesburg train station for the first time, already saw marybeth at valentine train station. I of course saw pearson in rhodes at the gen store. I think Tilly is blackwater but maybe st denis can't remember. I wish they would have included Armadillo/tumbleweed in there somehow so pointless other than bounties and such. Say Karen shows up as a working girl in the tumbleweed saloon lol Trelawney hiding out in Armadillo etc would have been kinda cool. A couple missions from them for old times sake etc. I never got the lady in the glade as arthur so she's not there in the epilogue either.

    Did Hamish Sinclair totally as arthur. As John I took Captain Russel into St Denis tied up on my horse left him tied up in the main park there,did him a favor really. Have not seen him in clingman anymore since. I always hogtie Nigel and dump him in the countryside too, none of that annoying Gavin nonsense.

    I did a session just looking for Princess Isabeau around van horn, annesberg and roanoake ridge but of course that was cut content. Still intrigues me how the missing person flyer always shows up in van horn even after I've taken it muiltiple times WHY RS WHY! Same goes for gideon bennett poster in annesburg, maddening. Doing Evelyn Miller stuff. I am wondering about the military guy that helps the indians in the main game with arthur who runs off or something can't remember what happened, he should make an appearance in the epilogue.

    Game is stunning looking, especially after coming from Zelda tears kingdom which is fugly in comparison. Got a real world time 3 hour rain storm in game. I think since I put version.dll back in after the sadie mission it must have restarted the vestigia mod to work better it is nice not having weather that changes every 2 seconds more realistic. I have seasons mod and it's winter now so snow on the ground map wide, overcast the whole time last night, a soft pastel daytime light it was awesome. The immersive darker nights works just ok doesn't seem to match the screenshots on the mod page, not that dark idk.
    Hertzian56, May 5, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    To the final mission, american venom, not sure I want to do it though since both charles and sadie are gone for good afterwards and the mission is a pain tbh, have to do this or that at the right time which I don't remember or it fails kind of like the jumping with dutch into the river one earlier. The game gives you vague indication of what to do so it's really luck or attrition or if you do it too many times skip ahead. In the dutch mission where the army traps you it's backing away slowly until jumping off the cliff is triggered, couldn't get it right so I skipped to the next checkpoint which is floating down the river.

    I must say that after watching a whole 9hr playthrough of the first rdr released, which is the next one after rdr2, that story is much more simple than 2 is. JM just goes to get bill, javier and dutch and goes all over the NA and mex map to do it then dutch commits suicide at the end then for some unknown reason the army comes after JM at beechers hope and kills him then later his son, jack, who is very bookish and looks to go more into intellectual direction is a cowboy in like the 1920s and tracks down ross and kills him the end. Not the best ending and the story is nowhere near as deep as 2 so a huge dissonance there. It's too bad they didn't just start with a new story episode under the rdr moniker instead of shoehorning it into being a prequel. Games a masterpiece but is way too advanced to be a prequel to rdr1 imo.

    Arthur could have been killed at the end of that one instead of dying of TB, since that sort of negates the whole idea of blood atonement from the OT which is what red dead redemption refers to. However that was in very particular circumstances during a specific time frame, there is no blood atonement now or a long time. It does not make sense that someone can go through life killing, robbing etc then just go to heaven by dying through violence. If it did then why try to be good at all? Just when you are old and on the point of death have someone shoot you down or etc God wouldn't allow a cop out easy escape at a cheap price like that either. The Mormons had this sort of thing and they are really just jews through their masonic beliefs and rituals and it didn't count there either.

    They could have just had a new story and characters not related to 1 and not bothered with the largely useless NA area that eats up disc space for not much reason. Only reason there would be for online and of course if RS had ever reused assets and such to remake 1 in the framework of 2's already made world. The game would have been 150gb plus but it's not unreasonable if you get both games in one huge world. Hell they could have just reused most of the dialogue from 1 and just some NA changes and all the graphic assets put into the mexico part.

    Eh I'm going to keep playing as JM for a few days to finish Evelyns arc and try to get the Balfour stuff that is said to trigger a couple of times as JM, just not the whole thing as I missed it somehow as arthur even though I visited that area to try to trigger it multiple times. Also load up the ch.2 max outfits save I restarted this playthrough with 3 months ago also play some of my original saves from 2020 and do the legendary animals hunting. My save as JM to the final mission is 92% done, the final mission probably do like 5% more Evelyn maybe 1% more so total like 98% complete. The rest I'm not too interested in like the taxidermy tediousness and similar.

    I'll discuss the very obvious biblical references throughout this game and also the first one in another post, RS is jew owned no doubt and if you're tuned to it has a jew viewpoint with the marxism, denigration of Christianity, trying to justify criminality as they themselves are spiritual criminals and in many cases are material criminals so it makes sense they would try to make criminals "cool" and saveable and such. That's laced through their entertainment industry everywhere, it's mind control and framing and such.
    Hertzian56, May 9, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Loaded up my old 2020 chapter 2 save and going from there. None of the legendary animals caught yet and none of the crafted clothes, legend of the east stuff etc but it's fine. I used rampage trainer to unlock all the weapons like the automatic handgun, the Lemat Revolver and some other online guns and such. I didn't like really any of the crafted stuff, only the darker batwing chaps, one of the winter coats I think the cougar cutaway, the gloves, legend of the east satchel, one or two of the hats, the muskrat hat, maybe a couple of the boots but by and large almost none of the crafted clothes or legendary ones look all that good.

    For the horses I always load in the Missouri Fox Trotter Sliver Dapple Pinto the prettiest stock coat in the game imo. Just as fast as the arabians and not as pony sized as them either. I also like the dark bay turkoman, a larger horse that has race and war horse characteristics which is a nice combination of speed and not getting spooked. This breed is extinct now but it may have not been so in 1899-1907 this game takes place in. I do like the brindle arabian but it's like a pony it's so small. You can tame it over by the wapiti res. The andalusians are very aristocratic looking and war horse. I also at times will grab a mustang, they are also pretty small horses but muscly and war horse mentality. I like the Roadster with the pinto coat but it's online only and can't be stabled and kept in SP mode. Even the ultimate pre order bonus horses like the brindle thoroughbred which are free in valentine just switch to some other horse if you stable them, weird. Not a big fan of Buell, doesn't really have any special traits nor does Rachael the thoroughbred you get as JM in the epilogue. Usually sell them off.

    I plan on staying at Horseshoe Overlook for a long time, clemens point ch3 isn't too bad probably the best one geography wise right on the lake for boating and fishing right in camp. But once you get to Ch 4 Shady Belle it goes downhill depressing in camp and infighting between outlaws not too pleasant. And my fav towns are Valentine and Van Horne both interesting in their own ways in pretty areas. Strawberry has no saloon and is really small not much going on there.
    Hertzian56, May 18, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Was getting into the mysteries reddit thread and came across princess izabeau K zinsmeister thread. IKZ=9-11-26 when you use the gematria for english letters. 9=from above, 11=jewtranny elite, 26 not sure we know that 36=3 sixes=666 so this could be 2 sixes=66, below-below. You could also add up the single numbers and get a 1.

    Also likely has to do with the jewish "british" royal family and how charles, like the other previous king charles, will abdicate or exit the public stage like her father Drag Queen did on 9-8 or 9-9 22 so then the first full day of Charles reign was on 9-11-22, something like 666 days after 3-11-2020 or Crown Virus Day. Likely these are similar to the Vatican 2.0 anti-popes who really are just jewmasontrannys working like termites from within, old tribester satanist strategy. These people don't care at all, they're elite, doesn't matter to them the traditions and such but their own sick ones in private, satanists. Their public life is a whited wall, and they live in a constant ritualistic state: they care little for the titles and publicity and likely get replaced at different life changes, 30,40,60 etc doppelganger comes in, off to enjoy life. Die, manma for them was a 6' jewish man who retired nothing more.

    Likely the last nominal british monarch is Henry IX the OrangeFace 33 w the blacktranny queen invading from overseas to usurp for the banksters like William of Orange did back around 1688. Financed from amsterdam jews to depose a Catholic King Charles II. Perhaps the other orange faced tranny Trumpina will be dictator by then, and help out. She's certainly being built up by the jewmasontranny mafia as another fake hero that dumbos follow like good sheep to the slaughter. Kerensky was another version of this termite pre-soviet takeover, just preparing the way for the new leadership.

    Battista in cuba was another one, transcultist family likely crypto jews, preparing the way for the marrano crypto-jewtrannyman Castro. OLD marrano name of jews, sephardicks from spain, this fatty woman was kept in power by all sides. Marxism is the antithesis to jew capitalism, long planned synthesis there. Neither the USSR, Cuba, China or any other marxist paradise would ever last without the looting by their bankster brethren in the west to keep their corpse countries going. Multinatl Corps are controlled by the banksters and in turn govs are controlled by the multinatl corps. Dumbos have no clue for the most part. Whole real history of last hundreds of years won't really ever be printed or known widely.

    Prince William who is the namesake of William of Orange 33 with the manly wifey will likely disappear or such to get out of the line by then. First full day of Henry IX reign 9-11-26. Who then ENDS the british(really all jews now and transcultists) monarchy formally even though it's been a pirate/jewish monarchy for hundreds of years now. The British Empire was a product of the Bank of England founded in 1688 and then changed form post ww2 with the leadership being in JYC but really I suspect this satanic cults ultimate leadership is in "neutral" Switzerland. Satanism is reactive the true Church which is located in Rome but since at least Vat2.0 is a subtle tool of jewmasonry. So it has to have it's HQ in mainland Europe which SZ has their boss of boss banks the BIS.

    Three largest enemies to the jewmasons has always been 1. Trad Catholic Church 2. Monarchy allied w such 3. Rabble of people with their cherished traditions that once centered around the Feasts of the Saints, the True HOLY-Days. All three largely scattered sheep and penned up by these goats of satan now. These are described in masonry as the murderers of hiram abiff, most masons are just lust filled types, clueless.

    IKZ if you look at the model loaded with rampage trainer is a tranny, high levels were full of them by the late 19th century, and likely long before that. Old dragon queen Vic reigned almost the the whole 19th century and he was raised into this baphomet, innana, venus, divine androgyne cult. The hidden interbreeding with the ghetto trash from hell likely brought this into the euro-royalty.

    To me this is cut content but maddeningly so. They still keep the missing poster up at van horn the whole game, the comments by NPCs here and there, the trunk in the fence that belonged to IKZ etc Just leave all that out altogether if you're cutting it. If you load in IKZ adult as a bodyguard w rampage sHe doesn't have any proper lines at all either, very strange for anything that has some very esoteric way to unlock it. Strange looking no doubt the eyes pop out of the skull they're so full of male energy and the clothes hide the male skeleton. This is way beyond the Bennetts or whatever the bros from annesburg area are called, that's just one eternal bounty poster that's old and the other stuff it's not a mystery like IKZ is in the game.

    Justar uses the 5 pointed shield of the pagans as it's logo, that St Stephen mentions in Acts 7, it's the other side of the talisman of saturn, the other side is a hexagram for kabbalah-mystical part of satanism. Rock=drugs, star=one of the two stars of satanism per the application, Stern=star, Stein=stone etc. So no doubt Rock-Star is another one of their companies and they seed this stuff into their enterprises as an insult to the dumbos but also as a legal way to say "we told you so, silence or ignorance is not an excuse and it denotes CONSENT" legally speaking. Ah satanism is very clever, too clever, it's pride is it's downfall. And I will repeat what the King who was to be judged as deficient in Daniel saw: MANES, TECHEL, PHARIES. God has judged you and passed sentence, you are found deficient and are rejected, your kingdom will be destroyed.
    Hertzian56, May 30, 2023
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just adding a bit of info to the above IKZ mystery the last name there means "interest master", zins-interest. Zinsmeister. Master of Interest. I'm not sure if that could mean general attention from others due to X or if it could be interpreted as interest in a bankster sense. I suspect the former in this case. So just the name gives a clue that this little tranny was of great interest and was likely kidnapped for cult reasons. Remember that IKZ has birthmarks on the face and hand with some back story there. The hand one looks to be a pentagram or some sort of weird star or such. The face just looks something random, over one eye of course always do that.

    The most famous birthmark is that of the past USSR head Gorbachev who in later life moved to the USA and had some institute in San Francisco. Very odd but par for the course when it comes to high level commie leaders. Kerensky did the same, Kaganovich did the same, trotsky-bronstein was a NYC resident for a while, there's something they're trying to tell you there. So there's likely a link to Gorby from the birthmarks.

    There is a lot of cultist type of activity highlighted in this game, like the various gangs and locations, the Murfree's with their "mother"(which COULD be IKZ btw), Butcher Creek has a whole satanic motif and happenings but also a later story about water poisoning from a mine company etc The Chelonians that seem to be a mix of Mormonism, scientology and nature/animal worship, throw in some GTAV epsilon links I suppose. The Skinners of Tall Trees exhibit cult pagan activity, in the Big Valley region there's a pagan human sacrifice location and mask to collect, and an obelisk in the same area. Obelisk is a pagan symbol, a circumcised penis, self worship godhood, sex force worship etc The Egyptian elite were trannys/effeminates and the Ankh is a symbol of this merging of the sexes within ones own body. In the book Set God of Confusion they illustrate how censorship of the real scrolls is endemic with grant dependent "scientists". The major example in that book is that Osiris and Set were not fighting wrestling but actually having sexual relations of an unnatural nature. Likely a sex-death ritual because the mythology then continues on to Osiris being ripped into 14 pieces with Isis failing to find only one, the penis. Obvious obelisk origin story. I think incest is in there too, Isis and Osiris being either mother-son or bro-sis but I'm pretty sure it's mother-son.

    Uh getting back to the occultism in the game it's all over really and jewstar is saturated with it themselves. The Native Americans are in there with their dreamcatchers and such. The cave with the statues. The talismans, the trinkets and all over. The Night Folk gang have ANOTHER ritual human sacrifice and paganism angle, it's just all over in this game, hard to remember all of it.

    So IKZ is likely the leader of some cult in the game world. The Murfree's mention of "mother" still seems plausible to me, cults rely on ignoramus' who eat it all up to get the heavy lifitng done and IKZ was kidnapped in that part of the map, Roanoke Ridge area after Roanoake Virginia in real life. Reflecting the West Virginia image of poverty, hill billys and general backwardness. I doubt that's true though, likely just stereotypes that serve some purpose.

    The whole murfree/butcher creek occult angle seems likely but idk. Murfrees are into their long time in the hills there long before IKZ made an entrance.

    Butcher Creek is just confusing, so we get all sorts of ominous things there like glowing pentagrams under broken shacks, demonic lights at a distance in the windows of another shack. Carcasses all over the place out in the open, generally unhealthy living, etc The undertone of human sacrifice is there too, butchers. THEN later we get this whole series of missions about how the townfolk are somehow weird due to mine leavings poisoning the water and the mine company trying to get liability release by using a pseudo-religious huckster to play them into signing. At the end of that series of missions nothing changes in butcher creek really and an explosion inside the mine actually makes the mine poisoning worse and going directly into Elysium Pond which then goes down stream into the swamps and then past St Denis into the larger river. And I forgot the Night Folk which are silent and communicate via whistles and such and lots of occultism there.

    Also in roanoke ridge we have the snake monument, the manbearpig gross frankenstein experiment, wolf boy, viking ruins and such. Notice that the Tesla figure is located here as well w his free power antenna but the motive being powering up his robot which is revealed later to be for world domination but ends up killing him instead. Ominous stuff. We also get the meteorite mystery of sorts too. There are two easy finds of meteorites in the same general area near the Tesla figures place, but in the quantity it says you have only 2/3. No one has ever found this third meteorite. It's likely just an error but three is always more complete versus just 2. I've found no obvious 3rd site in the area and it's likely in the same area, in fact the tesla device may be the reason for that. Attracting basically just highly electrically charged rocks carried into the atmosphere, meteorites are a myth and don't exist the way we're sold. I would definitely try to use the detector that Dragic gives you in his mission to look for the third meteorite near the other two. I have not drained the waters like rampage can do but it likely landed in a water body. There's no obvious destruction like the other two.
    Hertzian56, May 30, 2023
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The Zinsmeister name could also be a plant from RS to keep up interest in the game through unsolvable and cut content. Masters of Interest. I think there's a policy of RS to have several of these unsolvable mysterires to foster those who are prone to obsession to keep going with this. Like snake fascination. There is no reason for these NPC comments, missing person posters that keep coming back in prominent places, the obvious IKZ luggage at the van horn fence, the easily found by data miners IKZ adult model and likely other stuff I missed other than just to string along those prone to completionist behavior. Same for all sorts of things in rs games but to be fair a lot of offhand NPC comments and seemingly random pictures and stuff does usually have a correspondence to real in game stuff.

    However after 5 years of millions of players playing the game it's unlikely there are even possible solutions to IKZ, meteorite 3 and other mysteries. It's likely a strategy by RS like I said above, and also in the contracts of all involved in such to not say anything about it for a long long time or face legal breach of contract suits. Otherwise you would think someone who worked on that particular part of the game would have said something by now, like confirming cut content or confirming a strategy by RS to keep Zins or Interest going.
    Hertzian56, May 30, 2023
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Doing chapter 3 now since this game does not let you know when a major mission is going to take place necessitating a camp move. Often you think you're doing one mission like johns sheep mission and then in the end of the mission it turns into the cornwall gang shootout in valentine. So once this is done if you go back to camp it's not camp anymore it's all packed up with people hanging about. Too bad, Horshoe is the best one and ch.2 is the best chapter. Ch 3 is nice too but it's just sliding into Dutchs madness more, makes no sense to lay low and then get all mixed up in two feuding families trying to play them for some treasure or something not sure why.

    Games mostly are a platform for social engineering and it's easy to see in this one. The false history, misdirection and pet projects of the jewmasontranny satanic cult today are evident. One example of misdirection is Herr Strauss, the "german" who is a loan shark. Nah he's actually Jewish, and they have no country as internationalists who think every country belongs to them so this or that one are only base of operations. This whole fairytale version of an outlaw gang makes little sense either unless you say it's a subtle example of the fairytale communism/socialism best expounded by the jew marx and engels and many others. It DOESN'T take a village, that's just an old witchcraft saying. The idea that this fairytale gang would lend money at high interest makes no sense, they're on the run not in business and strauss and his nonsense would be a liability not an asset.

    Back then to eat you hunted, fished, perhaps crops if you were stable, you didn't need coin for stores. Shelter you cut down some trees and made a cabin on any land you claimed that wasn't already claimed, homesteading. No coin needed other than for the tools which you could get by hunting and such. Clothes you somewhat needed coin for but you could also make clothes out of animal hides and furs, you're hunting them anyways for food. Maybe you would need coin for chickens for food but not a ton of it. So food, shelter, clothes all taken care of without coin. Heat just make a fire with some flint, I don't know that they had matches then.

    I am also on a ch.2 modded save w all the legendary animals caught all clothes done, maxed out so none of that grinding to do. Back at horseshoe doing all the other stuff that's not missions or the minor missions. I also have my 90% save on the last mission getting micah to load up for wandering and seeing if I had missed anything. I still need to use rampage to spawn the taxedermist stuff and finish that one, no way I'm spending all that time for those catches. I really don't care for past ch3, shady belle is pretty depressing and the madness of dutch just goes overboard, as well as the madness of the rest for continuing to follow him.

    Gaurma isn't too interesting either and is very short w not much to do other than the 5 missions once you get established there. Wish I could skip the micah missions early on and later such a slimy douche. The last arthur chapter is in a nice place, beaver hollow, gorgeous part of the map but since it's all really at the end and everyones fighting there's no true camp there, like the chuckwagon to supply, poker, etc It's just all venom. It's too bad because that region is fairly well neglected for gang missions like elysium pool, roanoke in general, van horn only gets one mission, no banks to rob up there, just the one saloon in van horn etc It would have been cool for the whole gang to take on van horn since it's really a huge gang itself rather than a town.
    Hertzian56, Jun 2, 2023
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Marathon game session yesterday and I saw a couple of IKZ princess isabeau mystery clues.

    1. At the Aberdeen Pig Farm w the brother/sister who drug you I saw in the skull/bones cabinet upstairs the same greenhead doll that is sitting on the IKZ trunk at the fence in van horn. I think this has been mentioned before though. But the unusual lettuce head green doll must have some meaning as it's unique. You can't keep it open so I can't remember but there might be a regular white apron doll in there too. I also looked at the mass grave you wake up at, later on but didn't find anything IKZ related. The pic of the aberdeen family dated 1878 looks like a tranny cult family, the sister has a weird male look with an elongated head. So looks like the sister is the same age roughly as IKZ.

    BTW don't taste the stew, that alone is enough to get poisoned and whatever else they do to you! Had to shoot the bro since he tried to shoot me after I hog tied his sister. Dumped her in the swamps, if she got untied before the alligators got her she got away if not eh I did this because they didn't kill me just drugged me, did whatever else, and left me alive.

    2. Riding at night in the Heartlands I encountered a random NPC camp of what looked like either a perv or an artist or both with erotic photos and art hanging in his half tent. It was one of those where they invite you to sit at the fire things and they tell a story. His story was about a lonely cabin north of Annesburg with a single woman widow living alone. This must be Mrs Balfour my guess. He then says he was asked to leave by her and then he was watching her in the bushes from outside very creepy stuff. His camp also had handcuffs, and a DOLL laying around in it. This doll was a regular one w a white apron though, not a greenhead ones. I've seen these dolls in the stores but not the greenhead one, just the regular ones. I couldn't get much more out of him before the standard they recognize you somehow as a criminal and try to get away. I hogtied him but there was nothing on him further.

    I also recognized an erotic photo at his tent that I think I've seen on the wall behind the bar at van horn, which seems about right since this all ties into the region. It was the one of someone similar to Karen wearing a mask with breasts shown.

    3. Just read the article about the princess in the paper, nothing new just that it mentions rumors about her being taken to a small town. So really if she's still in the region it has to be Annesburg, Van Horn or possibly Butcher Creek but the npc model of her doesn't really look like it would fit there, nor at van horn and there's really nothing to Annesburg other than the mine and industry. I've read about the camping npc at elysium pool in Ch 4 who says she's still in the area so it's definitely very obscure. The article says 1000$ reward but the poster in van horn says 100 throughout the campaign and in the epilogue. You can also see a watermark on that poster of the Allbright wanted poster at the right angle and light. Notice the weird looking photo of IZK at 5 on the poster, this looks like a gamecube era character model very cgi looking, not your typical 2d newspaper image that's on the other posters throughout the game. Very strange.

    Since some work was found by data miners that say it has AM turning her into the Annesburg sheriff she must be in that area and either be a criminal or unwilling to be turned in. Since she(probably a ladyboy), has the occult birthmarks and the game has a ton of occultist stuff in it it seems like she was either taken by a cult or given to a cult by the family that is also in the cult. She may be a local leader of the cult, living in relative comfort in a town but isolated most of the time. Even worshiped due to the birthmarks and heritage.
    Hertzian56, Jun 4, 2023
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And a note there, the brother of IKZ somehow felt the need to defend himself from any involvement, meaning he was definitely involved no doubt. It's a psychological need so perhaps the brother and sister trannys were switched so a male dressed as a female, IKZ, was given to a local chapter of the cult by the family and the girl dressed as a boy the brother knew about it and felt bad or something.

    In this jewmasonic made game you hear no mention or very little mention of jews and their masonic thralls but you do get obelisks, paganism and the other occult stuff saturated into the game. Cannibalism is also featured under slight disguises. For instance I was exploring butchers creek at night and some disfigured woman at one of the houses said if you stay too long there you end up in the pot, oof. And the villagers all say they don't appreciate outsiders etc They're all hanging around like they're guarding something. We never see sinofgogs in games, nor masonic houses, we only get churches which get burned, disrespected and such. Dutch makes the comment Papists and rapists, so this is the jewstar pentagram shining through pretty clearly. Uh I love this game it's top 3 for me but it's very jewmasonic.

    Now I went back to van horn and looked behind the bar again and yep same pics of erotic nature there, so there's some sort of underground sexual industry in that region which is likely tied to IKZ and cult activity. I doubt there's any solution to IKZ, looks to be just hinted at but open ended and cut later for political reasons. Too hot for a game about outlaw killers masquerading as some good people. Of course criminals making the game want to portray criminals as somehow good and redeeming when nothing of the sort happens. Just because AM does some good doesn't mean he's good, a tragic past for sure but as an adult he continued it in the vast majority of the time, he had a choice as an adult. Recognizing abuse of authority is a responsibility he shirked and continued with dutch and the like.
    Hertzian56, Jun 5, 2023
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I got into doing some low honor stuff which usually gives me a headache after a while, but is also hilarious like antagonizing gang members and getting kicked out of camp. Once you do it a few times you realize they dump you farther away. I also used rampage to set honor to -240 which is minimum you can go. I noticed a lot more negative scripts running in camp between the npcs as well.

    I guess rando npcs are less friendly as well too but it's kind of funny to think you can do anything and your honor is already lowest anyways. I did some slaughters in saloons and such which was headache invoking so stuck with tying up npcs and dumping them in water or the swamps. So glad to do that to Lillian. And the normally rude npcs who put their horses in your way deliberately, thanks RS, are nice to not care and get into a fight. The rude npcs at camps you ride by, no ones that rude. If you follow those who think you are they usually run away.

    Eh it's better to just play how you want to or that's most natural. These are criminals anyways regardless of how jewstar frames it. But to get low honor is actually pretty hard and requires a lot of effort, almost anything you do will keep honor in the middle if you start from the default the game gives you. You get dinged for not doing things, you get dinged for doing things and vice versa it's how jewstar thinks you should do them.

    The honor system is nonsense in this game, the missions almost universally REQUIRE you to do killing, robbing, beating and such but have no effect on honor or you'd be at the bottom. There's no choice there, nor jewstars judgement is NO JUDGEMENT at all. But trifling little things or things you miss or things that are not your fault are a ding and the little ding or plus audio is annoying. There are mods to turn it off but it sticks you at the honor you were at permanently before you had the mod, so if freezes your honor. Not too bad it turns off the audio dog treat or shock mechanic. I usually just use Rampage to adjust it and negate jewstars forced judgements but that means I have to hear the pavlovian dog shock or treat sound and then go and negate it and hear it again.
    Hertzian56, Jun 6, 2023
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I want to be able to sell humans, dogs, horses to the butcher for money or drop them off to the murfrees/butcher creek etc for money like the gtav missions to the compound. Skinning horses, dogs and etc was left out as well, horse meat was likely eaten a lot in the west. The many cannibal overtones and undertones in this game are very odd while none of the above is available, strange game really. We need injuns in there as a roaming gang just like the others imo as well. They were in no way just innocent victims or noble and such as a whole.
    Hertzian56, Jun 8, 2023
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The most logical overall explanation for this game I've heard is that both Arthur and Micah are just two figments of Dutchs personality and thus don't really exist in real life. This would make sense since neither are mentioned at all in RDR1 and it was done like this on purpose because they didn't have a backstory on this Marston-Dutch story all finished just sketched out if rdr1 was a flop.

    It's a wide open genre really, open world westerns that none of the other big devs have really touched. I think Techland with it's DL experience and quality could really do it well with the COJ background, perhaps Focus could do it w the plague tale experience, crytek in its glory days of old ie the first 3 games, could have done it as well. I wouldn't want jubisoft/EA or others doing it, likely a terrible game. Possible that a dept of M$ could do it maybe dig up some of the Halo crew. Not so sure about CPDR but they do have a fine game in TW3, and an ok game in CP77. They would need a strong base to build on though, this is a poor studio without very well done source IP from somewhere else. Likely a western book series like the Louis L'Amour books. CP77 had a pretty weak source IP and it shows. The studio is all jews as well no doubt and their talmudickism shows through pretty well in cp77 and the other side of that dirty coin kabbalism even more so. Same in TW3 w the magic and runes and such, all paganism of the kabbalists etc

    So getting back to the main thesis, Arthur and Micah are like the two aspects of Dutchs criminal mind, just lesser evil in Arthur then the cartoon character Micah all bad guy. Same old fight, the world, the devil and the flesh. Faust and mephistopheles, etc sitting on dutchs two shoulders pulling him to one side or the other. So then when Arthur died first the darker side took over even though Micah would also be killed at the end of RDR2. Dutch is all bad in RDR1 if you've watched it or played it, nasty evil man. He imagines he's free by killing and robbing and wraps it in a veneer of righteousness in RDR2 in many ways. So take arthur as dutch and micah as dutch in RDR2, their actions reflecting different doings of Dutch. Arthurs free roaming would be dutchs real freedom aspect when in the high honor mode but also in the low honor mode it works for the general direction of the series. But the high honor free roam would make sense since he dies and the little bit of good also dies.

    The first game is not a good story really, why the gov would not just go after Dutch itself is anyones guess. JM would just be sent to jail end of story, no reason to rely on one ex gang member to do it all. I mean if you're JM you focus on getting abigail and jack out of captivity and into mexico instead of the fools errand of what he did in that game. Even just seeking other help for his kidnapped and captive wife and son from other authorities, made no sense for the gov to do that bit of criminal mischief for Dutch. Finding out he's just in cochinay right in easy reach of the army is kind of a non plus imo. Javier and Bill are pointless to go after and Bill was just in Ft Mercer could have easily just sent in the army to take it, not one guy having to do all these favors to pull together a crew to do it. Centering around a gatling gun, pretty dumb.
    Hertzian56, Jun 16, 2023
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