Pacific Drive Warning

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Feb 27, 2024.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I started up PD and it's intriguing at first but quickly devolves into a loot a thon with procgen looting items to then go manually fix your car, I mean WTF? It has some nice foresty driving and such but the gameplay is boring. It feels like Long Dark but you're in a car driving between areas but LD is actually fun with a story, unfinished after 7 years btw, but if you get a trainer it's a nice exploration and some wildlife combat game. This game has not much game to it, it's a chore to fix your car and then have to listen to some weirdos with the cliche jersey accent blabbing about whatnot.

    The controls are a complete nightmare to deal with especially on controller. Sometimes buttons work sometimes not. Then once you hit the buttons they want like open OS the in your face prompt never goes away it gets stuck. I don't want to manage a backpack inventory, I have a whole car to throw stuff in for Gods sake!

    This being a UE game not sure if it's 4 or 5 it almost makes no difference what settings you have, it's well overusing hardware for what is shown and dialing down makes no difference. I adjusted brightness multiple times with it making no discernable difference. And the convoluted accessibility menu is too much, just have a few and then have a difficulty levels option there, story, normal, nightmare is enough.

    There is no manual saving and if you quit and come back you almost have to just start over. When I quit the first time it hadn't autosaved for 41 mins! WTF? You can tell trannies made this game with how idiotic it is and they made sure to include trans propaganda in the form of flags and such like the CP77 trash. I thankfully grabbed flings trainer to speed up the character and negate a lot of the damage and grind as much as possible but I still couldn't figure out how to make a new car door which seemed to be so important even though the existing one worked well enough. Who the hell goes out of their way to do that anyways? No door sure but the car had a driver side door that worked, no need to enforce this as an objective.

    And if you don't do things in order the game breaks, you can't advance if you don't siphon gas from some car on the road, if you proceed past it then get to the garage the stupid objective stays there and you can't pickup the idiotic backpack and advance. What idiots designed this game? transidiots that's who.
    Hertzian56, Feb 27, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    There are lots of bugs in this game like the stuck "open the OS" text in your face even after you do so and there is no direction given. Just scrap car, what car? You're not going to scrap a running car you have. Pickup stupid loot and then craft some door WTF?

    This is a terrible bad game and don't waste money or time on it. You can tell the fake reviews are endemic on steam, liars and those who have interest in selling this lemon of a game to hapless people who buy into the hype-notism of modern sellsellsell scummy culture. DON'T BUY OR PLAY THIS TRASH GAYME!!!
    Hertzian56, Feb 27, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Freaking uninstall and delete this trash. It is 18gb v113 so at least it's not too heavy but it's a resource hog like most UE games are. This is likely a UE5 game which so far are just unoptimized trash. Don't do it no matter how much good you hear about it or at least watch some of it on yt before you fork out money or time.
    Hertzian56, Feb 27, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Ok so I came back to this heaping pile to give it a.nother chance. So one of the major problems is that if you don't do things in the order the game wants you are stuck and cannot proceed, this is typical bad programming and the idiots who did this are more concerned about perv flags, pedo flags and adult child sexual contact.

    So this time I did the siphon in order, grabbed the backpack in order, finally had to switch to KBM controls to get the stupid "open the OS" message gone and the stupid magic dumpster which spits out tools and items as needed. I then proceeded to scrap the junked car in the back and grab the items in the trunk. BUT, I did BEFORE the game told me to do so, SO I'M STUCK once again. The command to scrap the car and grab the stuff in the trunk had not arrived yet so there is nothing to scrap and nothing in the trunk to grab, it's been done and it's all in the nonsensical backpack, it's all there but I can't continue because the game is like a checklist and MUST be done in order or it breaks. It can't sense that I already did that and have the stuff so the nag objective still says do what I've already done.

    I also scrapped the computer screen and got some items but there is no other interactible things to get the other needed items to make a door, even though the door needed in question already exists on the freaking car, drove the whole way with that door just fine. What a shit game! The menus, UI, controls are total BS. And even though I have keep stuff in the accessibility menu once I booted up I was back at the first tutorial once again. Every time I've played and got to oppys garage it never saves there and it saves SIX MINUTES into the game at the start of the tutorial. So I hang around for about 45 mins trying to get it going and every time I've lost that time playing. I usually get so fed up by 45mins in that I just quit out. I'm not going to waste time doing the same thing and trying to do nothing until it tells me to do it in the exact order they want, it's tediousAF.

    Shit game, and I'm deleting the install and the repack today, done with it. The dishonest sneaking of the perv flags done to make sure it's AFTER the refund window also points to these scum perv child molester devs scamming. Thankfully I don't pay for any games, they haven't been worth paying for for years, similar to TV, it's all a big lying propaganda tool by these satanists and they have the audacity to want pay for it, PHUKEM. Even if you don't pay to watch or play they put in ads so you DO PAY anyways with your attention to the included ads and propaganda in TV and games. Also the market for all this IS FLOODED thus in their own system of SUPPLY and DEMAND the product is worth almost NOTHING anyways BUT these liar satanists then RAISE PRICES for everything which flies in the face of their lying Adam Smith Dope Inc economics. I mean how sick and twisted can you get?

    Hertzian56, Feb 27, 2024
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So yeah I totally deleted this garbage game and reinstalled The Long Dark Wintermute and survival mode. I think this game should have scrapped procgen and used a world design like TLD, driving through a few smaller maps to get objectives done would have been a lot better and the world could have been handcrafted a bit more like TLD is. Just change the winter snow landscape for a pre procgen made forest then come back for some handcrafting like TLD with it's sparse buildings and mostly spooky atmosphere.

    Just rain, mud, spooky buildings and atmosphere to walk in and occasionally use the car to move around with all the quirkiness to the car and the storms and such. Then have some spooky encounters here and there and just good sound design while tromping through the forest with a flashlight or something. Have a tent mode which could be spooky too. Such a missed opportunity and the devs for this game are stupid idiot scum tranny weirdos. But the PNW is kind of mysterious and spooky and it's eery being in those lush forests alone far from anyone I can tell you that from experience, the owl calls at night are spookyAF, and it gets DARK DARK there in the winter and fall time. How you can screw up the setting and make a nonsensical annoying game is crazy.
    Hertzian56, Feb 28, 2024
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