neeed help please

Discussion in 'Samsung' started by caneno, May 30, 2015.

  1. caneno


    May 30, 2015
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    I have a samsun np365e5c, I tried to factory reset the laptop, i restarted the laptop and pressed f4, then nothing happened. For soem reason I read something in the web saying to go to the BIOS the. I while in the BIOS I presses f9 (setup default) then f10 (save and reset) and ever since my computer when it boots up it goes straight to the BIOS.
    caneno, May 30, 2015
  2. caneno


    Aug 22, 2008
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    Romford, Essex UK
    Personally I have never known that to happen - may I suggest you go back into BIOS to where you made those 'changes' and see if there are any other options - like booting from the Hard drive...

    Samsung not responding to F4 - usually means that you have somehow over written the Hidden Partition containing the Samsung Recovery Files...

    This usually happens if you tried Linux or Installed a different version of Windows... during installation, the MBR gets re-written, losing partition information.

    If you have access to a Windows 7 (assuming you're using 7)... Try this how to

    In case you have not got a disk... here is a link to the Repair section of a Windows 7 Disk in my Essentials' folder on Dropbox - you need to 'burn' it to a USB Stick (2Gb) or a DVD... using ISO burner software such as CDBurnerXP
    Available FREE from en/home

    Hope this is helpful
    Brian8gbSSDLinux, May 30, 2015
  3. caneno


    May 30, 2015
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    I went back to the BIOS and changed everything back but now I just noticed that the bios is not recognizing my hard drive. Because i put it in boot options and in boot priorities and it does not show my hdd
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2015
    caneno, Jun 1, 2015
  4. caneno


    May 26, 2015
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    It sounds more like the laptop is not seeing the hard drive to me. It has nothing to boot to, so is going to what it does have.
    My first place of call would be with a screwdriver and not the BIOS at all.
    I would locate the hard drive, disconnect it and then reconnect it and try the laptop again.
    It is not uncommon for ribbon cables to work lose overtime, especially if they were not seated correctly from the word go (which is rather more frequent that you would imagine).
    Page 29 of the support document shows you where the hard drive cover is. (with the memory/RAM if that helps)
    (I had put the link in, but it was awaiting moderation, so I have removed it so you might get to see my response.)
    Connie858, Jun 1, 2015
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