Location of 'My Files'

Discussion in 'Linux' started by jamesogilvie, Oct 1, 2009.

  1. jamesogilvie


    Jul 17, 2009
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    Hey everyone,

    I have a problem with my Aspire One... When I click on the Files links on my desktop (eg, My Documents, My Photos, etc) the folders that are opened are empty. The location "My Disk:///Documents" has nothing in it. However, all my files can be found in the location "/home/user/Documents".

    Any idea how this happened, or how to fix it? I don't want to copy them from the /home/user location as this is the default location for most of the programs (such as vlc and open office) and I am assuming that the files have always been there as I never moved them. Maybe the link between the "/home" folder and the "My Disk" has broken?

    Any help would be hugely appreciated as I have no idea what to do!

    Thanks a lot.
    jamesogilvie, Oct 1, 2009
  2. jamesogilvie


    Sep 16, 2009
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    Install Tweak UI from MS Powertoys, and change the locations.. good luck!'

    mwesth, Oct 1, 2009
  3. jamesogilvie


    Jul 17, 2009
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    Thanks for the idea, but should have mentioned I am running Linux, not windows! Any ideas for Linux users with this problem?!
    jamesogilvie, Oct 2, 2009
  4. jamesogilvie


    Oct 5, 2008
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    Oklahoma City, Ok, USA
    If it helps... I have a somewhat modified AAO , but anyway. Can you bring up the file manager? and if so, does it show a small pane on the left and a larger pane on the right? The left pane shows My Disk and (below that) Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos and Downloads (on my computer anyway). When I select Documents, I see My Music, My Pictures, My Videos on the right and those are empty. Those folders are located under /home/user/Documents/My Music (My Pictures, etc) and they are empty unless you decide to put things there. I don't know how your linux desktop is set up, but mine is actually at /home/user/desktop. If you want something that lets you get deep into the file organization , you might look at Midnight Commander. It is a 'shell program that you can run from a terminal prompt. It may be installed, but if it isn't and you have access to the add software widget, you can add it. Start it from a terminal window (as a user is better, if you go into it as a super user, you can do a lot of damage) by typing mc.

    aaparkr, Oct 4, 2009
  5. jamesogilvie


    Oct 5, 2008
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    Oklahoma City, Ok, USA
    Continuing, the defaults for linpus are the same as a lot of distros in that your files are saved in your home directory or a subset for the most part. I am not aware of any symbolic links, but I guess you could point to the actual location from My Documents (wherever that might be on your computer). I admit to being spoiled by Midnight Commander as it allows you to do things like that without having to go to the command line. The file locations you mention are empty on my computer too unless I have put things there. (ie: /home/user/Documents/My Documents.

    aaparkr, Oct 4, 2009
  6. jamesogilvie


    Jul 17, 2009
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    Hi guys,

    Thanks a lot for your help. Just to clarify... Yes I can open the file manager, and it shows a small pane on the left and a larger pane on the right, with My Disk and (below that) Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos and Downloads on the left. However, when I click on Documents, Music, etc, these folders are empty and nothing opens on the right. All of my files are instead located on the /home/user/ directory.

    Where I am confused is that they always used to be located on the My Disk location that opens from the desktop, and that is where I put all my files when I bought the laptop. However, a few weeks ago they all disappeared from the My Disk location, and I only found the /home/user directory by searching the computer for my files!

    So my query is really whether these two locations should be linked, and it is the link that is broken, or if these two locations are independent and somehow the files have been copied from the My Disk location to the home/user/ one?

    I hope I am making sense! Any further help would be greatly appreciated!

    jamesogilvie, Oct 7, 2009
  7. jamesogilvie


    Aug 20, 2009
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    I have seem the same symptoms. I suspected it was something to do with the way Linpus uses the left hand card reader to expand the "disc" size (Linpus uses aufs - Another Union File System). I never got my head around the detail of that process. There appear to be differnt ways of spreading stored data between the SSD and the SD card. What happens if the SD card is removed temporarily or permanently? What differences are there if the SD card is present or not when Linpus is installed?

    These are just ideas that you might consider. I replaced Linpus with UNR which does not use aufs so I can no longer investigate the issue.
    scotty2, Oct 8, 2009
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