LED backlighting vs. Hg disclosure on bottom panel

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by jthompson7804, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. jthompson7804


    Sep 8, 2008
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    I purchased an AA1 last week and have been generally pleased with it. But I noted yesterday when looking at the bottom panel that in the area where all the certifications/disclosures are written, there's a piece of text next to a circular Hg sign stating "Lamp(s) contain mercury. Dispose properly." I checked the web for other photos and found that even the AA1 reviewed by Notebook Review has this disclosure at the bottom panel (photo linked at http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=4575). Do all AA1s have this disclosure on their underside? Does it imply that the AA1 has CCFL-based backligthing instead of LED or is it merely an oversight/error on the disclosures, since notebook computers presumably with LED-based backlighting are not supposed to have any mercury present in the hardware whatsoever.

    Any ideas? Thanks.
    jthompson7804, Sep 9, 2008
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