HELP with wifi/lan connection

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by loaded18, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. loaded18


    Sep 27, 2008
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    hi , i uses a '3' model MF622 dongle (uk) , its causing me BIG problem at the moment , every time after i used the '3' , it causes my other network connection to malfunction. i have to re-install the wifi, lan driver EVERY TIME :eek: ! i had my techkee mate to help and he says its to do with the IP address , dhcp services blah blah .....and this week I CANT connect wifi/lan anymore !!!! stupid '3' only ! :evil:

    i have now tried restore to an earlier date via safe mode ,with just clean XP installed and still NOT working !!!!, ITS TO DO WITH THE ACER ONE NOT ABLE TO ACQUIRE IP as i can connect but with limited connectivity

    anyone know??please... :cry:

    a150 1g, 120g hd, 3304 bios updated , xp sp3 clean installed over linpus -no dual boot ,no other fancy os etc. ;)
    loaded18, Oct 18, 2008
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