Help with type of LCD connector

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by OutThere, Oct 13, 2023.

  1. OutThere


    Oct 13, 2023
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    Hi I bought an LCD tester. I have a number of new and old Laptop LCD's to test. The kit came with 15 adapter cables for LCDs to the tester. I have several LCDS that are only a few years old and a smaller connector than any that came with the kit. are there adapters to adapt from a larger to this new smaller. i have contacted the seller, has not gotten back to me yet. do LCD connecters have a standard or names for different type, if so what is this smaller type? one LCD came off of a Dell Latitude 5501 made in 2020. i have included pictures[​IMG] [​IMG]

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    OutThere, Oct 13, 2023
  2. OutThere


    Oct 24, 2023
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    Hi there,

    The smaller connector on your more recent LCDs is likely a 30-pin eDP (Embedded DisplayPort) interface. This has become the newer standard for internal display connectors in modern laptops compared to the older 40-pin LVDS interface.

    Unfortunately the eDP connector is not backwards compatible with LVDS, so you won't be able to use a simple adapter to connect your eDP LCDs to an LVDS tester. However, you can find LCD tester kits that specifically support eDP connections (as well as LVDS).

    For example, this LCD tester on Amazon comes with both LVDS and eDP adapter cables which should allow you to test all of your various laptop LCD panels - both older LVDS and newer eDP interfaces.

    Checking the seller's product description and contents is important when purchasing an LCD tester, to ensure it contains the necessary adapter cables for the LCD connectors you need to test. Hope this helps explain the difference between eDP and LVDS and points you in the right direction for a suitable tester! Let me know if you have any other questions.
    james874398345, Oct 24, 2023
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