Ghost of Tsushima shader 6.6 workaround

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, May 26, 2024.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Fired up GOT and was surprised to get an incompatible message about shader 6.6, which some say is feature level 12-2 rather then 12-1. This is a disguised windows version lock by sony which has nothing to do with an old PS4 game running on modern hw. More scummy behavior by big monopoly corps, no reason for this other then likely some payola by monopolysoft. I have a mobile 2060 win 2004 with an agility hack even though it shouldn't need it, yet more scummery to enforce constant updating to the latest windows spyware and selling platform.

    So anyways the solution is to grab the universal windows fix files in another post here and then proceed to put those where the exe is and it runs fine. I updated nvidia drivers to the latest and it still had that error so drivers aren't the issue as some have said So just like Jusant, Starfield and Alan Wake 2 it's just scummy devs and such sniffing for money from monopolysoft. All scum. My card is still feature level 12_1.
    Hertzian56, May 26, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    What this games needs is mod to skip cutscenes which are a bit too much especially if you're replaying it. I also got the shader compilation at the start, we'll see if we get it again. Eh sony ports are usually not that great tbh despite fanboys. The only ones I remember with any reverence are Days Gone and Ratchet Clank Rift. God of War was just ok nothing that interesting really, HZD was dazzling at first but once you finished the story it was boringaf. Also still had sutters in towns last time I played it years ago. TLOU port I skipped, mostly a cutscene game. Uncharted I could only play so long it's just another movie game. I'm not into Spiderman much too corny and feels like an LGTBQxyz platform more then most of these games. So yeah so far not too impressed with Sony ports, largely of old games at full price, nah.
    Hertzian56, May 26, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    This game is a japanese patriotic game. The battle of Tsushima was either during the russo-jap war early 20th century or it was during WW1 can't remember where the japanese beat or were beaten to end the war or something. I don't think the mongols were even active as an invading force at the same time as the samurai were classic state like the 1600s. The mongols were 700-800 AD so this is a stealth idea about the Chinese invading in economic ways and possibly on a military footing in the future. The Chinese themselves fought the Mongols to where they built the Great Wall of China so it's not anything that's historical this games story.

    The historical battle of Tsushima may also have been a colonial maneuver by the euro powers to keep each other at bay. Traditionally the british were the japanes sponsors as their bankers financed them to keep the russian empire on it's toes in the east. This was all early 20th century though. So there's an understory by the jap devs no doubt that most are clueless about. To this day the Chinese and Koreans don't like the Japanese due to some cruel treatment at the hands of Japanese pre wwjew and during. A.nother cultural tradition of hate for things that living people had nothing to do with and deserve none of the hate for. Similar to the culture of hate the native americans have for general white population.
    Hertzian56, May 26, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So yeah it does the shader compilation every time but it's a lot faster after the first time. I have this game on an external 2.5 hdd which is where I had the room for it without moving around other games so if this was on an SSD/nvme the shader stuff would take almost no time not noticeable.

    So far I've finally got past the prologue and am exploring the open world which is well done and gorgeous for the most part. Feels like the typical japan-pnw-north coastal california. Story as usual with games is forgettable, go read classics or scripture you want deep stuff.

    My settings are medium mostly with some low in the volumetrics and it still looks great, sony games have a consistently good art and graphical style that stands out more then most other games. I use DLSS with the DLAA, no vysnc but max fps to 45 and I mostly always limit the turbo boost of my cpu to save temps and have almost no fan noise for most games besides badly optimized ones or very heavy ones like RDR2-cp77-remedont games etc It's totally smooth for me using an xbone controller no fan noise at all during play.

    One of the drawbacks to having to use the windows version bypasser fixer is that MSAB overlay does not work so there's no way to use that for in game data however it's not really needed but I like to see cpu and gpu utilization at the settings I have then adjust up or down and see how it changes. Eh.

    I'm using a no intro mod and the high cpu priority mod nothing more at the moment and still on the first release works fine so far. I'm hoping we can get a cutscene skip mod at some point and maybe a realistic time and weather mod because it's not my fav having the weather switch so quickly and the day night cycle being way too fast also.

    So so far wandering the country side this feels like an open world assassins creed game or a far cry game where you have to eject invaders who have setup camps and outposts all over the island, old stuff really. So aside from exploring a new world for it's beauty and other secrets the game loop isn't anything new or innovative at all. Just the japanese samurai flavor to it is what's different.
    Hertzian56, May 26, 2024
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    From howlongtobeat it says main story is 25hrs and main plus extra is 46hrs so your average person who does the main story and exploring the island will get likey 50 or so hours out of this which is decent for the price I have to say. It's not a shiny new aaa game that sports 20-30 hrs and asks 60-70+ dollars, a total ripoff. So all in all so far it's a good offering at a time when most big games are too short or too broken needing lots of fixes. This one for me so far runs fine, no bugs I've noticed and is good to look at. A nice summer game while the new big games come out in the pre-christmas fall season.

    By the way the Agility SDK fix if you have earlier versions of win10 2004 from 2020 is atttached below, just put it in your sys32 folder and then in games like this that enforce agility aka enforce a certain version of windows to even run, use the universal windows version fixer in the other post and this will bypass the dev and monopolysoft scummery.

    Attached Files:

    Hertzian56, May 26, 2024
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And btw I use a fling trainer w this game and it covers a lot of stuff, cuts out tedium treasure hunts and such and you can teleport instantly to anywhere you put a waypoint at which is nice if you get stuck like I did at one of those nogo castles etc
    Hertzian56, May 26, 2024
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Plaything through this a bit more it is a standout from the sony stable no doubt. The art style is fantastic and it's one of the best games graphically I've seen in a long time but sony games and ports do tend to have that going for them no lies. I also like the exploration and smaller side missions like the spookyAF haunted forest, the music is top notch and atmosphere is great.

    I use a stealth option from Flings trainer because I don't want to have to bother fighting every one of the mongols scattered all over just walk by them and keep exploring. The ACody/ACorg and far cry aspects aren't that fun after a couple times, just an overdone game loop.

    For the medium settings I use for 1080p it's really nicely optimized for the visuals I have to say. 2060m i5-10300h and once I say max cpu to 99% aka turn off turbo boost wasting this runs almost silently so really well done port here imo. I have mostly medium other then textures at high and volumetrics at low. dlss balanced w dlaa and the non-ssao thing cant' remember like xgato or something. I may try to find 50gb space for it on my NVME or one of my 2.5 SSD externals to get almost no wait for the shader building but otherwise it's been rock solid for me no stutters and I lock to 45fps because it's less cpu usage and I don't notice a difference between that and a 60fps lock on a practical level in game.

    I do not use Frame Gen since it's cpu intensive and gpu intensive meaning fan noise which is MUCH more intrusive on a laptop, not worth it. FG is good if you already have 60+fps at high settings and want RT/PT enabled so it makes up those lost frames, that's all it's for really. So higher than 1080p like 2k/4k and wanting 100+fps with RT/PT enabled, so you already have a system that crushes the game beforehand. There is no RT/PT in this game afaik so most people would only benefit from FG if they play at 2k/4k native or dlss/fsr but only get a percentage of their screens refresh rate and want to get closer for smoother fluid movement etc From my standpoint only around 90-100+ fps is noticeably more smooth on my 120hz screen then just 45/60fps but again it is a huge cpu/gpu stepup in usage and thus fan noise and heat so not worth it. Marginal.
    Hertzian56, May 27, 2024
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    btw missed one of the scummy devs enforcing a certain windows 10 version to play, Robocop Rogue City. I played through the campaign did some side stuff on that UE5 game but wasn't impressed, fanboy nostalgist game. That dev also did the terminator game which was also old school type of game, simple and such but satisfying combat in a terminator universe. Janky no doubt though. Robo is similar just better graphics with UE5 but WAY overuses resources for the visuals as is normal for UE games. Robo needed to be like COJ Gunslinger, a fun shooting gallery game and needs the option for arcade shooting gallery over the various levels imo Already deleted that one.

    The visuals in Robo using UE5 are not better then GOT PS4 game updated for modern audiences, which uses way less resources for it's visuals. So the dirty almost half dozen I have played and know of that use the windows version scam are Jusant, Alan Wake 2, Starfield and Roboslop RC. Pretty much a rogues gallery of devscum there.
    Hertzian56, May 27, 2024
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    btw if you're confused the agility hack is NOT the fix for this game, it's the files attached to the THREAD called the great windows scam by devs 2023 up here in the off topic forums. I'm not sure you need the agility hack at all really but to be safe I already had that installed on my laptop before I used the universal fix. I'll go ahead and reattch the universal fix here.

    Attached Files:

    Hertzian56, May 27, 2024
  10. Hertzian56

    moto courier

    May 27, 2024
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    i'm getting shader model 6.6 ghost of tsushima error on windows 10 1809 version my gtx 1650 graphics card how can i fix the problem please help
    moto courier, May 27, 2024
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    1809 may be too old as I'm not sure agility hack would even work. My win10 2004 from mid 2020 didn't even have agility even though most places say 2004 does it's really just certain versions of it. Ms needed to just make a total switch but didn't for some reason. I'd at least try the fixes here first and also try latest driver just in case. Run as admin of course. If the games that important to you I'd just grab a newer win 10 install or even win11.
    Hertzian56, May 28, 2024
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So I moved this to my nvme games drive and yeah the shader comp is seconds compared to a couple minutes on hdd. In game there is no difference what drive tech you use.

    Uh yeah there's definitely the Marxism in here as well. Almost all major figures you have to recruit are women. This is not something that's accurate to traditional Japanese culture pre wwjew. Just remember that all media post wwjew and likely a fair bit before is jewmasontranny satanic cult product. It's all fakeaf that is agenda driven only.
    Hertzian56, May 28, 2024
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I can't put my finger on it but this game doesn't draw me in as much as others, maybe it's just too slow and serene a lot of the time and the game loop is pretty standard for many games I've played before. It's similar to AC Origins just better graphics and different setting.

    The slower speed of the game is the overdone cutscenes similar to many sony ports, this one at least has a huge map to explore that is gorgeous but even the small side quests have chains of cutscenes which break the flow of gameplay, too much handholding, gimmicky things you use once to get through a section then never really use again and etc I've never been a fan of overly cutscene movie games, there are better movies and tv out there so in games it needs to be on the lite side of things. Not to mention books.

    I don't like the horse riding in general as the controls for xbone controller are weird and then to get the horse to go fast it starts off with a weird camera shake thing which I don't like. I can see it visually I don't need the whole frame to shake to get immersed or something, keep the sway and shake ON THE character-horse. Also the run command only lasts so long, I've never cared for stamina meters in video games and such either.

    I end up using the teleport in flings trainer more then not to zip around the map and explore since it's a huge world. If you don't have hours per day to play it's a must tbh. The menus are nested and structured in a way that's not obvious to use and there are way too many little filler things like stance, styles, the ever annoying skills to "buy" etc There is a lot of gameplay no lies there, just the sensei side mission for tomoe is 9 sequences that all have their own cutscene chains, it's pretty incredible.

    I wish there would have been a color palette option to customize your gear at least color wise. And from what I see there's no underwater stuff which would have been cool at least on a limited scale, say sunken ships for rare gear or secret entrance to bases or a lost pirate ship like in the goonies etc Just a smaller shelf underwater like in GTAV. Canoes for this river crossed map like say RDR2 had. I think they could have copied the hawk survey mechanic from AC games to good effect, the mongols seem to have that. Some whimsy with a primitive snowboard in the snow regions lol

    It's a great game though and I will finish it at some point, a lot of content especially if you explore. These ports should be priced at 40-50 bucks though since most are so old, not 60 or more like newest big games are. However from an amount of quality content per dollar spent this port is in line with the price, it has the dlc as well. I have yet to get to the point of Icki Island DLC being avail so have not seen the audio bug yet, guess I might have to grab the updates or a totally updated repack all over again but until it's necessary I'm not too interested. I do get the standoff bug where he does nothing after holding Y but since I use a trainer doesn't matter so far and I'm not interested in doing it all the time or much really.
    Hertzian56, Jun 2, 2024
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And another thing they needed to add of all things to a japanese game is fishing. I really liked the fishing in RDR2 with legendaries and the story behind that and they nailed the mechanics there. Learned some real world info also. The very water crossed world would have worked well.

    So yeah looked it up the Battle of Tsushima was in like 1905 where the japanese defeated Russia in their conflict, a naval battle. The japs were financed by jews in jyc like the nasty schiff scum who hated the imperial Tsardom because it was not in the debt-credit slavery system that many other nations were in and also was not into the marxist systems like democracy, socialism, communism and fascism, all disasters for mankind and degrading to the human spirit. The jewmasontranny scum have since fixed that though.

    So yeah jewish financed japan was used as an eastern battering ram against the imperial russian forces and money and other assistance was abundantly provided by the jews and no doubt any of their thralls like masons and other scum. However the Imperial Japanese were as myopic as the rest of them, their turn would come about 40 years later to be demolished and swept away then a totally jewmasonic system was setup in japan after ww2. That scumbag Mcarthur, mason, finished that work over the years of occupation and you can bet the ethnic japanese crypto jews already there were behind the expansion and militarization that the japanese were to embark on pre wwjew and likely now are the elite rulers and jap megacorp owners. Playing off those emperors and old style rulers against each other is classic talmudick-kabbalism to then destroy all of them in time.

    This game is a product of these japanese crypto jew megacorps no doubt. The abundant marxism throughout with almost only women main npcs to "save the day" and such is pure fantasy but retelling a fake history for the ignorant who are badly miseducated by the jewmasontranny controlled state so therefore have no real idea about real history. A good book called "The Occult War" by Julius Evola and since revised by Vicomte De Poncins goes through this as well as a lot of other things and it's definitely recommended. Get it in electronic form free on archiveorg or elsewhere.
    Hertzian56, Jun 3, 2024
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I am still on the v1 version of the game but do have the standalone patches of which there are 3 so far. However until any of the bugs become an issue for me I don't plan on installing them as others have reported they cause other bugs. The only thing that I can think would induce me to do so is the Icki Island DLC audio bug but I'm not there yet. So until they release a patch for that I have no plans on patching a working fine game besides the standoff bug which as I said isn't a big thing for me and I don't use FG either.
    Hertzian56, Jun 3, 2024
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I was playing a bit of this last night and yeah it's a great game, one of those things where any one part of it is not that mind blowing but add all of it up and it's a classic. The art style of top sony playstation games from 4 up is really how they hold up so well years later, similar to how Rockstar has a similar art style and direction that makes even GTAV, from 2015 on the pc release still look really good, then add on gfx mods and it's even better. GOT looks amazing no doubt, despite dated textures and character models in some situations.

    One of the few games where I do get interested in not just the main quest story but also the major npc stories like wako and the sensei as well as yuna to a lesser degree. TW3 and RDR2 are two other games like that and to a lesser degree cyberpunk. And as I said even at my med-high settings at 1080p it looks great, and locked to 45fps I get almost no fan noise for this game very ideal.
    Hertzian56, Jun 7, 2024
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