DLSS as a scam

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, May 23, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I see lots of articles about DLSS2 and DLSS3 which are separate tech but using same base name and this is done to fool people by invidia(envy in latin btw). It's done for managing the market by this virtual monopoly, in fact nvidia likely owns AMD via esoteric stock manipulation, same board members, shell companies and such. Same could be said for the other giants likely all owned by the same group of central bankster jewmasontranny cultists.

    But getting to the point, DLSS2 is simply a fancy form of AA. It uses some algos/AI to do it better than in the past though. The resolution is lower and then the AA makes it look more like the desired resolution. So depending on the settings say you want 2k/1440p, performance setting in dlss2 is likely rendered at 1k or 1080p, HALF the set resolution then they apply fancy AA "dlss2" to it to make it LOOK like it's 2k but with artifacting, ghosting, flickering and such here and there. This is supposedly so 700$ gpus can handle the resolutions but not really since it's just lower resolution that uses fancy AA to approximate higher resolutions. Snakes in a barrel my friend.

    The last generation that was accurate was Pascal or 1060/70/80 which could do native resolutions no dlss tricks but also no RT which is largely not obtainable even now without tricks of marketing, herd brainwashing and etc Pascal was proven by the pudding of the laptop gpu, there was little to no variation of performance in gaming benchmarks between the laptop versions and the desktop ones. With rtx cards it's 20% or more lower perf for the same named card. My 2060m 90w is at least 20% performance lower than the 2060 desktop card but uses the same name. And the higher tier you go the wider the gap 40-50-60% or more gap for xx70/80/90 all with the same name for laptop gpus. That's fraud that a monopoly gets away with.

    Now DLSS3 is a totally separate technology. It's the Algo/AI generating fake frames guesses in between real frames to boost the fps. The DLSS name may be true, deep learning super sampling, but it can't be true as related to the earlier DLSS2 since they do different things. They should have called it Frame Generation separately like Ray Tracing is a separate tech that relies on these two for higher fps output. This isn't AA it's using DLSS2/AA and then guessing frames that have DLSS2 applied to them. In games you'll need to enable both to get high apparent fps and the lower resolution but upscaled via fancy AA version.
    Hertzian56, May 23, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    A lot of gaming journos don't know the difference or are paid to report it wrong that dlss3 won't need dlss2, it will for the fooling of lower resolutions to look like higher native resolutions. You'll need to enable both at the same time and thus will need newer faster hardware and more vram for the dlss2. Dlss2 results in more vram used as does dx12 and this is what the card makers are skimping on or managing so the next higher tier or gen card at +200$ is needed for the latest UNoptimized and lazy cookie cutter, social programming laced games they pump out at 70$+ now.

    If you didn't enable dlss2 but did enable dlss3 you'd get higher fps but it would only do native resolutions so would struggle if you're doing 2k/4k with a lower level card. DLSS3 is only for rtx 40x0 cards btw which are very high priced. And so say your 4050 can do 4k NATIVE(no dlss2 tricks) at 35 fps, enable dlss3 you'd get 70fps or so. If you enabled dlss2 and 3 it would then render it at 2k and use the fancy AI AA of dlss2 to make it look 4k and then DLSS3 would use the dlss2 frames as a base to guess the inserted frames thus boosting the fps of a really lower resolution than what is stated image. Phony world.

    The setting is for a 4k resolution but with dlss2 at perf it's really a resolution of 2k but w fancy AA, THEN with fake guessed frames of dlss3 they boost the fps but it really only works for games you get NATIVE at 60fps+, lower than that native, it's not fast enough to fool the eye. You'd see the ugly interframes pretty easily. Most of the tech at the 40x0 level can run games at 2k at 60 locked so FG or DLSS3 is really just for those, hence why they restrict it to 40x0 level cards only. Most are going for 4k so w dlss2 4xxx cards can do it to 60fps then dlss3 can come in and generate frames fast enough to fool the eye to not noticing it.

    And ray tracing is going to need it, so you can see invidia managing the market here, largely unneeded gimmicks abound in this space. Old style rastering is used in most games still and looks great, RT is marginal at best. They know full well that fhd and lower is totally fine for most people. We've never seen FHD mostly, the bit rates of FHD are 40,000mbs and were only ever seen on blu ray discs. The fluidity and sharpness is the most obvious. The algos are a lot more efficient though so you don't really notice the difference between 15mbs nowadays. 4k at 15mbs aka netflix etc is better than FHD but not mind blowingly better. So they needed gimmickry to keep the sales and stock prices up so it's just piling up junk and making things worse and worse. Fake, unneeded obstacles to then come along and sell the cure to. Don Quixotes but dishonest ones at a profit. Golden Calf worshipers.

    The possibility for subliminals is way more here than your typical tv or film btw Put a cheetos ad(tobacco, alcohol, fast food, political, social, stoking unrest, etc) in the fake but not noticed frames and you've got a very very good customer.
    Hertzian56, May 23, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The result of these tricks is higher wattage needed, more vram needed, 4k+ screens, and CPU's, ram and OS and such needed. All at higher prices and easier to break etc And this isn't the only industry where this happens. This is all the hallmarks of the central bankster monopoly-megacorps-stockmarket system which at this level is just a form of marxism, the Grand Convergence they had planned for centuries now. Ping pong where the ignorant goy masses are the ping pong and the players are on the same team just doing sorcery ritualistic living.

    The subliminal possibility alone makes this very dangerous to the type of addicted person who buys all this stuff to play games for hours per day. Think of the danger to the surrounding community. Electronic media is like a drug that is addictive and highly profitable like dope inc. But now it's more potent. The only people who can afford this are adults and this will have a terrible effect beyond what tv-videogames has already had on the community. Not to mention legal drugs which are abused all the time, both OTC and the ones that require you to pay a salesman "dr" to get and then require payment to the pharmacy and all at a very high cost overall. I won't even go into the scam that is health insurance and the monopoly-racket the various govs have given them.

    Modern AMA license slave drs are excreciable vermin, they are there for two things now: drug dealing and test selling. Add on top of that the toxic xrays these tests shoot through you directly, that are one major cause of the cancer and other diseases now. The amount you get per test is multiples more than what the various nuke agencies say is safe and you get more than this multiple times per year and directed right into you. Dentists are in the same class, dishonest braggarts. In fact even the needle based tests and other invasive tests for profit primarily are unhealthy and dangerous to the community but it's like the mass delusion of vaxx or leeching blood: everyone is programmed otherwise and many many make a living off of it. The diana goddess statue makers were threatened by St Paul and joined in the tar and feathering in some greek city on his travels.

    At least leeching blood was just a form of reverse transfusion, if done in moderation a person could recover with no long term effects. And it's highly unlikely they kept doing it long term enough or wanted to drain off very large amounts of blood, just the limitations of leeches would preclude that. THINK PEOPLE! Vaxx are unknown or unreported long term effects. Or subterfuge is used like autism and other things that seem to become epidemics out of nowhere, it's not reported or studied as to links to these for profit golden calfs like vaxx etc
    Hertzian56, May 23, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And thinking more about it the subliminal very high fps is even more dangerous to children who have less experience and are open to brainwashing more so than your average world of dumbos nowadays. Not necessarily their fault though, the babylonian-egyptian talmudick-kabbalists and their state-god took over education, publishing and pretty much everything else for 4+ generations now. Games are more interactive and require personal participation and attention than tv does, although music is the most dangerous form of programming bar none. It's passive but rings in the head and echoes in the body with the various tones and such, long after it's gone.

    So say you have a badass game at 8k but using dlss3 FG 200fps so many fps that you slip in half a dozen PER SECOND frames of telling you to report your parents or anyone else who question the narratives we get from these infrahuman gangsters. Or better yet if it's online always you can tailor the subliminals to the capabilities of the player. 18-30yo gets calls to revolution and social disturbance or unrest, crimes and such which would necessitate dystopian authoritarian laws and approved stormtroopers to supress violently. 18-30yo black males to riot etc Put frames in there of pron, tranny pron, etc to stoke perversion seeking I mean the possibilities are only limited by the goals of these mischpucka mafiosos.

    50-65yo gamers get subliminals of cartoons of evil greedy 18-30yo's and that they need close policing or they'd destroy the property of the 50-65yo's, Like I said it's endless possibilities for subversion, perversion and etc
    Hertzian56, May 23, 2023
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