BSOD - Windows 10 Startup Message - To Skip Disk Checking, press any key in 8 seconds

Discussion in 'Windows' started by Wanderlust99, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. Wanderlust99


    Nov 29, 2023
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    I have a HP I had 4 BSODs in the last 6 months and when I restart it says "boot device not found". After a few attempts of restarting it boots fine. Every time I start the laptop it says "To Skip Disk Checking, press any key in 8 seconds" and even if I don't press any key it does not run the disk checking and boots normally. I couldn't capture the message it showed at the time of BSOD. It happens all of a sudden and by the time I realize the computer shuts down. So, no clue why the BSODs are happening. No problems were found with running the SFC /Scannow and also with CHKDSK at the command prompt. I reinstalled Windows 10 from the cloud and I still see the message "To Skip Disk Checking, press any key in 8 seconds" while starting up the laptop. The image is attached. I even reinstalled Windows 10 from the cloud but I still see the startup message about disk checking.

    I talked to a few computer repair shops and they are just guessing whether it may be SSD HD or RAM or the motherboard itself. I ran the HP UEFI Hardware Diagnostics tool and it shows no errors and is attached here. Here are my questions:

    1) Is there a good and free software tool out there that can scan my SSD HD and find any issues with it and repair it?

    2) Is there a free software tool to capture the BSOD message whenever it happens next just to see what caused it?

    3) Why is it that it doesn't run the disk checking after the timer expires within 8 seconds of showing the startup message "To Skip Disk Checking, press any key in 8 seconds"?

    4) What could be the problem here that's causing the BSOD?

    Appreciate your response to all of my questions. Thanks much in advance.

    Attached Files:

    Wanderlust99, Nov 29, 2023
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