Anyone have a D260 and get the wirelees working with 10.04?

Discussion in 'Linux' started by tsp_2177, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. tsp_2177


    Aug 9, 2010
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    if so please help, I am planning on dual booting Win7 and Ubuntu 10.04 on mine, which I have done plenty of times on other computers and laptops without a hitch. But before I install it on a partition i set aside I would like to know to to get it working. I'm running it off a flash drive right now to check the performance which is great I really would love to get the wireless working ASAP cause there doesn't seem to be much love for the D260 right now cause there is nothing about it anywhere online :cry:
    Thanks for any help in advance!
    tsp_2177, Sep 3, 2010
  2. tsp_2177


    Feb 18, 2009
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    Re: Anyone have a D260 and get the wirelees working with 10.

    i just did upgrade few days ago after about 18 months using 9.04 ,till then my Acer Aspire 150 automaticly found and connected onto wirless seamlesly . Now after the upgrade to latest version it finds wirless sometimes and after a while connects automaticly , other times it finds it shows Netgear and an excelent signal strangth EVEN HAVE THE WIRLESS LIGHT ON but wont connect , OR CANT FIND IT AT ALL . Driving me mad . Apart from clicking upgrade and leaving it a few hours to do everything i havent changed anything reguarding router etc .i KNOW ITS NOT THE ROUTER AS I HAVE ANOTHER LAPTOP RUNNING NX TO IT AT THE SAME TIME TO BE SURE SOMETIMES .Last 2 days i cant connect anytime i try, Netgear is highlighted on Network Manager but fails to connect .
    drfhm, Sep 4, 2010
  3. tsp_2177


    Aug 9, 2010
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    Re: Anyone have a D260 and get the wirelees working with 10.

    Thanks for the reply, hopefully i can get it figured out, Ubuntu feels so much more snappier than windows 7 (which runs fine just bogs down sometimes under a heavy load which is understandable) but Ubuntu is MUCH less of a resource hog than 7 is (40% less usage of ram at idle just to begin with) so hopefully i can get it figured out. I'll definitely still use Win7 for school work and note taking ( more compatible with what my nursing instructors use, sometimes open office just doesn't format their work right) But i would love to have Ubuntu for all the other times for the little extra bump in speed.
    Hopefully someone will know what to do, thanks for any help in advance!
    tsp_2177, Sep 6, 2010
  4. tsp_2177


    Jun 19, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Re: Anyone have a D260 and get the wirelees working with 10.

    I have just installed ubuntu on my D260 and got the wifi working easily. The driver for the Broadcom wifi card should be on you USB, but you need to install it seperately using install drivers.

    Hope this helps
    tigger, Jan 19, 2011
  5. tsp_2177


    Mar 27, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Re: Anyone have a D260 and get the wirelees working with 10.

    I had no problems using 10.04 or 10.10 with the default AR9285 Mini PCI-E half height card. Simply make sure the mac80211 and ath9k drivers are loaded. You can check with

    or insert them by performing the commands below in the same order:

    $ sudo modprobe mac80211
    $ sudo modprobe ath9k
    If you're still having troubles, the best thing to try first is compiling the newest/newer drivers along with the wireless-compat package. Please read carefully the Linux Wireless page for instructions how to best do this:

    More information about the ath9k driver and compatible chipsets can also be found on this site.
    tryptamine, Apr 4, 2011
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