Android to Linux on smartphone. Can it be done?

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Locust, May 8, 2016.

  1. Locust


    May 6, 2016
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    A (paranoid) friend of mine wants nothing to do with google but was gifted an android phone recently and he wants to use it.
    Since windows phone isn't particularly his cup of tea, he had the bright idea to try and switch to Linux. I couldn't advise him any better, since I don't really tamper with smartphones at all. Anyway, long story short, since he hates reading instructions (if there were any he propably didn't even look it up), now the almost all of the google applications are erased and he can't figure out how to do the wiping and reinstaling of the software.
    He gave up and tossed the phone aside, but it's a good phone so it's a shame it went to waste.

    So a) is Linux actually functional on a smartphone?
    and b) is it possible to get out of this stalemate that he's put himself? As in can we do this on his butchered phone?
    Locust, May 8, 2016
  2. Locust


    Sep 13, 2015
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    Tell your paranoid friend that Android is Linux. It is a Linux distribution designed to run smartphones. If he didn't already know that much he probably isn't qualified to much around with a phone's operating system to begin with.
    nytegeek, May 10, 2016
  3. Locust


    May 6, 2016
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    Well, this is embarassing...

    Anyway I'try to convince him to get some service for that phone and be done with it.
    Locust, May 10, 2016
  4. Locust


    Feb 25, 2016
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    Sorry but I had a bit a of a laugh with this. So your friend wants Linux on his android smartphone. Job done. :)
    Tell him he doesn't have to do a thing it's already done.
    SirJoe, May 18, 2016
  5. Locust


    Mar 21, 2021
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    Sorry but I had a bit a of a laugh with this. So your friend wants Linux on his android smartphone. Job done. :)
    Tell him he doesn't have to do a thing it's already done.


    I do not want to be a smart ass. when I was a kid and android was in development (almost all people that i know took a creak at it, including me and the code we wrote was LINUX C, if it makes any sense, but is not like that anymore) they have used LINUX to make android(compiler), basically all the way to android4 it was almost the same thing. You have or more like you have had it everywhere from tv, to what ever you wanted. Android is its own thing having 80%of the market, but is a Linux distro all true (that is how i see it).
    What i am understanding is not that the phone is Android(has some OS from factory that is so)... you actually want something like Ubuntu on it? in that case it can be done i have seen it, a 13y old kid showed it to me on his Samsung phone 5 years ago, i asked him if i can take a look at it.

    The device was slow, like weary slow response time it was missing a lot of things that help it run but at that point, you no longer have a phone if you understand me. So i advice against it, ADVICE AGAINST IT. I personally have a big android problem, 1. i am 2 dumb to find the thing i need and 2. it does things without me because it is a smart, teaches me new junk every day. Anyhow you get used to it, if i did he will. (If i get a phone i can tray building it, The CPU, memory, memory lens, storage sort of work out for me to get it done but i haven't used any Linux distro since Ubuntu 16 and I haven't mased with any distro since Ubuntu8 (how do I boot strap GCC to a phone???) .. that would be fun)

    Stick to android.
    ChipsID, Mar 23, 2021
  6. Locust


    Mar 21, 2021
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    ChipsID, Mar 23, 2021
  7. Locust


    Mar 21, 2021
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  8. Locust


    Jul 26, 2023
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    Yes, you can actually run Linux on your Android smartphone! However, it's important to understand that you won't be completely replacing Android with Linux. Instead, you'll be running Linux alongside Android in a virtualized environment.

    There are two main approaches:

    1. Using Apps: There are apps like Andronix and Termux available on the Play Store (or F-Droid Store for Termux) that allow you to install a Linux distribution and access it through a terminal emulator or VNC viewer. This method is generally easier but may have limitations on resource usage and desktop environments.

    2. Rooting Your Device: Rooting gives you more control over your phone's system, allowing apps like Linux Deploy to create a more robust Linux environment. This method offers more flexibility but requires technical knowledge and carries the risk of voiding your warranty.
    Here are some things to consider before running Linux on your Android:

    • Performance: Running Linux alongside Android can consume additional resources and potentially slow down your phone.

    • Battery Life: Increased processing demands can drain your battery faster.

    • Complexity: Setting up Linux on Android can involve several steps and may not be user-friendly for everyone.
    If you're interested in trying it out, I recommend searching for tutorials that mention the specific model of your Android smartphone. This will ensure you get instructions compatible with your device.
    Flowace, Apr 23, 2024
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