Alan Wake 2 Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Nov 4, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I started to play AW2 recently and just wanted to leave a few initial impressions. I'm not sure if this will be too much of a thread tbh because I really liked the tight story and play of AW1 with it's obvious Twilight Zone, Stephen King and other classic horror references, which so far this game doesn't have. It's a completely different game and really imo is not an Alan Wake game at all, that was just a marketing gimmick to get interest and buzz by remedy. Their last major game, Control, was also about the FBI under other names and also featured some advanced tech but really was not that interesting to look at and featured the obtuse language and story telling which can be pretty annoying and obnoxious.

    Now to the performance I'm playing on my mid range older 2060m laptop w an i5-10300h and 16gb ram. It takes up about 10gb of system ram and almost all of the 6gb vram, 5.5 at dlss performance 1080p. I also went into the render ini to disable vignette, dof, and other things as well as bump up the FOV, dlss sharpening to 50% and other things. This sort of stuff DOES make a perf difference and it's not acceptable by Remedy to leave those options out. Especially with the weird and frankly largely useless settings they have like the strange audio settings, the various color space options and such which most people won't touch or have little knowledge of and of course none of those make any difference as far as performance at all.

    I unfortunately don't have or don't want to find 80gb of space on an ssd for this game, I had to delete 120gb for Starfield on one of my external ssds and don't feel like moving other premium games around for this game if it's not going to be a game I play much. Now Starfield was the same way, the software dev whores are forcing SSD's to get a smooth experience where it's not necessary. With Starfield there is a kb sized mod that fixes disc caching so hdd's perform the same as ssd's during normal play, pointing to a strategy by the largely criminal videogame industry. I have no plans to move to an ssd for this questionable game. Therefore exactly like SF I get audio desync, stutters all over w huge fps drops, etc for no reason other than the devs are selling consoles and higher priced pc components. They are whores. And I have the free version of this game, won't support these scum w any money at all.

    So for the loading screen and largely hitting skip to the inane remedy tripe cut scenes I didn't see anything that was mind blowing compared to my recent major game of cp77. The forest is a nice change from the city and such of cp77 though and it does have more cpu heavy vegetation so there's that. I limit to 60 in all games and I got that mostly but again got huge drops constantly. I will watch for a mod that can fix this unnecessary problem the devs are well aware of long ago but are just part of the greedster hardware seller scammer club. Two full birds to you Remedy scumbags. I'd also mention this is an epic exclusive, so they get up front money for that and no real reviews either, just the whore advertiser sponsored game sites and articles, also two birds to you aholes.
    Hertzian56, Nov 4, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Contrast all this forest with theHunter Call of the Wild using the avalanche engine I think, that is ALL nature and looks amazing. It's the same engine that Generation Zero uses. And it runs great even with only FSR1 it's 60 locked for me so there is no excuse of the forest setting for this game and it's reqs. Granted I have mostly low-med settings but this game DOES NOT scale well because of the disc caching issue. It looks fine even great but there is a lot of texture popin and such here and there. It's really traversal that is choppy. I'm still on the 106 version and I know there is a 108 now. I am aslo on 537 drivers so I could see some perf benefits there. However you would think by 106 there would be smooth sailing, more is just bad or negligent qc really. I do not have RT enabled or anything fancy like that either.
    Hertzian56, Nov 4, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Now to gameplay I think this is not an alan wake game, it's a slow detective type game with case boards and walking looking for clues and interviews and such but that's not an AW game. AW is more fast paced, tv narrated style action and lite exploration type game. So far I've only been able to control the FBI detective in a crime scene walk through and tutorial. Alan Wake game features Alan Wake and his story and the crime novel writer thing, it wasn't a slow detective story at all. So I'm a bit puzzled by this choice by remedy. The AW ip seems to have just been used as a marketing thing to generate interest for a totally different game type that doesn't feature AW at all.

    Why not just do a new ip detective game then? Marketing and profit projections nothing more. Some rando FBI detective crime story with the obvious Remedy kabbalistic occultism would not have got this buzz and the initial sales that go along with buzz. You can tell they were concerned about profits just by the Epic exclusive since that features up front money by epic to new games, better cut of the profits as well, no third party reviews to get the real story whether a game is good or bad or performance problems and such. So it's a straight jacket situation with upfront money and you know the vgame journalist whores are going to do their best to sell.

    I think they saw that with Control, they regret not calling that game AW2 for the buzz and having AW somehow tangentially involved, which they actually did btw I think more with the DLC though. That was about the FBI political police who get dirt on wayward politicians for blackmailing purposes for the pols who are more powerful in the district of columbia. The FBI also helps with things like assassinations, 911, serial killer psyops, controlling cowboy drug dealers not connected to dope inc level establishment ones and the other nefarious goals of the jewmasontranny cult in charge. There was also kabbalism to the brim there and AW as well of course, moon landing nonsense sets, techno-black magick stuff, bizarre twilight world drama just for mind control and subversion and all sorts of other stuff.

    Cauldron Lake is like a witches cauldron and the reflection of the pyramid mountain in the lake is kabbalism of the hexagram inversion, satanic inversion. It's based on Crater Lake in Oregon and places like Bend, OR, Klamath Falls, OR etc are full of satanists. The cult uses caves in Bend a lot and Klamath Falls is remote so higher level members come in there unseen for nefarious purposes. I read that Ms Billy Clinton was there at least once likely a lot more. So the PNW is infested with these jewmasontranny gangsters don't doubt it. And this game has always been set there.

    Soo it's no big surprise that you have cult killings called serial killings. The cult does this regularly but publicizes it as something else when needed for spreading fear, stress/tension control of the general population. Their latest big thing are these totally orchestrated gun events, no reality to them at all. jewmasontranny cultists control the whole thing top to bottom. This game looks to be just another example of it but openly called fiction. If you research any of the past serial killer stuff and gun events critically you can see the swiss cheese nature of it all. I think the initial famous serial killer psyop was Jack the Ripper in 1888. This was just the cult publicizing it's doings and theater to scare the populace and such. The police love crime, and help it cause it a lot, no crime less police needed so you put it together there. The higher level cultists are part of it as well in an occult way of course. Drag Queen Victor was likely involved at the higher levels of this psyop and public satanic ritual.

    So anyways so far it's not an AW game, it just uses the ip's buzz to sell. I might move some games around to get it onto an ssd if I'm in the mood but I'm fine going back to SM wonder a bit more and cp77 and perhaps some SF, RDR2 or maybe some GTA4 or AC origins all much better performing games that are not so slow. I'll bebok.
    Hertzian56, Nov 4, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just thought I'd post some of the details about the render ini so anyone reading and playing this can go in and set if they want. As I said above I made several changes when I exited out early on in the game and then booted back up. For me vignette, dof, fov, lens distortion and such are nogo cancer and to not have those options in the game settings is bad form by remedy. However the important part of the actual writing and hands on gameplay seems to be pretty bad so far for me. I'm grabbing the 108 patch now and will not boot back up until that's installed just in case. I also may update drivers, I'm on 537 and the latest is 545.
    There's several useful settings that are not configurable in the game's settings:
    Alan Wake 2's config files are located at LOCALAPPDATA\Remedy\AlanWake2, the config file is named rendererdotini

    m_bVignette: set this to "false" to disable vignetting
    m_bDepthOfField: set this to "false" to disable depth of field
    m_bLensDistortion: set this to "false" to disable lens distortion
    Once you've disabled those three, and set film grain (m_bFilmGrain) and motion blur (m_eMotionBlur) to disabled in the settings, the game will look MUCH sharper. This will help upscalers do their job and result in a much more stable image, without jitter.
    m_eSSAAMethod: This lets you select the upscaler. Officially you can only choose between DLSS and FSR. By modifying the ini you can select other options too: 0=Native, 1=FXAA?, 2=DLSS, 3=FSR
    There is no in-game sharpening slider for DLSS and FSR. Here you can set m_fSSAASharpening to enable and control the amount of sharpening applied after upscaling
    Last but not least, we have m_fFieldOfViewMultiplier, which defaults to "1.0." Increase it to make the field of view wider. Another setting that's not exposed in the game menu.
    Hertzian56, Nov 4, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I have the 108 patch now and will install it before next bootup. I was thinking about Remedy as a studio last night a bit more so let's dive into that now.

    Remedy I believe worked on the Max Payne games, MP2 is one of my all time favs because it has that voice narration, noir detective style with frank miller sin city style to it but more realistic then the overly cartoony sin city stuff. I think it was same era as Silent Hill original series too, and we'll get back to that for sure.

    Then Remedy basically did a redesign and repackaging of Silent Hill 2 with more run and gun elements and more overt occultism to it. That would be Alan Wake 1. SH2 centered around James and his dead or lost wife, that's pretty much a major point to AW1, lost/dead wife. Now the Mkultra monarch occult mind control training the jewmasontranny's have to go through for the cult is heavily featured in so many games as to be countless really. You can go to Resident Evil for it all over as well, and many other places. Just the name Alan, Wake, up, from the programming hypnotic session. Stephie King, Stanley-trannyman Kubricks films etc are all feeders to this, like the Twilight Zone is FULL of the tropes and themes the jewmasontranny cult wants people to think are real, programming.

    So James goes on a long journey to various PNW seeming places and sets and it's actually a much better mystery horror game than AW1 ever was, even though it didn't feature the narration nor faster pace of AW1. It had something slower but more unsettling to it most of the time, still remember the creaking door sound from the hotel, the twilight music of the club, the strange people and such James meets. It was less trannywood-y then games have gotten since then.

    James goes to Toluca Lake which is a REAL lake in Toluca Lake which is an elite trannyhookerwood community in between Warner Bros and Universal Studios in the valley adjacent to burbank/studio city/north hollywood. This Toluca Lake is PRIVATE and exclusive, surrounded by trannywood actors, producers and such homes. Bobina Hope had a huge estate there where Rich Nixon landed Marine One for a "talk" back in the day, Actor based "reality" indeed. You cannot see Toluca Lake from any public place it's totally surrounded and walled off, and you can imagine what goes on in those homes and under-around this lake. There is a golf course there too that is private exclusive. I think Cauldron Lake is a form of this in AW series, but more about the Oregon/WA region. The kabbalistic as above so below reflection hexagram pyramids motif.

    AW1 has more comedy involved, slapstick, and twilight zone tongue in cheek. But AW1 was just about the kabbalism and it's consequences like monarch mkultra torture and mind control cult training. AW himself is just a member who has multiples that are being triggered by handlers throughout the story. Space, sci fi etc are just the next sandbox to this cult mind control aspect, previously it was the Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, disney, brothers grim stuff, which is still used but the tech is more relatable to modern younger cult members. Older cult members stephie king, trannyman Juprick, Davina Lynch and other ringmasters actually are being portrayed in AW1 with emphasis on King, Rowling, and other major authors, all part of the jewmasontranny cult. Their works are cult works really, they're just the public faces and like many books contain mind control retention coding for members herding and corraling, longer term stuff. Like Catcher on the Rye simply had cult messages in it and triggered some of them w the language and likely cadence and other things. Frank Baum(tree) Wizard of Oz series has this sing songy language to it and it's a major cult work. Baum or tree or sephirotic tree was of course a tribester, brother grim were def tribesters, kuprick was also, etc

    I don't know about Davina Lynch, who is very grandmothery looking as she ages of course. Twin Peaks was just more of this stuff, the dad who murders his tranny daughter was just a programmed multiple, multiple personality is a deliberate thing in the cult and daddy was just a daddy in one personality, not all of them. With the tranny androgyne cult the only thing that the public parents share w the children are dna and cult ancestry, they're lab growns and the parents just are handlers of the children really. There are all sorts of other cult members that come into these young cult members get training from and direction, so the parents aren't parents in a normal sense, this is where "it takes a village" witch nonsense comes into it. We hear that a lot by the cultists. That show also seemed to be a way for this ringmaster Lynch to recruit and highlight young trannys just starting out in the hookerwood section, you can tell Lynch likes men who appear as dark small pale women when you watch that show, featuring 3 of them in top roles and another asian man playing josie. We also have the other side of the blondes and redheads and if you can make it to the Twin Peaks "beauty pageant" episode it's gruesome to see these trannys in tights especially the conniving redhead one that is a minor character later. Huge upper bodies, no hips, angular, long arms, sharp constructed faces and such. I actually don't think the daughter died really, she just changed roles into the "cousin" lookalike who shows up, dark hair and all lol I'll stop here with Twin Peaks as it's too much side stuff. Now back to the game talk.

    The narration overlay is great imo because it gives direction and a personal story to the game, Max Payne 2 had this as did AW1, even Control which is the next major shift for Remedy to FBI tranny's and/or race war stoking divide and conquer tactics of the cult. They WANT you to comment about the "diversity" recruiting and hiring which flies in the face of the cults own "only the strong survive" ethos of the faf "jungle" of malthus, ricardo and the jews of the talmudick-kabbalist era so like last 2500 years at least. THEY'RE LIARS AND CRIMINALS, sheesh.

    Control was really AW2 they just thought they could do without the buzz and ip of AW and were wrong of course. Game was ok but I'm pretty sure it bombed financially speaking. It was too long and poorly designed UI, drab and repetitive combat, obvious ladyboy main character, terrible tech demo stuff that most never bothered with for 20fps or more hit, etc But we got the narrative, the more actiony stuff, some confused convoluted story, obtuse game flow many had a hard time figuring out, weird for the sake of weird etc So they dragged up poor AW in the DLCs to jewce sales, poor guy just sits in the programming chair in the satanic ritual chamber full time lol

    Or Control was just the first AW2, since we got the same FBI gestapo thing going on there just in another setting. The first time it was a ladyboy whitey and now it's probably a ladyboy blacky for the diversity scam these cultists push more and more. Shaniqua the diversity recruit and hire and then promoted is on the case! Shaqina likely a better name there lol

    We also get the Silence of the Lambs crossover, in which the Tranny Jody Foster mask face with the man eyes describes trannys as "passive" LOLZ, he uses the old term Transsexual in that movie. This coming from a tranny who grew up in trannyhookerwood, disney movie over in the "best friends" animal sanctury in Utah aka the satanic cult that charlene Manson was associated with the Church of the Final Triumphant(or something like that) which hides there now as a "sanctuary" satanic ritual place with animals. Jody Foster also is the son of an Air Force member and I think mommy was in trannyhookerwood somehow before.

    So the FBI tranny jody foster solves cases about trannys called Buffalo Bill, BB, 22, V-enus bearded which the trannyman hopkins says "you covet what you see", most of us SEE trannys all day long on TV, but they look pleasing to the eye, so we covet them. This is a strategy and we are in the new-OLD egypt/sodom of these satanic cultists. In the SOL major movies the lead is always a tranny and of course this being trannyhookerwood all of them are, hopkins was born female make no mistake about that and how anyone can think the weirdo in SOL2 hannibal is anything but a hormone, surgery, implant, voice mod monstrosity is puzzling. These are cultists so this is just in stride for them, but in objective reality it's disgusting deception and filth.
    Hertzian56, Nov 4, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I played this a few hours after moving a few other games around I was able to get the 80gb on my secondary nvme to put it on and until there is a disc cache mod like starfield has you need at least an ssd install. Hdd install is stuttery and audio desync issues exact same as SF is, they are enforcing that to force upgrades and because consoles are all ssd at least now. Consoles are their most profitable segment, even though pc players vastly outnumber them. There is no reason to not have what a 40kb mod can do with disc caching unless you want to deliberatley force upgrades and sales. AFAIK SF still has not patched that up so you don't need that mod further confirmation this is a strategy by the industry for sales purposes only.

    Getting back to the game it's ok, it does eventually involve Alan Wake in a city level which is as confusing as anything I've ever played. It's a maze to find where to go, they do have a portable light system that kind of point you where to go but it's not too great and the map is totally immersion breaking and also takes a bit to load even on nvme, terrible game design. This reminds me of their last game Control which also featured terrible UI forcing you to use the awful map they had, this is probably a strategy to force exploration but I usually explore anyways I don't need to be forced into it. It's also a strategy to make the game longer or seem larger then it is. Same strategy of having the character walk very slow, even running is just slightly faster and wears off so you have to hit the button over and over to jog.

    The city level as AW character is also very blurry and features a lot of shimmering around and neon which after a bit really wears on the eyes. I had to stop for a rest since it was headache and eye ache inducing, just terrible game design. I remember AW1 where the flares in the forest really were hard on my eyes, huge exposure differences, awful audio was just too much. I ended up with headaches after levels that were longer it was so bad. So once again player comfort and such are at the very bottom of the priority list if even on it. Would it have been so bad to give me a way point? or a minimap so I don't have to constantly break immersion and open it? How stupid, malicious or negligent are these idiotic devs getting nowadays? And the idiocy seems to be endemic with famous AAA studios.

    Now I'm playing at 1080p with dlss performance on an nvme, 16gb, 6gb, i5, 2060m with all the extra garbage turned off via the render ini file, they don't allow in game settings to turn all that trash off. I still get stutter here and there due to rain and the visual effects of this awful level. And in general the graphics DO NOT look on par with cp77, a 3 year old game, they look good enough but are ruined by the slow boring gameplay and terrible UI. The mind place is just obnoxious as well. It's a case board room you can teleport to anytime for analyzing the case or the writing in alans case. I think in game storytelling via environment and such is better then this artificial case board room, it breaks immersion and should be optional but it's not. And it's largely non interactive other than menu stuff, placing photos where it lets you, more and more cutscenes and such. I think this game is 80gb because they did so much video, cutscenes and such and you know they know enough people are playing 2k/4k now so the videos have to be encoded at 4k thus bloating the game size.

    This should be a 40gb or less game size and the graphics at low med like I play are like a RE2 Remake or AW remastered they're not bad but not next gen either. Remedy since Control and even AW1 always has very inefficient northlight engine which is focused on pushing limits but is not efficient or too scalable at all. I think major AAA releases actually design for RT more than anything, so unrealistic shinyness and dark wet puddles and such. So they're LESS realistic really. In service of justifying the bloated cost of RT and other tech for little real gain. They need to focus on perf and actual game mechanics and writing more imo

    In this game I think the fbi could have been dispensed with and focused more on the local townspeople we met in AW1. For instance the female deputy we had in 1 is gone, the parts of the town we were in are now blocked off mostly. The retreat aw was staying at seems to be gone or it's the overgrown remains of the forest level I can't tell really. Where's the rehab center from 1 which was on cauldron lake? Idk maybe it makes an appearance later. And I get the malicious LE who was after wake in 1 ties in, whom I think is nightengale but to play as some rando fbi agent seems out of place to me. We should be playing as aw mostly, there is no need to cook up some missing for 13 years bs story, somehow hibernating in the "dark place" which is just a metaphor for missing time in the mkultra monarch twilight world. AW is a programmed multiple, missing time is a hallmark of that. So no he was somewhere it wasn't just nowhere for 13 years.

    Likely the underground base like they have all over is where aw was a prisoner or briefly being reprogrammed was where. In game there's a hint that the cauldron lake is man made and somethings under it, a base and you get flashes of a base entrance a few times. The FBI are part of this system in real life and most of the agents are in the cult, just programmed to not remember that. So therefore they take part in all that, likely gatekeepers and accomplices to publicize things or cover things up. Saga gives indications of this with her "intuition" stuff coming out of nowhere really, but not nowhere it's just maybe parts of what she knows in another alter bleeding through. Triggered by certain items, words and such.

    I routinely skip the many cinematics and cutscenes mind you, it's not worth watching, not that interesting, cheesy stuff. I get that remedy is more creative mixing live action and rendered stuff together it's cool but I just don't have the energy to watch all of it. I LIKE GAMEPLAY. I like PLAYING GAMES not interactive movies or visual novels. This game like most remedy games is just a kabbalistic exercise, the hexagram triangles all over, the witches wooden totems and such like in True Detective S1 and all over it's a glamour like blavatsky says, sand in your eyes subterfuge. At least I'm not forced to watch any of it, there's a handy skip button for pretty much all of them. I just think more open levels, performance, UI, QOL things and stuff are better focused on. Without all that the game play part is most likely very brief tbh. I like this setting much better than the ugly marxist drab office of control and it's a pity we didn't get the amount of hands on gameplay here that we did in control, although control had terrible repetitive combat that refreshed the same boring enemies over and over if you backtracked which you were forced to do a lot in that game.

    So I'll be glad when the obnoxious city part as AW is through, it's awful really. And an FOV setting would have been a good thing to have. I increased it by 50% in the render ini file, couldn't imagine how bad it is default, probably 75 or so, awful. Hopefully we'll get more and different forest and town and other levels later on. I feel the city level was designed with RT, path tracing and other useless demo tech specifically in mind but it's overdone. Feels like vasoline smeared level even without RT and such like I play. And I'm thinking of locking it to 45fps like I do with cp77 solely for lower temps. Even with turbo boost turned off I get about 72c for both cpu and gpu at 60fps max allowed in ncp. 45 is just as smooth as 60 if it's locked to that and I get drops down below 60 a lot in high action and rainy levels. Inside stable places it's 60 mostly.
    Hertzian56, Nov 5, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I'm now at the final mission sequence and I have a total of 16hrs in and that's exploring, being lost, etc So being generous and giving the final sequence 2hrs this is about an 18hr game. Howlongtobeat says about 16.5hrs which is in the range. I avoided doing the AW alternate parts with the janitors bucket to switch character. That's because the ones you're forced to play as AW are super lame imo. The music video you walk through is super cringey waste of time and all the video and such in there is just more remedy overdoing it and waste of drive space. It wasn't necessary but just to be able to slap the AW ip onto this for sales and buzz. The AW sections are also heavy into the tv talk show studio and the visually painful rainy city and then the obnoxious backtracking and being lost of the subway tunnels, reallllllly bad.

    To change the game in main characters and gameplay and then slap the AW ip on it is frankly very scummy of remedy and they won't be getting any more of my time or attention going forward. They are just going into the circus level of development and also the shill hardware sales mode, a totally cringey studio. I REALLLLY hope they don't butcher max payne more than they did with 3, awful stuff. Control was passable but I definitely DO NOT want any more of it, got my fill of it. Didn't even finish the dlc's either they were so obtuse and hard to figure out what to do and even when I looked it up, bad game design there, I couldn't get how to do it or didn't do it right and I'm not wasting anymore time on control.

    I just spent a good portion of time just with the case bORed to "come up with a plan" and get the next objective. It was super not fun moving photos around a pinned bORed to then get what to do next. If it was a fun little minigame that's different but the mind place is super immersion breaking and lame. I like to hands on PLAY and interesting explore, you know GAME PLAY and this just had minimal amount of it. The best sequence was Shaniquas jaunt through the whole theme park, biker shop, light house, trailer park. The rest was just a broken up chore really. The twilight areas are super not fun and recycled stuff called "loops" in game to be as lazy as possible by remedont.

    There are a total of 3 large areas and a couple of streets in Bright Falls to run around, so it's not a large sized world to explore. Once you do what the story needs in them and run around a little bit there's not much point in going back to them. The final sequence takes you back to Cauldron Lake which is the first map you start at. AWs sets are the tv studio, the subway, the rainy city and probably one or two more I can't remember and they're not large at all. There are lunchboxes, manuscript pages, weapons and cult boxes to discover and or open. There is also the rhymes minigame which doesn't interest me much at all, tried the first one at the light house and it was just a turnoff, found a couple others and not interested. Little payoff there from what I've read elsewhere.

    I got only the default gun, the double barrel and upgraded them to useful things. I use a trainer so ammo isn't a concern for me nor is reload speed etc Just damage and the auto mode on the pistol, you upgrade w manuscript pages found I think. AW1 had manuscripts and coffee thermoses as collectibles afaiRemember. I saw the pump action but didn't want to bother w figuring out the lock code for it. The double barrel works fine and doesn't need to be pumped and w the no reload and inf ammo trainer cheats it's better than the pump is.

    For the amount of content this is a 30$ game imo not the 60$ they charged for it. If you go by $1/hr it's even less. vgames are different then movies because you have to supply the equipment for games, movies it's all included in the cost, you don't pay for the projector or seating etc I bring more to it it needs to be less. This game requires special equipment like at least an SSD to run mostly smoothly, at least a xx60 series nvidia card of the last 3 years, 16gb ram, 6gb vram, etc There's no excuse for the price and the graphical reqs are ridiculous for this game. At low-med no rt 1080p dlss performance I get mostly around 45fps and I lock this to 45fps so my system doesn't work too hard to achieve what it can reasonably produce. With turbo boost on and 60fps limit I only got in the 50-60 range most of the time anyways. I turn off vsync as well and if you have the right setttings there is no screen tear, I never got any w this game.

    They want to pay actors to do live action scenes and performances that's their choice, it's not a videogame it's a tv-movie thing and I don't think that's too fair for a videogamer to pay for. The overdone dialogue and cutscenes just waste time and drive space as well and I skipped 95% of it. This is way overpriced and over specced. On my settings it looked like one of those RE remakes from years ago or even worse in many places, unacceptable for the stutters, delayed map/save screens, etc No problem sailing the high seas here and it's an instant uninstall after I'm done not interested in a replay.
    Hertzian56, Nov 6, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    As an example of terrible perf during the cynthia bunker sequence as shaniqua it was just a big loop with a few rooms then the core where you fight cynthia and save tor. During that whole boss fight it was a stuttery mess, almost slide show level it was so bad. I'm frankly surprised it didn't crash. Nevertheless I kept going w it and finally finished cynthia off.

    I think this and the AW rainy city parts were made for just a showcase of RT/PT. The cynthia sequence featured the awful "watery" effect in the surrounding area and flooded floor soo lots of reflections and such then if you used a flare which is kind of necessary to ward off cynthia while doing what you have to do to progress the lighting was even more refelectiony and suited to RT/PT. Thankfully once I saw her once I spammed flashlight focus and shotgunned like crazy til she was dead, so there was no running around too much during the boss fight proper. Once she's down it black screens back to the nursing home area thankfully.

    So imo these devs are actually financed by hardware makers to specifically design levels and whole games that over use and emphasize RT/PT and then require DLSS and FG to get 60+ fps. For example in CP77 there are WAY too many shiny parts all over then would be there in normal life, polished to a shine sidewalks, industrial areas, even perpetually wetted streets at night, fog all over, lots of bloom and etc It's not realistic and over done for the sake of payola. AW2 is almost all dark and at sunset or night time with all this over emphasis for tech demo stuff.

    They treat gamers like addicts wanting their next hit and believe me all the press and even commenters are just paid for one way or another. Most of the internet is actually just AI machines you're dealing with, even where you think there's another HONEST human on the other side in say Reddit many times it's just psychologically trained AIs to elicit certain reactions from you, largely the goal is selling and fake hive mind think, "a village" of bees doing their assigned duty to consume more and more that costs more and more. I can't tell you how many times I've read in reddit threads criticizing games the goto of "it's just not a game for you" and "that's ok" like there isn't any objective reality to anything. It's kabbalistic satanic relativity in everything. And I also think outright lunk head trolls are a good portion just paid for AI bots. For instance "you're just an idiot" one liners or "go play cod" ragers. I realize there are a lot of outright idiots out there too but it's just way too much like targeted scripted stuff for anyone who dares to criticize the "all good must buy" latest thing.

    I saw this scarily during the Top Gun Maverick craze, it's a terrible derivative movie with little good to it. Some neutral talking drivel about this or that and then some cockpit footage we've all seen hundreds of times before that was described as amazing, come on! There was a whole industry machine at work here including payola, AIs and coordinated shills etc going on. Then you got the cringey "MUST SEE IN A THEATER" shilling stuff with Tomina and her entourage blocking digital distro for a long time for that very purpose, it was the only option for months besides cams online. Who does that? It's sooo cringe and a cringe movie by a cringe industry featuring a has been trannyman, a scary looking ladyboy tribester in Connelly and the egotistical Valerie Kilmer among the barbie doll younger filler actors. Just bad all around. Rumour making and such is a thing too, especially if you're in LA. I heard the praise for GOT and Breaking Bad years before they were huge things that were all over everywhere.

    So it's scary how the machine can dictate "reality" a false reality and fantasyland mindset in many who are unaware of it. The beast is jewmasontranny cult but it's also their false images in many forms. The satanic conspiracy is what it is, been going on since Man was made by God and then fell. Satan's down in the muck and he wants you to look down into it so you can fall down even more into the muck or he can reach out and pull you in, you thinking you're in paradise. Sad.
    Hertzian56, Nov 7, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So to finish up before I go into the final sequence of this game it's not recommended at the current price at all. 30 or less on a sale but be warned it's not too much like AW1. It's more like a visual novel with light combat and traversal with lots of dialogue and text to read and cutscenes. Putting up photos and files on a board to progress. So it's also similar to the hundreds of those ue horror games, and runs like them too just not optimized other than 30fps console with all the tricks they use and on pc a brute force thing.

    At average equipment for pcs it's just not good looking enough for the reqs or performance you get pointing to the two cases I mentioned above that it was really designed for. That's ok if you like hybrid game-novels and not too much hands on exploration, combat and such. It's slower game that can eat up a lot of time if you watch all the scenes and listen to every dialogue all the way through and frankly for the howlongtobeat mean game time I think most gamers are skipping a lot of that to get that little amount of time to finish the main story. Pointing to it being WAY overdone and indulgent filler stuff by remedont. If you can game pass it eventually with the 5-10$ per month subscription for as much as you can game it would be worth it but not a stand alone purchase with someone with average pc gaming equipment per steam surveys. 2060, 3060, 1650, etc level cards are just beat up by this game for no good reason at the settings they'll most likely play it on smoothly.

    For a classic fun detective focus game I'd recommend the very old LA Noire rockstar game, it doesn't have the graphical level of modern games but is actually fun to play with detective elements to it done in a much better way than this game does. It's likely less than 20$ or even way less on a sale too and anything a decade old can likely max it out. There is on indulgent waste stuff of remedont either.
    Hertzian56, Nov 7, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So coming back to this I was at 16hrs approximately when I entered the final sequence which I thought was going to be at most 2hrs. Well I'm at 20hrs now and I'm STILL not done with this game. I thought I could skip the awful AW sections but I made a mistake there you HAVE to do the tedious AW levels, so I've just had my fill today of them. I couldn't keep going it was so maddening to play as AW. I think this is the WORST game I've played this year and for the last few years tbh it's terrible.

    So to start you go to the lake as Shaninqua the FBI diversity hire cult tool. You then have the geezers and their cringey viking band play a song into the woods to summon the taken, I had to turn off all music it was soooo bad. So you then fight a horde of them and use the clicker and then I can't remember, you then teleport to AW again. And the story is that the Cult of the Tree, the sephirotic kabbalistic tree are actually "good" guys killing taken who are the Cult of the Word aka Alan Wake writing and COULD be a subtle reference the The Word in the beginning, Christ. Who are the bad guys. Sheesh Remedont are scumbags, choke on it you douchebags.

    Anyways so then you are AW in the awful watery city block you're trapped in, of course you start in the stupid tv studio so it's another chore to even get outside, one dung pile of a level to another. Then blah blah do this do that go here you have to do the awful scenes switching that alters the same area and SKIP a TON of obnoxious dialogues, move to where the dark ball covers the light ball and triggers this AWFUL Max Payne "alex casey" cheesy axx detective crime story I had NO interest in and it JUST_KEPT_GOING_ON_AND_ON...... I mean it was sooo tedious going around to parliment tower watching your nasty hulk trachea tranny wifey and her annoying videos spread around the apartment, then going back to parliment tower then going to the Overlook hotel then going back to parliment tower then up and down railings and rooftops then having to change scenes over and over to even get out of this or that place to get back to the base world of the city block. IT'S EFFING TEDIOUS!!!!

    And now finally getting back down to street level and answering A-NOTHER phone call then now I have to GO BACK to the TV studio to get some photos to put them into a container by parliment tower. I'm so worn out from this POS!!! FOUR EFFING HOURS of this garbage and I just want it to be done sooo bad. This is an immediate install and delete for me, never playing any remedy game going forward ever again this is such a terrible experience. I was just switching scenes and the lamp thingy at random at the end to get out of the movie theater, of course there is NO direction by the game other than "leave the theater" meanwhile you're stuck wandering around trying to figure out which way to go and which scene to order up to just have the stupid entrance show up to leave. AWFUL game, not even a game really.

    I skipped EVERY one of the obnoxious cutscenes, which is one of the best if not the best thing about this POS they let you skip them all. If they hadn't done that I would have uninstalled and deleted by now.
    Hertzian56, Nov 7, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    It is also very stuttery and slide showy in that watery street level base for AW, I fell through the map once and had to reload. The game looks terrible as well, but the watery taken wandering around make it look like vasoline smeared screen it's so bad. The terrible flares and light flashes and the split second flashing images jump scares are just awful. I don't even have my headphones on during AW parts it's so bad. Shaniquas PNW base level is usually fine unless you notice it autosaves then you know there's going to be a lot of action and such. I'd have more of a raging headache then I do if I didn't turn off and down the audio and not have my headphones off.

    And when "the dark" chases you as AW it's trial and error which way to go, just like the subway was, not fun at all. Make the "wrong" turn while sprinting and you're dead, have to load up again remember to go the other way, smh. This is a POS product by remedont and definitely DO NOT RECOMMEND it at any price it's so bad. The pretentiousness is turned up to 20, the indulgent overdone dialogue and mostly cutscenes are just way too much. And the terrible graphical optimization is a disgrace. Seriously I play at low-med all the RT stuff off, DLSS performance at 1080p and it's STILL a stuttery mess in places, and for graphics that look like FO4 from 2015 being generous. Some parts look better but the cars, junk, typical set stuff look very dated. Unless you have an 80 level card from the 3 or 4 generation at least it's below average. Probably a 70 3/4 series rtx could power through it and look a lot better no RT but 70 and below level 20 series of nvidia gpus it's just a terrible mess.

    I was almost getting motion sickness it was soo bad in high combat and in general in the AW city level. It was better inside and low action level not generally stuttery there. This game for my equipment and settings is a 5 at best.
    Hertzian56, Nov 7, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So last night after I rage quit I booted up CP77 PL w all my mods it was great, even after playing it likely over 750hrs or more over the 3 years it's been out. It has a lot of problems but it looks WAY better than Alan Wake 2 in almost every way and runs smoothly for me. I like hands on gameplay not a convoluted bs narrative of derivative drivel that Alana Woke Walks 2 self indulgent marxist cringe fest is.

    This game was bait and switch with the AW ip used, it should have been Shaniqua's Diversity Hire Adventures: an Alan Wake-Control Spinoff Visual Novel, brought to you by RemeDONT weirdo scum. With special emphasis on Marxism and the special guest Egotistical CEO Monster!!

    Also includes a cheap Max Payne cameo under another name! You'll enjoy 20-25hrs of unoptimized stutter fest and boringAF gameplay with 5hrs of that at least being cringey live-action indulgence and pointless pick stuff out of your dirtyaxx mini cutscenes! Also some of the most boring and pointless npc-character dialoging! All this and more TURD-sandwhich can be had for the LOW LOW price of just 60$ and more if you're in a poor country!

    You get to skip a meal each day for the next month or two, so you'll also get the FREE Shaniqua DIET PLAN!!! EVEN BETTER if you need the nvme, 1200$ GPU, 800$ CPU and all that goes with that, you'll be automatically enrolled in Shaniquas 2 year DIET AND HOMELESS PLAN which means for you 1 dumpster meal per day and luxuriant sidewalk living!!! LOL
    Hertzian56, Nov 7, 2023
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Alright I'm really going to try to just get it done today since I've come this far into this monstrosity I feel like I should come to the ending somewhere there. If you do play it make sure you do the AW "janitors bucket" stuff here and there because I think that's the issue with just AW over and over again for me. I didn't and DON't like the almost nausea inducing AW sections and thought, ok cool they let US DECIDE if we want to do them or skip them. NOPE.

    It would have been better to just force the switch to break it up not have so much of one characters stuff at a time. I liked Shaniqua's settings and gameplay MUCH better of course. Nice nature, more twin peaks type setting and such so I needed to forced to do AW's cringey alternate reality contrived city blocks. The alt reality sets in AW1 were WAY better. I still remember the DLC ones vaguely, spinning junk and space type stuff and I loved the Arizona setting of AN if not so much having to do the same thing multiple times over just tweaked a bit each time. You can't really forget the oil rig explosion scene too easily since you do it so much and the observatory ritual.
    Hertzian56, Nov 7, 2023
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Scratch that(lol) I think I'm putting this away now. I have robocop on tap and going to head over check that one out. Since my frustrating experience with this software last night I need to get away. I'm going to delete it and move on, I do still have the installer and another install still stored on the hdd it was originally on so have options should I ever want to revisit this. But like Control which I've got on the same hdd installed and abandoned somewhere in the DLCs, I doubt it. When I need the space it's gone for good riddance. And on my nvme here I need the space for Robocop which is half the size of aw2. 82gb aw2 vs 40gb robocop.

    I did get to the second beach battle with alan wake scratch though, from there looks to be just nursing home as AW etc I haven't watched a video of the ending but here's an article at gamespot that goes through it pretty thoroughly imo.

    For some reason the trainer I got from gamecopyworld for v108 and the other versions stopped working as well and I don't want to have to deal with the annoying damage bloody overlay and go use this bandage and change batteries and all that garbage busy work. And this ending sequence is going to be combat heavy I'm sure. So far Fling has not come out with a trainer for this game which is strange since it's been out a while now. Flings site doesn't have a posting for it so I don't think this is a wemod only trainer, like MrAntiFun went for the pay and don't get me started about those douches over at cheathappens.

    The forced online always for data collection of wemod, and thus pay of trainers is just indicative of douchebaggery all over the vgames world now, what some guy did because he hated the grind like I do and then decided to share free is now a tribestered greedster industry, phucem all. Fling at least always has a standalone version that you can block from online and such but always has a wemod version as well usually. Almost nothing at all is safe from the typical tribester greed, fetuses aren't, humans, sex, organs, anything.
    Hertzian56, Nov 8, 2023
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    All in all I really don't recommend this game. It's just too much all around, an ode to babel nonsense stuff just for the money and ego of the ceo douche. Remedont can suck it. This is a half axxed visual novel with some walking and totally skippable bad combat here and there and boss fights even less. Lots of embarrassing to even watch cringe. Littered with kabbalism and other forms of occultism and don't forget the even more rotten norse garbage of these finland based douches of remedont.

    Remedont BADLY needs an outside editor to trim the lard but there likely wouldn't be more than a 10 hours or less interactive grandma walking sim worth about 5-10$ at the most. Instead they paid a marxist diversity consulting firm to add more negroes to this whole game and of course change saga into shaniqua with the magical paranormal intuition straight out of the " stinky dark place down under" lol

    I read in that article that remedont has 2 dlc planned for this garbage fire, well fools need to be parted from their money, sheep can be sheered many times over. And I'm sure the AI bots are already paid for, shaping the narrative of this walking corpse of a franchise. Won't be getting any more of my time or attention.

    Hertzian56, Nov 8, 2023
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Thinking about this more as I replay AW1 original maybe I was a bit hard on it. I just really like AW1 world and play much better. It's more of a game and less of an interactive movie. If you like paying that price and really just watching it on your computer with some lite gameplay it's passable, probably a lot better to you. I just can't see wasting 80gb of space and 60$ on maybe 10-15hrs of real play and another 8-10 of mostly watching things, not in a game format. I just can't believe this is what we get out of AW franchise over 10 years later. I realize the AW universe includes Control and the FBC now as well. That game had a lot more similarities to AW1 gameplay but it wasn't as pretty a setting, a drab marxist office with some interesting areas no doubt though.

    If you're very interested in the actual story like the dark place, the clicker, the fbc and its role it probably makes it better too. I just found the first games story better because it was the origin so you didn't have this "universe" yet it was a mystery and involved different sets, a lot more different sets you interacted with than 2 has. It was more focused on AW than this is, and didn't waste your time with questionable things like walking through an apartment turning on tvs to watch the gross trachea "wifey". It had a minimap to get an idea where to go, respected your time a lot more than 2 does. AW himself could move a lot faster too. Would it have been so hard to have at least optional waypoints? or a basic minimap? I get the "lost" aspect to that but come on, it got frustrating after a while, ok that's enough NOW give me a clear objective marker or just an arrow here and there. And yeah I got the environmental directions too but still, easy to miss.

    And when the dark chases you it's just trial and error at forks in the path, in 1 it was a lot easier to look at the small minimap for the direction to the objective at least. There was no on screen obvious path graphic so there was still a bit of ok I have to pay attention to the environmental clues. And in 1 the combat wasn't always flashlight and gun, there are sections where you just have to run to the light or only use your flashlight and someone else has the gun. There is a section where you're part of a party and can choose to be flashlight only, gun/f, gun or flare. Even a flare gun in the birds fight etc

    Only thing to me that's missing in 1 as far as the sets is Bright Falls itself. It would have been nice to just walk around during the day when everyone was out and about like you can in part of the town in 2. Observe the weirdness of the people, maybe interact somewhat. You do get a huge chunk of that but it's at night and fighting the taken with the sheriff, it's actually more than 2 has but it's restricted to combat mostly. I'm at the point of going to the creepy sawmill in 1, after escaping nightengale and the police and the trailer park walk. And you had a big chunk of exploring before that at the camping grounds where you could go all over or drive in a car right to barry and the cabin and the birds fight. I walked up but didn't go everywhere to get coffee thermos and probably other manuscript pages as I've played 1 a lot before. I mean there are a lot more locations, the dam, the lake cabin, the rehab center, the viking rockers house and farm, the junk yard, the roads you move on etc I felt more engaged then just one city block and rooftops of the dark place, why couldn't the dark place be more than 1 city block and some interiors?

    And AW1 original is 9gb with both dlcs. 2 you get less locations but of course they do look amazing at times when they're not behind the awful effects like watery walls and such but I think almost 10x the install size should have been more interactive locations and such, not 4k video and hq audio, way too big for what you got. To me AW1 in game still looks fine, there was no need to go as overboard in almost everything but gameplay in 2. Just control level graphics would have been fine but remedont is also in business to sell cards and such.

    I'll say more here but ok I'll say it's between a 6-7 game, no more than that though.
    Hertzian56, Nov 17, 2023
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And the parroting is terrible on these so called "real" peoples posts all over. A major point is the combat is bad repetitive in 1, well it's not any better in 2 there's just a LOT less of it there. So ok lets see that said about 2 but nope we get the "masterpeice" nonsense by dumbos and remodont AI bots and of course the various whores selling it and anything to anyone that pays them lol.

    One thing I'll say about the combat in 1, besides what I said above, is the annoying remedont way of "highlighting" enemies by taking the camera control away from you EVERY time they attack anew. I find that really obnoxious, taking camera control away from players should be a few and far between thing. I just don't like that, and if you're not expecting it it's jarring and not necessary. Another is the endemic abuse of bloom in both AW games, if you're sensitive to huge contrasting all the time these games are going to be painful to play after an hour or two depending on the amount of bloom going on. 2 also adds in the blurry mess of the watery effect, flashing lights, instant jump scare frames inserted, and from a realistic pov the gruesome AW "dead" game is over imagery which is just nasty.

    No surprise remedont aholes though, cancer studio really and the Max Payne 1 to AW1 was really their height. Control was ok but it just was unengaging and more babel nonsense to illustrate their satanic hermeticism, jewmasontranny cultism and it's concepts of darkness. Featured a nasty ladyboy and an insane asylum of all of them really. Weirdos belong in an underground office building prison to keep decent people safe. Lock it and throw away the key, seal the entrance off.

    Max Payne isn't even their ip they're just hired hands there, so hopefully RS can keep this trash studio on a tight leash for the remakes of MP1/2. In AW2 at times it was so blurry and muddy it felt like it was actually underwater or in a drunken state kind of thing it was so bad. Not to mention the stutter performance all that garbage induced, the dark place mostly.

    Shaniquas forest levels were a lot better and had most of the fun gameplay to them. The nursing home and mansion were also pretty interesting in terms of the story and of course no one can fault the graphics they are pretty good and if you have the high power equipment probably look amazing. Why they hide it with all the console tricks on the pc version is just lazyness by the devs. To have to go to an ini file to disable a lot of it shouldn't be necessary. And I do notice the vignetting in AW1 was looking for a way to disable it but there is no obvious ini for that game nor any mods I could find for the original GOG version of the game. Even the remastered only has less than 30 mods on nexus and none of them look like they remove vignetting although it looks like maybe there's a setting or ini you can use there.

    I think a different story could have been told for AWs novel motif in 2 or 3 by now. They could have resolved the alice wifey thing maybe in a 2 released 5 years ago and started a new setting and experience as another novel by AW where he writes/plays it in 3 by now. AW1 original release was in 2010 remember, the gog steam versions came about in 2012 so we're talking over 10 years for this and as I've said wow it's just a huge let down overall.

    I don't think the aw story is too profound or anything it's just pulp type stuff, yeah writer has personal demons that take over his life and it becomes a real thing in some alt universe that he switches in between and on it goes in a spiral so there's nothing that's fixed. It can all go any which way for the convenience of remedonts shallow needs of the moment, bring back alice or she goes into some alt universe fine, saga is now shaniqua a negro from sweden, sure whatever, nightengale is killed by a cult but not really killed as he comes back to attack shaniqua sure, it's a topsy turvy fun house world of cringey whimsy up it's own assets, wonderful. Of course behind it all is the hermeticism of this dev and most of them really, it's obvious in cp77.

    There's no good novel here, games aren't novels. If I wanted a good novel I'd go get that and read it, remedont certainly isn't capable of anything close to a good novel. So let's tone down the blowhardedness and focus on what actual gamers want, a game that has a story but not a story with a bit of game tacked onto it and not done too well either. 1 was about the atmosphere and horror aspects during gameplay, the mystery of what was going on, the novel didn't take over everything there. It was a much more balanced game than 2.

    Remedont just took a bunch of influences who then had their influences and remixed them. Twin Peaks, Twilight Zone, Stephanie King, the norse mythology, etc And it's fairly jarring to have so much scandinavian stuff in the PNW, it's overdone and they needed a scandinavian setting for more coherence really. But in remedonts world view it's all just as convenient for them and their needs. So sales needed a setting in the largest market of N America so there you go, it can all be transposed as necessary. I'm half expecting pyramids in finland for the next game lol
    Hertzian56, Nov 17, 2023
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    After playing a bit of Control I think Remedy needed to just have a similar amount of gameplay vs exposition as that game in aw2. And instead of hiring a diversity consulting firm needed to hire a playability firm to teach them how to optimize player convenience. You always feel as the player in last place of consideration in remedy games, their priorities are their story way out on top with gameplay amount a distant second and way down under the bottom player QOL.

    For instance in Control we get that it's a puzzle palace feel to the FBC but was it so hard to put some more obvious waypoints to objectives? An in game minimap or like the AC Odyssey's top line bar with a blip to it to the next objective and other objectives and such? I was able to finish the main story years ago but kept it installed. So my time is NOT respected at all by remedont, typical. Even a separate map page would be nice instead of the in game overlay they have, half the time I hit the lunge button and it's also not easy to see in places. Fairly basic but remedont can't be bothered with QOL stuff I guess. They haven't learned anything as we see from aw2 nonsense.

    And also in pc games you need to have manual save option because I think the game for me is bugged when doing the Nail Ritual, the sphere pieces don't stick when pulling them out, but there was no option to load up a save before that to go back, so I am completely stuck, ridiculous. The only way I could get out of that bloomy white high contrast mess of a level was to go to the main menu and start at some other place.

    I don't plan on replaying the whole game though, I started about the third or forth mission in the base game and it's just a here and there thing. It does look great though, even on dx11 which I prefer for less usage and dx12 is pretty buggy in this game. Only benefit would be DLSS, might try it after updating the dll version. Uses more RAM is all I think. Even on med dx11 my fans are going pretty good.
    Hertzian56, Nov 20, 2023
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So yeah control is a much better game than aw2 as is aw1. Who knows how long they drag out AW story since the base game aw2 only just moved it forward a bit, prob the dlc will do more hopefully end it tbh. AW just needs some drugs and mental counseling really. Kinda boring after 1/AN really. Just a twisted mess of a story, in context aw needs a very good editor to cut the slop out of it. The basic save your wife story in 1 should have been either solved in dlc or in 2 years ago. The convoluted mess of a story that just goes in "spirals" is soo obnoxious. And the egotistical maniac sam lake should stfu and go away. The much better game was Silent Hill 2 with the wife mystery and fantastic atmosphere and I'm hoping the remake isn't butchered and full of marxist garbage like we got with 2. The race swapping and such is the major example there.

    I get the trapped in your own novels and some outside power is there somehow, but really aw just fighting himself. The other stuff is just typical hermeticism-kabbalistic garbage. Alternate universes, spirals, etc fantasy land junk. Remedont has always been an occultist studio, not hard to see. A bunch of scumdinavian weirdos tbh.

    What the hell is wrong with a straightforward story with some supernatural aspects but coming to a conclusion at the end or in a dlc? Are they so bankrupt intellectually that they have to convolute and drag along some big multi game universe instead of just starting anew with a new protag and story? smh

    So yeah control was a good balance of story and gameplay. I think the light and gun mechanic of aw1 was more interesting then the wave shooter of control though. The shape and throw tools are good too but there's too much junk in an office to make it really useful, it'd be blocked by unbreakable stuff too much. So it devolves into just a wave shooter. I think this game needed more stealth play, which would work a lot better in the office setting. Also control needed a first person view toggle. Tight spaces work better with fpp. The camera pulls out and in by itself which is fine but the game would have been better with FPP toggle.

    So what happened? aw2 is just overboard and not a game, it's an interactive movie with lite gaming aspects to it. I think remedont needs to just make some cgi movies or live action movies and leave gaming altogether instead of bait and switching with the gaming community. Relying on an ip to bait and then switch to something else is pretty despicable tbh. And I'm glad remdont has never had any of my money, just time I decided to keep going with aw2 and control. I would never support them with money and I don't think I'm going to give at least aw2 anymore of my time even w the dlc's. Just watch a synopsis or playthrough that I can forward along at my leisure. Control is pretty fun and nice to look at but does have it's typical remedont moments that induce putting it down for a while.
    Hertzian56, Nov 20, 2023
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Another thing to notice about control and remedont games in general is that women, or ladyboys really, are always in the top positions, the men, or shemales, are in the secondary positions, usually as antagonists or lowlifes. Totally by design. It's not hard to see but most don't notice this. The race swapping of saga was pointed out because of the diversity firm that remedont hired. Wasn't necessary just a bit of bona fides by remedont pure pandering and for "good optics" as these babel speakers would say. So they get the pat on the back by their cadres out there and probably the corporate owners wanted it for that as well. These are gangsters and gangsters have to conform to their mafia's dictats.

    For instance jesses brother is the bad one, and of course jesse is at least presenting as female. A fugly one that looks like a short step up from a streetwalker if you watch the steam video with the real person jesses based off of. Weirdos over at remedont for sure. The whole let's keep the same actors for years for our games is just weird. AW was way too long a wait for a sequel and I assure you they've permanently lost many of us. Even jesses brother Dylan Faden mentions the androgynous names they both have in one of the cutscenes after they bring him back to the central exec. The women are never the bad guys there. In 2 you had cynthia though but it's few and far between. God forbid a negro or other ethnic would be the bad guy, that never happens anywhere let alone Finland I'm sure lmao.

    So anyways I'm just going through Control which is a fun game won't lie. Looks great esp with the tweakables fixes and other small mods that fix various annoyances, not all though. It's a short game though but at least features gameplay mostly unlike 2. I still am towards the end of aw1 original as well just haven't been back for a few days. So going into the names in control for jesse you have JF=106=7, for dylan you have DF=46=1 but he's subject P6=166. And you have the 665 all over as well, featured in 2. Pretty obvious occultism all over remedont games. Sickos.

    Control is a buggy game still though and NorthLight Engine has always been so. Blurry textures due to the settings of how close you need to be but if they are blurry and you're there, there is still a lag that can take a while or not at all. Usually pause fixes it or maybe zoom in but passing through the area usually doesn' t fix it so I have a tweakables line I got from reddit that reduces the distance you need to be at. Still can't get dlss to be enabled and I'm on 1.12, I think the last patch was 1.13 appropriately and probably fixes this. I run it in dx12, not sure if the mods and tweaks will work on dx11 but may go back to that. Looks the same and takes less resources to run.
    Hertzian56, Nov 21, 2023
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