Acer extenza 5630 z Domain / Bios work around

Discussion in 'Acer' started by firecox, Jun 19, 2016.

  1. firecox


    Jun 19, 2016
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    I recently bought an 4 old laptops Acer extenza 5630z running windows xp from an auction house It was old school stock...however when I try to log on it still comes up with the domain SCHOOL and asks for user name and password...which I dont know obviously...and there are no reboot discs, I tried downloading a password reset program to a USB Stick and CD but it doesnt recognize the wont read the program...tried booting to safe mode then command prompt but it ignores that and boots to log in again ...tried pressing F2 going to bios but phoenix set up then asks for password which I dont know.....tried dismantling and taking CMOS battery out to kill bios memory but when I put it back in and reassemble it it still asks for phoenix password...
    Question :-.
    If I put a new hard drive in will this get round the domain password???

    My original idea was to upgrade operating system, hard drive and memory and sell on. but cant get passed domaim and Bios password.

    Anyone got any ideas or have I bought a load of junk..

    Any help much appreciated.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2016
    firecox, Jun 19, 2016
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