Hi to All! I've searched a huge amount of information about Acer Aspire One A150 and stuck at the deadlock with one question... video editing. I saw mentions, but that sounded like "I use for video editing" and nothing more. So i want to rise up this theme. What do we have: - Acer Aspire One A150 (in plans) - Sonic Founry Vegas 4.0 or any other (it's old, but I got used to it) - avi media files from Canon Powershot A610 (the model doesn't matter): MJPEG 640x480@30 fps The aim: - creation of home-video clips, not exceeding 8 - 10 min - applying video effects, sounds & music - the final compression on the "Big Brother PC" So the task is quite simple, I suppose: A150 + Video Editor + MJPEG 640x480@30 fps = ? (convinience\comfort\performance) The screen is rather small, but it doesn't matter, in this particular case. Have any ideas? If you have any or other experince of editing video on Acer Aspire One, don't pass by.