USA: Looking for a few things for my A150, NEED ASAP!! :D

Discussion in 'For Sale / Wanted' started by RDKamikaze, Oct 8, 2009.

  1. RDKamikaze


    Oct 5, 2009
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    Howdy everyone! I'm in the USA (Arizona!) and I've got a little shopping list for ny new toy that I need. It's an Aspire One AOA 150 (A150, ya?) so here's what I need:

    1. The touch pad isn't reading, the ribbon cable looks a little bad. Get me a ribbon cable for the mouse please!!
    2. Maybe the upper unit for the touch pad if a ribbon cable won't work?
    3. Touchscreen kit (if anyone's really reselling these?)
    4. Something for a heatsink mod (tiny heatsinks, thermal tape, or something! I can't find any here :( )
    5. Intel 5800 (I think that's it?) Wifi B/G/N card AND antenna(s)!

    Thanks for looking everyone! I found this stuff on le-bay but I don't want to have to wait so long on shipping if I don't have to :) I've got PayPal, credit cards, Money Orders, whatever you want really to pay.

    Have a great day and YEEEE HAAAWWW from Arizona!! I'll send some free heat your way ;)
    RDKamikaze, Oct 8, 2009
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