I couldn't find a post re Lucid Lynx, so I thought I would start one. After using Windows XP on my netbook for the last 6 months or so, I decided to install Ubuntu 9.10. netbook remix. It is near enough my first expedition into using a Linux based OS as a desktop (linpus lite does not count). My only other experience is setting up a server again Ubuntu 9.10 with the aid of a step by step guide. Linux is definitely a steep learning curve. After many many re-installs and attempts at fixing stuff. fighting with dodgy Wifi, memory card slots that wont damn well work unless I leave a card in on boot. even though I flashed the bios to the latest version which is supposed to fix it.... I finally, after upgrading it to a alpha 2 release of ubuntu - Lucid Lynx, have a near enough fully functional netbook. (AOA150ZG5). most importantly wifi appears to be solid. I have tested the "Wi-Fi by downloading a 2GB movie from a local FTP server, and up loading it again several times. it has not dropped or stalled once. Also, network speeds are better than what I had under windows. To upgrade from Ubuntu 9.10 on a desktop system, press Alt+F2 and type in "update-manager -d" (without the quotes) into the command box. Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '10.04' is available. Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions. or you can download an iso from [URL]http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/alpha-2/lucid-netbook-i386.iso[/URL] or the torrent from [URL]http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/alpha-2/lucid-netbook-i386.iso.torrent[/URL] As I find fixes and tweaks for the aspire one I will add them to this post.