The US Presidential Election 2024 theater

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Nov 6, 2024.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Thought I'd put this up after this charade is finally over for at least 3 years or so. After reading a lot of reddit lately it was obvious after a while that the hard push by the mods there and the sites owners google and partially by chinese tencent, that the posts there were a huge echo chamber and likely a bunch of fake AI bots and such to make the more conservative angry by reading it. Thus this feels like a reverse psychology with the objective to get Trump back in really.
    Hertzian56, Nov 6, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    From the press bias, even in conservative areas, for this obscure Kamala along with various celebs and such it sure felt like they were pushing very hard for a pseudo candidate. The whole theater of Biden bombing out and leaving the field to Kamala what 2 months ago made little sense.

    Kamala is a far left weirdo from California, this is a huge downside on the national stage where california is seen in a very negative light by many. It's no longer a place of dreams and such, it's a lurid almost pornographic greedster paradise more then anything. So Kam would only really ever carry dyed in the wool true blue states which are mostly coastal, not enough. Increasingly people are recognizing the craziness is also in the Wisconsin-Minnesota marxist area, they're almost the only deep blue part of the interior states.
    Hertzian56, Nov 6, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I'm not on either side really having known this was all theater by the jewmasontranny cult in charge of organized society. Trumpinasteinberg is definitely higher in that cult then biden or kam are, being from jyc, a casino owner(only tribesters have that privilege btw) and developer who studied kabbalah at 19yo as quoted from one of his business books from the 80s or 90s. This is a cult member and crypto army member. These various dramas are to keep members in line and to bamboozle the ignorant regular people.

    Take epstein for example. This was all fakeAF and them just leaking some version of their cult lifestyle, it's of course very tame compared to satanic rituals, snuff, cannibalism, torture, extreme pavlovian training, the mkultra monarch organized occult based aspect, and lots more grim stuff. They put out a mickey mouse, mm, 1313, version of this to then CONTROL THE NARRATIVE. Kabbalistic dialectics where you control all three aspects, problem, reaction, solution. Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis.

    The little touch of some body being found hanged in their cell when it was likely just REPORTED and thus became real or they took the trouble to actually stuff a dummy or find some other poor soul to take the place of someone as untouchable as Epstein. The woman accomplice is likely in switzerland or the riviera or isreal leading a wealthy life after probably some surgery or de transition back to their bio-genders.
    Hertzian56, Nov 6, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    You also have the aspect similar to Medvedev a decade or so ago filling in for his boss Putin to keep up appearances. Biden was just some filler or maybe was able to finance the huge bribes to get in in 20, few billion dollars to various fellow mafia members at the right places. This may have been part of the scripted timeline the JMT mafia has which needed trumpinasteingberg later in the decade.

    We're def getting a William of Orange V2 in 26 or so once Charles bows out or has a death ritual from her cancer diagnosed on 2-24-24 or some similar date games they like to play. But I think it's going to be Henry the 9th, the orange one from overseas invading like William of Orange did in the later 17th century financed by amsterdam sephardicks to then setup the Bank of England and start the proper jewish-british empire of rape and pillage.

    So therefore William and fam must disappear in some way, fake plane disappearance or some similar catastrophic exit. These are born and bred cult members, they follow orders because they know the consequences of not. Nixon was a member and bowed out when it was required, giving the "V" hand signs in abeyance. Their little play in 1963 was known to all, some dummy w an exploding head and a badly done fake film etc was enough. JFK and whole fam was dyed in the wool cult members for decades and likely more.

    Getting back to it the ORANGE ONE likely going to be a public aid for HENRY THE 9TH the ROYAL ORANGE ONE which takes the throne then dissolves it to plan. The "great leader" or world antichrist will come along with the "big one" pre-2033 "NEW WORLD" technodystopia of these sickos.
    Hertzian56, Nov 6, 2024
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The plan is always the same, it's just given the illusion that it's different under different candidates. The naive trust in ballots and such is a part of that. How do you know that this little red and blue map isn't just some created to narrative thing? Make no mistake those in each state in charge of this stuff are in the cult, for decades and decades. They just do what they're told or what the cults plan is. As I'll explain next there is a much better political system as far as representation then some huge land mass.
    Hertzian56, Nov 7, 2024
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    What you need is a decoupling of very liberal places and conservative areas, regardless of numbers. Big cities are mostly always jewmasontranny dominated and thus liberal, rural areas are usually not. But the rural areas a tyranized by these big cities and blue enclaves. Solution is the old City-State which those politics only affect those who voted for them and the rural areas which are conservative had total autonomy politically speaking. Abolish the federal internationalist controlled octopus altogether. It's a schemers and vipers nest of evil. Democracy only works where it was invented, by the greeks in city-states, not in empire sized areas where it just degrades into the jewish marxism, mostly socialist where the state controls everything. Fascism is also marxist and has only minor differences from other forms of marxism, being mostly theatrical differences.

    Most people have no idea the very small difference between socialism-communism and fascism, all marxist. Mostly in fascism the state decides who gets loans and approved, the businesses are largely privately owned but are dependent on the gov or it's bank. In the communist model the state owns all industries, there are no private industries, all work for the state including the banks. Both have some bombastic theatrical aspects to them, fascism in the nazi(Natl SOCIALISM) aspect had the jewish ideology of chosen people and occult symbols on the flag and such, just switch the names around here and there and nazism came out of talmudick-kabbalism, mostly the talmudick side of it. They just changed hebrew to german-aryan and some alternate occultism to your classic kabbalism. Nazism was one of their movements in a limited hangout fashion to get things done in their nasty dystopian world order.
    Hertzian56, Nov 7, 2024
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So say LA and SF and other west coast cities need to just have dominion over their borders, not over rural areas that have not wanted their policies and such. A whole state of New Mexico should not be beholden to Alb liberals, nor should Arizona to phoenix or colorado to denver metroplex etc The payola from the fed printing money should be abolished for both the city-states and the rural areas, it's a drug that has emaciated so many places if it's not readily available. Local government should be the ideal, not regional sized or continent sized stuff, it just doesn't work without lots of injustice and crime.
    Hertzian56, Nov 7, 2024
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Oregon and Washington state are prime examples of this as well, most of the rest of these states outside huge metros on the coasts are red but they're ruled over by blues. This breeds resentment and is definitely not representation as people understand it.
    Hertzian56, Nov 7, 2024
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    You definitely get the sense of a push towards a israeli-nazi-stalin/lenin-mao like cultism in america being pushed with MAGA. It's ridiculous of any american to dislike a movement called Make America Great Again but it's also a little patronizing to infer America is somehow not great, right in the title. Classic JewMasonTranny Cult "puckish" sense of humor, double entendres and sarcasm and other devices.

    Then the whole guns and pickup trucks with trumpster flags kind of frames it, real or not, as some sort of redneck "ground roots" movement which it is in no way. It's an imposed cultist type of thing which was created by psychologists and marketers just like any flash type of thing in the modern JMT world. The strategists are likely ancestors to the ones that engineered the USSR, Nazism, and others going back to probably 1789 and before that in 1688 and more. These same schemers and satanists in touch with demons through ritual.

    On the reactionary side of this you get the skulking lib loving it's cats and sitting in a coffee shop who subliminally DOESN'T want to "MAGA". It's a tool of division top to bottom. But make no mistake about it the target is traditional values of all kinds and definitely whatever little Christianity is left in the world, which is a sliver of a sliver really. Despite so many wailing and calling to the Lord they don't live in accordance and in spirit to His teachings, this is a JMT mafia matrix we are born into and grow up in, it's almost a miracle to anyone in this world to be able to be a true saint. Satanism-Luciferianism is fostered too well in almost all places people are molded and this is for at least 4 generations but really 10 or more generations by now. It just gets more virulent and stifling as time has gone by.
    Hertzian56, Nov 7, 2024
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    This whole fake press castigation of Israel plays into this as well. Remember the Jew...MasonTranny mafia owns the press it's one of their tools, the voice of satan. If there's some spreading of SOI doing bad then you knows it's a angle being played. The so called hamas and such are likely supplied and lead by cryptos, it's a dance, a kabbalistic exercise only. Arafat was a crypto, as was Nassar a descendent of rabbis well hidden like Kerry/Kohn is and his cousin Bush also a crypto.

    So I'm thinking bundling the unpopular in the press support for SOI w trumpism Vs the fake anti-SOI of the left. The crypto jew AOC, a tranny like the rest of them too, calling out the SOI is laughable theater. So there is now some fantasty mandate for supporting the SOI in a fake conflict that is brought off the shelf every few years, likely for genocidal reasons of the non jewish civilian populace that happens to live in that region. That's certainly one of the objectives of the fake ware in Ukraine, similar to 1933. Killing off "useless eaters" aka goy is an old game.
    Hertzian56, Nov 7, 2024
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Let's not forget Trumpinasteinbergs great service to the JMT mafia during her first term. She moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This is a major milestone the JMT mafia wanted for a long time but they needed time to set it up, they're in no hurry, they're very comfortable, and arrogant. This was done as quietly as possible in the circumstances of course. Any time you get Solomon and the Temple bandied about you have crypto and outright judaism. The masons use this imagery as a core of their occultism, the Mormons use the temple and the oxen and the molten sea and etc in their masonic super rite, it's all talmudick-kabbalistic though at bottom.

    They crave rebuilding the temple in a worldly sense, the builders, bauers, that they are. Remember Solomon is a metaphor for the jews themselves. High heritage, given all the gifts by God, did some good work in building the temple, then "loved many women" aka pantheism, masonry, etc built many temples to them as tribute and thus fell into satanism. God had left the temple which had become corrupt, but allowed Solomon to live out his natural life out of respect for his past. The pantheism of the Kabbalah and masonry, or really hinduism, ends up in self worship, sex worship, sex force worship, the snake goes up the sephiroth tree.

    Most forget that Solomon fell into satanism, but it's right in the Bible. The syncretism of the Masons is a form of this taking all and everyone, do as thou wilt, as long as you do what the cult wants when it calls on you doesn't matter what you believe personally.

    I take that move by Trump as a sign of the times more then anything, the JMT cult is very comfortable and very arrogant. Only a drastically dystopian police state that is overt is left really. A technodystopia of much less humans and much more controlled humans on top of the mind control that is so successful. A full merger of the monopoly states of communism and rampant stock marketism-megacorps-central banksterism.
    Hertzian56, Nov 7, 2024
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