The Patel Motel Hotel Cartel Beni-Israeli Crypto Jews

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Dec 3, 2024.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I'm just reminded by trumpinasteinbergs FBI head nominee with the Patel name that the reason so many motels like Rodeway Inns, Motel 6s and more are owned by the Patel crypto-jew mafia here in the good old usa. You can go to the middle of nowhere, north south east west in America and you'll have these Patels and likely other crypto-jew indians either directly running the motel and living there OR they hire whites and others as the front people so you don't detect it. I've seen this in the most rural places you can imagine all over the western united states, likely less than .00000001% indians there. One way you can tell if they have front people is if they do live there you can smell the curry and typical indian "fragrances" you get.

    Now no normal non-jewish people could ever get these millions of dollars loans to buy these franchises, unless you are gangstered in by a cartel, with easy loans to make a cartel to "manage" hotel prices at the bottom. This is one big reason why hotels are outrageously priced top to bottom and it's not likely isolated to the USA. Jewish/crypto-jewish cartels and monopolies are bleeding regular people worldwide, it's their MO.
    Hertzian56, Dec 3, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    If you've ever traveled around the USA and aren't totally inept you'll notice this and it's nothing but a cartel, but like in so many places the jewmasontranny cult matrix we live in sadly, is mostly just all lies, deceptions, scams, middlemen scum, fixed cartel pricing, monopolies masked as competition(pepsi-coke and such) and just an Underworld Order, criminals. So it's apt that a crypto-jew like trumpinasteinberg who studied kaballah at 19 and likely way before in the cults system, would appoint a crypto-jew to head the american gestapo called the FBI.
    Hertzian56, Dec 3, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    If you happen to pay attention all these jewish firms, you'll notice the pattern of EASY gangstered loans of millions of dollars no one else would have a chance at. These are criminals pure and simple.

    Let's take Columbia(the tranny of the statue of liberty) Sportswear as an example. It has a hidden swastika logo founded by crypto-jews(and trannys btw) in Oregon, who were from Germany originally. Now the so called "wifey" did what they do for the good of the business, sHE converted, falsely of course like the marranos and others, to Roman Catholicism because Portland has a decent amount of RCs. The story goes that the husband was supposedly irish but likely a crypto-jew, as jews do NOT marry non-jews BUT they will marry those who have been crypto-jews. Welp the "irish" husband just happened to get a loan to buy some rosenberg shoes or something, nope doesn't happen unless there are tribesters involved all along the way and their gangster network called sinofGogues helping the business. This is just one example of js/cryptos doing their gangster thing.

    Now as an aside Oregon/WA was essentially founded by the jew JJ Astor way back, in fact the so called capitol city of this PNW "country" was supposed to be Astoria. Astor raped and pillaged the beavers and whatever else there then essentially abandoned the place, despite his friend Thomas Jefferson hailing the new future PNW country. Astor was another one and predictably moved into JYC and real estate and such there, their capitol in america. Once the sick fashion trend of beaver skins and such died out in europe and elsewhere it was so long, well you don't imagine the deicides would just leave such a vast place of natural riches like the PNW do you? No they've been there the whole time. One other example are the Crypto-Jew Goodman family who own tons of property in Oregon. Oregon and likely Wash are some of the most corrupt states, anywhere you get lots of tribesters you have LOTS of crime, LOTS.
    Hertzian56, Dec 3, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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