Remap Co-pilot key

Discussion in 'Laptop General Discussion' started by Ron///, Dec 18, 2024.

  1. Ron///


    Dec 18, 2024
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    while i greatly enjoy my laptop, i want to remap the co-pilot key (which is in the position of the CTRL key) to indeed be the CTRL key again. This key currently configured as F23.
    I've tried everything (PowerToys, AutoHotKey, direct insertion into Regedit) but so far no luck. What i *have* been able to do is remap it to e.g. the letter B. CTRL is however not possible for some reasons.
    Asus helpdesk is brushing me off they say "Our technical team has advised, we checked with HQ and they state because they have a contract with Microsoft, they are not allowed to change the mapping of the copilot key. you can try 3rd party remapping tool at their own discretion" which is a load of bull if you ask me, but anyway.

    Any smart people here that can point me in the right direction?
    Ron///, Dec 18, 2024
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