Power issue & backlight flicker

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by eightbitpotion, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. eightbitpotion


    Jan 6, 2011
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    So my original AC adapter went out. I bought a LiteOn replacement for it because it was cheap. Now fast-forward about 4 months of daily use. When it is turned on it randomly powers off at different intervals as if it's a depleted battery. The charging indicator led flashes on and off almost like there's a broken cable on the charger, but it does this while stationary on a table. Also the backlight on the lcd flickers accordingly to the power indicator so it's obviously a power issue.

    I'm not wanting to buy ANOTHER AC adapter if this is an internal issue. Anyone heard of anything like this before?

    Thanks a bunch!
    eightbitpotion, Jan 6, 2011
  2. eightbitpotion

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    The symptoms sound like either the battery needs replacing, or the AC cable you've got is wrong. Look on the bottom of the black brick of the AC lead and compare it to your original one. The output voltage and amperage must be the same to ensure safe and stable use.
    Swarvey, Jan 6, 2011
  3. eightbitpotion


    Jan 6, 2011
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    Yeah it's correct. I've been using it for months as well. I don't think it's the battery though since it will randomly d/c the power during bootup when completely stationary. I wasn't sure if there was some sort of regulator in it that could be going bad or if it's the chinese liteon ac adapter that went out.
    eightbitpotion, Jan 7, 2011
  4. eightbitpotion

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    In my experience, LiteOn hasn't been a bad brand at all. I've been using and recommending them for years for computer optical drives. The AC lead that came with my D250 is actually a Lite On lead as well, no problems to report there either.

    I guess we can't say too much until you've tried another power lead though. If there's a dry-solder joint in the laptop though, it could be heating up and separating causing the charge to stop, this would also be putting extra load on the AC lead as well.

    How long ago did the original lead die? how long ago did the problem with the LiteOn lead start?
    Swarvey, Jan 7, 2011
  5. eightbitpotion


    Jan 6, 2011
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    I can't agree with you more about LiteOn- I use their optical drives in every customer build I do. But I also realize that some contracted company probably makes these AC adapters for LiteOn... so idk. Anyway some old guy gave me the laptop because he couldn't fix it (the AC adapter went out), and idk how long he used it before it went out. The liteon replacement i ordered worked perfectly for months... probably about 4 months of non-stop usage around 12 hours a day 7 days a week. I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and just order an AC adapter to try.
    eightbitpotion, Jan 8, 2011
  6. eightbitpotion


    Sep 1, 2008
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    Darryl, Jan 9, 2011
  7. eightbitpotion


    Sep 29, 2008
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    I have the same problem on my AOA150. It stopped charging, running only on battery or the power supply. then it quit running on the power supply. I tried another power supply and not it runns on power supply or battery bot the battery will not charge. I have the same flicker of the backlight just as if you were pulgin in and unplugging the power all the time.

    I tried switching batteries, the 2min power button fix and reflashing the 3010 bios with no luck.

    I have modified a battery for exarnal charge with my RC-flight charger with no luck, I'm thinking of bypassing the power plug on the mainboard to prevent any glitching.

    any info would be appreciated :)
    henke2, Jan 19, 2011
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