Petroleum Oil is Abiotic, it does not need FF fossils fuel, oil is made like diamonds are now

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Dec 19, 2024.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Petroleum is nothing but a chemical process in deep earth, it has nothing to do with "fossils" or fossil fuel, ff, 66. That's all bs scientism these liars in the jewmasontranny satanic cult have used their media to program people with. They have MADE diamonds openly for a long time now and there's no way for normal people to tell the difference. I assure you they've been making diamonds synthetically for likely decades and passing them off as real.

    Both Swedish and Russian scientists found that petroleum is abiotic decades ago. It doesn't need any fairytale of fossils squished into it somehow. It's purely a chemical process, temperature, pressure and the right materials can get it done. Therefore it is highly likely that the liars have MADE petroleum in their refineries for decades and more, likely a century. The ideal place for most of this is the empty deserts of Arabia, with the mega sized refineries, remote texas refineries and etc. I am not saying there is not natural petroleum that can be found but only that this is a cover for the fact they make oil and this process is done at massive quantities so therefore pennies on the gallon which they then charge us thousands of percent markup. Slave world.

    Likely the international infrastructure of oil is a cover for drug dope inc distribution and production which the JMT mafia has been controllers of since it's inception with the jewish-british empire and earlier the wandering jew traders all over the world. Vice and profiting off human weakness is the most profitable thing to sell, thus that's what is the most developed sector.

    I suspect the whole dinosaur story is constructed as a base for this deception. The dino story is just a fairytale version of the 33% that went with satan down to earth, being limited and damed to the darkness. Look at the story. A huge meteor falls to earth and then ends the dinos, 65 million years ago. This is the penultimate to 66, FF, fossil fuels, etc etc Like their April 30th is a penultimate to their satanic May 1st maypole day restyled as a communist workers day in modern times. The self worship of the elite, "gods" on earth through their cult system of crime, deception, pride, greed, lust, etc.
    Hertzian56, Dec 19, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Here is a brief about this. Petroleum is a natural substance that bubbles up in places like Ventura, CA in the ocean, it's not overly harmful to wildlife. It's only when it's dumped by tankers in massive quantities where it's harmful but it is a natural substance which doesn't cause long term problems.

    They even soft shoe the idea in with "synthetic" oil they charge a hefty premium for, likely just more pure form of the petro they make en masse. Thus you can see the "global warming" scam is to move people away from this energy source that can be made for pennies per gallon and into the trap of electric cars and such which are going to be driven up in price worse then the petro scam was and is today.

    The "where" it comes from is as opaque as all, likely they get free electricity from advanced tech based on the tesla tech and more, but you'll be told it's scarce and thus expensive and is used to enslave people. The big oil has been behind climate change qwakery since day one. The green dystopia.
    Hertzian56, Dec 20, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Coming back to this another FACT is that the Germans pre wwJew discovered a couple of processes to make gas, airplane fuel and more just out of COAL. The car gas was octane 72 which is low but this is in the 1930s or so, NO PETROLEUM NEEDED. The amount of coal in the USA and Canada could likely make enough car gas and jet fuel for the WHOLE WORLD by itself.

    This is called Hydrogenation and had at least 2 different processes, now Standard Oil of the crypto jew Rockefellers had agreements with Germany PRE AND DURING WWjew AND AFTER about this process and likely many others. So these nasty jewmasontranny scum knew about this process almost 100 years ago, thus the so called Petroleum wars and such since then ARE WERE COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY!!

    Here's a link to ONE article about this
    Hertzian56, Dec 30, 2024
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