Looking for comparison review AAO 10" and Asus 1000HE

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by fbx, May 14, 2009.

  1. fbx


    Sep 10, 2008
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    And others. I have an AAO 10.2" and I like it well enough--great screen, OK keyboard, trackpad, good access for upgrade, etc. Still, I find myself at the netbook counter at Best Buy looking at the ASUS 1000HE and the HP MINI and others, and I can't buy all of them and test to see which I prefer. The keyboards of the HP and the ASUS seem, for different reasons and in limited testing, better than the AAO that I own. I'd like to know if this is the general sense of things. Also, about the screen--as a widescreen, the AAO actually looks smaller than the widescreens for the ASUS and the HP -- are the proportions different? Is this my fevered imagination? I'm on the verge of ordering the ASUS from Amazon just to do a complete comparison, with the idea of selling one or the other on eBay when done. So if there are good comparison reviews already out there that'd be helpful.
    fbx, May 14, 2009
  2. fbx


    May 8, 2009
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    Actually - maybe I can help? First - the 1000HE sold by BestBuy is NOT the same as you can get on Amazon, etc. The differences are - No bluetooth in the BestBuy and the processor is an N270 compared to the N280 (and some other small details..)...

    For that, I own the AAO 10.2", the non-BestBuy 1000HE, an HP 2133 and a Dell Mini 10... Sooooo..... Screens are the same size on the 10" models ('cept the 2133 goes to 1280x768 on the 8.9" screen) Overall - I love my AAO, as the screen is simply wonderful and is close to the HP in color & depth.?. The Asus is matte (non-glare) which is good for outside stuff (on the deck with a beer, as it were ;) )...

    The keyboards? HP & Asus get my votes - the keyboard is just a tad small on the Acer. Dell isn't bad, 'cept for the funky "touchpad" (and again - the BestBuy version of the Mini 10 is the ENTRY level Dell Mini. And nope - you can't upgrade the RAM...

    So - if it were me....

    Buy the Asus from someone besides BestBuy (you'll pay about $25 - $35 more - BUT, you'll get a much better 1000HE)...

    Anyway - if you have any specific questions about any of these - pop back a reply, OK?


    John_D_NH, May 14, 2009
  3. fbx


    Sep 10, 2008
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    Thanks for the note. As it happens, I've ordered the ASUS 1000HE from Amazon after one of my visits to BB -- liked the new "chiclet" keyboard especially, but the think _looked_ big to me. Also worried how the screen compares with the AAO. Anyway, will have some side-by-side time soon, may keep both, or sell one on eBay. Cheers--
    fbx, May 15, 2009
  4. fbx


    Sep 10, 2008
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    First notes comparing the AAO 10" with the EeePC 1000HE:

    First, the EeePC is Piano black, very glossy, and fingerprints like crazy. The screen on the ASUS is actually 3/16" taller than the AAO, and surprisingly, it makes a difference. THe keyboard on the ASUS is about 1/2" wider than the AAO. Screen on AAO is clearly better, due to gloss. THe ASUS makes more noise--a constant hum, I presume a fan, while the AAO is pretty silent. The ASUS keyboard may be better, both size and style (chiclet). Not sure on this yet. At first I thought it was a clear win fot the EeePC, now not quite so sure.Weights SEEM about same tho teh EeePC is 3 lb 3.4oz whereas the AAO is 2 lb 15.9oz. Oh, one last thing so far. THe mouse pad on the ASUS is way better, 100% better, than the one on the AAO--it's wider, surer to the touch, has effective two-finger scroll, just feels better/easier to use. So far I'm still in toss-up country.
    fbx, May 16, 2009
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