Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by merk77, Apr 3, 2010.

  1. merk77


    Feb 16, 2009
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    as a previous owner of more then 5 netbooks i am really impressed with the acer 532h netbook . i used to own the asus 701, 900HA,904HA ,1000HE all were good but i just like to have new toys and try them out and sell them . all were great. oh yes i used to own the 2133 HP MINI which was also good.

    the reason i got the ACER-532H was that i really miss the small factor. i have to admit that the acer has the best keyboard from all of the about units i have owned . the keyboard is nice flush and is the perfect size i ca type on it as fast as i can on a desktop . the battery life is great i am using the power saver mode and my screen light is down below 50% the wifi is off and i am running a bluetooth adapter and connected to the internet via my blackberry. The screen is perfect and it has some serious brightness when it is up all the way.

    one of the major issues i had with acer was when they came out with there first netbook they had the memory slot under the keyboard and under a few other things it was to the point that you had to take apart the whole netbook to upgrade to an extra 1 gig . and the 6 cell was not out for another year almost.

    i also have the 4810TZ and the 3810TZ they are great laptops and have really good performance i will be selling my 3810TZ and keeping my 4801TZ. i think that acer has finally gotten it right .

    oh this is a heads up to all that are thinking about getting an ASUS NETBOOK they have some serious issues with keyboard flex when type fast and hard the sound and the keyboard makes some good amount of noise and you can see the keyboard flexing . which can get annoying .
    merk77, Apr 3, 2010
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