Hi all So recently I added a BIOS password to my new AAO and now when I try to reenter BIOS its rejecting my password. Now I know you're probably thinking I'm just entering the wrong password but hear me out. My password is one I use often, every day, it contains letters number and punctuation, and I'm sure I entered it correct when setting it, plus you have to confirm it. The thing that makes me think something is awry is that when entering the final (9th) character it doesn't wait for me to hit enter, it just rejects it, as if there is a character limit that it didn't tell me about when setting my password I've successfully flashed the BIOS but this doesn't do anything for my predicament Does anyone know of a back door password into this BIOS? or any other way of retrieving or resetting the password, Ive looked at a couple of tools but they didn't seem too promising Any help what-so-ever would be greatly appreciated Chris