Are bags and pouches with magnetic catches Safe/

Discussion in 'Accessories' started by casimus, May 18, 2009.

  1. casimus


    Apr 27, 2009
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    I have seen some bags/pouches now advertised for Acer One to "live in" which have magnetic clasps.

    I was taught that any magnets should be kept well away from memory storage devices such as hard drives and memory cards because of the risk of damage and degradation to the stored memory, caused by magnetic fields.

    When there are other alternative bags with safe clasps why would anyone accept the risk, however small, of purchasing a bag/pouch having magnets?

    any thoughts?
    casimus, May 18, 2009
  2. casimus


    May 30, 2009
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    FYI I put my Aspire in a magnetic motorcycle tank bag (like an idiot) and left it in there for about 3-4 hours. Lots of magnets in the entire base of the bag. Crossed my fingers when I turned it on and it's fine. If it survived this, A little magnetic catch shouldn't be a problem in my opinion.
    Smitty, May 30, 2009
  3. casimus


    Apr 27, 2009
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    Wow! Sounds as though you have been fortunate there, suffering no ill effects.
    I have learnt that MAC Powerbooks now have a magnetic catch, so Apple must think they are safe too.

    My web searching shows that a fair bit of concern remains about the possible risks of maagnetic catches. I guess that will remain so unless the manufacturers are prepared to confirm they are safe.

    casimus, Jun 10, 2009
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