Acer aspire timelinex 5820TG HDMI issue

Discussion in 'Acer' started by clarkkent420, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. clarkkent420


    Jan 25, 2011
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    I have no sound on my TV with HDMI cable, still have sound on my laptop and that's really bad. Cant even find hdmi-output in sound device. Im startin to get pissed off, cuz it hasn't work properly anytime.
    But sometimes randomly the sound works and i can find HDMI output in my device manager. Im shocked that i even get any picture on my tv usin hdmi. I have lost faith in acer after i bought this laptop.

    I have reinstalled windows and all drivers still not workin.

    And sometimes my mousepointer glitch when i play games and dissapear. My friend have an EXACTLY same laptop with same issues.

    I have tried everything, this 5820TG is really an broken computer. Over'n out.

    clarkkent420, Jan 25, 2011
  2. clarkkent420


    Jan 25, 2011
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    clarkkent420, Jan 25, 2011
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