Acer Aspire 1810TZ - Driver for Crystal Eye Webcam

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by nilsvs, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. nilsvs


    Sep 9, 2011
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    Driver For Crystal Eye Webcam.

    I have an acer aspire 1810TZ with integrated webcam (windows 7 64 bit). When it boots The Device manager detects an "unknown device" in the USB controller section with the error message "windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems (Code 43)"

    Since the Crystal Eye Webcam does not launch when crystaleye.exe is launched I suspect the unknown device is the webcam.

    I have tried uninstalling the device in Device Manager, switching off computer, removing all USB connections and rebooting without success. The unknown device is still detected. Automatically searching for the updated driver responds with "the best driver for your device is already installed".

    I have tried installing all 3 camera device drivers listed (chicony, liteon, suyin) on the acer support site

    The chicony driver does not install. The setup instructions are in Japanese with no clear instruction . Whereas neither the liteon or syin drivers work since they both deliver the message "the video web camera isn't found! Please plug in the camera and try installation again."

    There are no other issues with the laptop.

    Any suggestions or input gratefully received.

    Many thanks.
    nilsvs, Sep 9, 2011
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