locz and entz temps shooting from 38c to 85c having to reboot.

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by ray webb, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. ray webb

    ray webb

    Feb 11, 2015
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    Hi can anybody tell me what locz and entz temps refer to since changing motherboards in hp 4540s i have been having what seems to be over heating problems were has the fan kicks in after so long and cursor lag which makes laptop unusable until rebooted. Installed cupid hwmonitor which shows locz and entz temps shooting from around 38c to 85c have I purchased a faulty mobo applied thermal paste to cpu and gpu plate on three separate occasions just in case I got it wrong first and second time didn't use any kind of liquid cleaner because paste came off pretty easy with a micro fiber cloth is that were I have gone wrong the processors seemed very clean and not warm to touch any advice appreciated.
    ray webb, Feb 11, 2015
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