Check Hardware, Disable Bios Memory, 0x00000077, 0XC000000E

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by ohlittlecourt, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. ohlittlecourt


    Dec 23, 2008
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    I have an Acer 5100 I bought two years ago. I started using an external hard drive recently, and ever since, my computer has been crashing like crazy. I get two different screens. One if a blue screen that starts with Kernel_Stack_Inpage_Error, then asks that I check my system hardware, uninstall any recently installed hardware, disable BIOS memory and BIOS caching and shadowing. Another paragraph down it says Stop: and a series of letters, the first line being 0X00000077, then in parenthesis, the sequence (0XC000000E, 0XC000000E, 0X00000000, 0X04F8E000)

    Sometimes, I'll go into Safe Mode and try to restart it by changing few things around, or even go back to defaults, and nothing helps, it'll get going again and crash. Whenever I used to plug or unplug via USB then I knew it would crash. I also get a black screen telling me to hit <f1> to continue, which it tells me about a recent hardware issue, or <f2> to go into safe mode.

    I've had my hard drive replaced, my fan cleaned out, and I'm not sure what else to do from here. HELP! :shock:
    ohlittlecourt, Dec 23, 2008
  2. ohlittlecourt


    Dec 23, 2008
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    I also have another error. After it crashes at the blue screen, I restart it by holding down the power button, it beeps twice, then takes me to a black screen that reads:

    Pheonis TrustedCore(tm) NB
    Copyright 1985-2005 Phoenix Technologies Ltd.

    System BIOS Version: V3.10A
    VGA Bios Version: ATI UMA V008.050I.017.000.18675
    CPUO = AMB Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-50

    640 System Ram Passed
    766M Extended RAM passed
    512 KB L2 Cache
    System Bios Shadowed
    Video Bios shadowed
    Fixed Disk 0: ST9x*r3a` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
    Mouse initilazed
    0200: Failure fixed disk 0

    Press <f1> to resume, <f2> to setup.

    When I hit F2 it takes me to safe mode, when I hit f1, it takes me to another black screen that runs a few lines:

    (A blinking white cursor for a moment, then suddenly the words appear) it says something about a PXE-E61: Media Test Failure, it goes away pretty fast and then it's just the blinking white cursor in the upper left corner of a black screen.

    HEEELP! :idea:
    ohlittlecourt, Dec 23, 2008
  3. ohlittlecourt


    Oct 6, 2008
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    Could be the hard drive controller on your mobo.
    Just to make sure its not the memory I would run Prime95 for a night and see if it fails (shouldnt though).
    Well in both circumstances theres not much you can do I think. I would contact Acer to have it serviced..
    Also, seeing that this forum is specific to the AspireOne, I would suggest you have a look in other Acer forums and see if it is a known issue (doubt it) of that model.
    nmesisca, Dec 23, 2008
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